Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I really want to try this method, but only being able to do 100-150 at a time is such a small scale. I'd love to get that up a lot higher. Are there any other rotary tumblers that will produce the same results, just in greater quantities?

I will be using this to clean 223 brass.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Good god...there's definitely a price difference there. So there's nothing in between?</div></div>

If you're feeling adventurous, try a Google search for 'home made brass tumbler' or 'home made rock tumbler'. Hint: think 'small cement mixer'
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah Dan that's how they look!

It still amazes me every time I take the lid off the tumbler after several years.



Terry, I think we need a disclaimer about the SS media though. It seems after you see how clean they come out you have this urge to keep buying dirty brass just to see the end result
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Here's a other question, since the thumlers are highspeed and only take about 4 hours for this addicting shine, I'm guessing the bigger ones won't tumble as fast. So if it takes 4 hours for 250-300 cases in the thumlers vs 8 hours in the bigger tumbler for twice as many cases, I wouldn't really be gaining anything.

So maybe just start with the thumlers or maybe add another one down the line that could be going simultaneously.

EDIT: I looked on eBay per someones advice and found these :
anyone have any experience? They don't list the HP of the motors, but I'm sure I could call and ask. Also the tumbler cylinders are cylindrical instead of polygonal as seen on most others. They claim it's faster but I couldn't find any proof to back that up. Come to think of it this is the first time I've ever seen one that's not polygonal.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I do not recommend round barrel tumblers! If you watch thru a clear lid the brass slides on the drum surface and does not get "tumbled" thru the media. Watch the video that Palmik posted of his tumbler in action! The octagonal barrel flips the brass over and over thru the media. The round barrel tumblers do not do this!

If your planning on making one out of pipe. I would suggest welding in 4 pieces of angle to agitate the brass.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Mine will be 14" pentagon x 20"lg this will be a 10 gallon cap. I'll build the chassis so it can handle what ever I put in it. The motor will 1/2 hp 1725rpm with variable speed controller.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TinKnocker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mine will be 14" pentagon x 20"lg this will be a 10 gallon cap. I'll build the chassis so it can handle what ever I put in it. The motor will 1/2 hp 1725rpm with variable speed controller. </div></div>

Thats 80lbs of water plus probably 20lbs of media!

Don't drop it on your foot! LOL!! Hell lifting my thumlers sometimes seems heavy. 100lbs + Brass weight! Holy shit!

Hernia check anyone!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the model b tumblers? </div></div>

Yes, that is what he is running along with most all the guys that are using the SS media!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Lucky ive been reading up on this post.

I was considering a Lortone tumbler however after reading that the round barrels dont tumble as well as the octagon shapes for obvious reason, I may now have to stick with the thumler.

Terry, i think its going to be an issue getting SS media to australia so i may have to source it locally... Total bummer dude, this stuff is $$$ over here... check these prices out

Thumbler Model B $440 AU ($400 US)
SS Media 5Lb $120 AU ($110 US)

So this setup is going to cost me $550 US! How much is it coming to all up roughly for you lucky buggers in the US?

Another quick question, answers will be much appreciated.

For some deranged reason it seems to be an issue getting SS media over here to Australia, especially media with pins in it. So the only stuff i can seem to find is SS shot mixed with angle cut shots. Do you feel this will be sufficient to clean the cases?

Im feeling it will be, perhaps primer pockets may miss the obvious scrubbing, but im guessing 4 hours in a suspended mixture of water, soap and ss media would at least clean out the primer holes by the simple action of the liquid alone.

What are your thoughts on this?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

For the price of the tumblers over there I would just make my own, there have been a few threads on how to do it.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


Have you contacted Mark? I am sure he will ship to you he will try to help you out with the media! As for the tumbler? There are lots for $163 US. I am not sure if the ship to down under or not! Do not se why they would not? It's not classified materails by any means! Check! There are several links to suppliers. All you can do is ask!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Terry, are you referring to the Model B tumblers (the high speed versions) for $163? If so, could you provide links or point me in that direction? Thanks.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is the highspeed version really that important? Does it really cut the time down for tumbling? </div></div>

Yes it does make a difference. The units are NOT the High speed versions at HW.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Ok Just returned from Iraq and I received the SS media and a shiny new Thumler's. Time to clean some brass! I used 1 oz. (measured) of Dawn foaming dish soap. I opened the bottle and poured it in a measuring cup, I have not tried to squirt the foam in the tumbler yet.I let her spin for about 3-4 hrs. and they came out very clean and shiny ! Now what to do with the 15lbs. of walnut media ??
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LARMIKE</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok Just returned from Iraq and I received the SS media and a shiny new Thumler's. Time to clean some brass! I used 1 oz. (measured) of Dawn foaming dish soap. I opened the bottle and poured it in a measuring cup, I have not tried to squirt the foam in the tumbler yet.I let her spin for about 3-4 hrs. and they came out very clean and shiny ! Now what to do with the 15lbs. of walnut media ?? </div></div>

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

The Truck just dropped-off the 10 Lb. of SS Rod today on the front step today.
So, Quick Q-? . <span style="font-weight: bold">Anybody doing the SS Rod mix with a similar Volume capacity Drum ?</span>
My lapidary rubber Drum<span style="font-weight: bold"> holds ( 2.25 Gal. ) of water volume.</span>
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Balkandom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mark, got the 10lbs of media today, Thank You!! </div></div>

Well!! It's been 4hrs since your post! Do you have clean brass yet!! LOL

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

holy crap the water get's Black . & that black is what is going into the Walnut media when I use it. ...Wow .
I threw 4lb's of brass into the ss rod media and now I will only using Walnut now for just touching-up loaded Rounds from case lube after re-loadng .
The SS Rod KicksAss . Where was this stuff 20 years ago ?
The stuff has some Carbon content to it . As it is attracted to the Magnet . That is Real Nice because what you spill on wash-out . You can very quickly and easily grab it up with the magnet . I like that
Don't know if it's a rust problem at all being that it's has a Carbon content ? . if there was some corrosion/rust on the Rod after sitting a spell being damp . I guess you just Tumble it wet against itself. Rinse it off, and It's Shinny Rod again .
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: softcock</div><div class="ubbcode-body">holy crap the water get's Black . & that black is what is going into the Walnut media when I use it. ...Wow .
I threw 4lb's of brass into the ss rod media and now I will only using Walnut now for just touching-up loaded Rounds from case lube after re-loadng .
The SS Rod KicksAss . Where was this stuff 20 years ago ?
The stuff has some Carbon content to it . As it is attracted to the Magnet . That is Real Nice because what you spill on wash-out . You can very quickly and easily grab it up with the magnet . I like that
Don't know if it's a rust problem at all being that it's has a Carbon content ? . if there was some corrosion/rust on the Rod after sitting a spell being damp . I guess you just Tumble it wet against itself. Rinse it off, and It's Shinny Rod again .
. </div></div>

1) The media does not rust.

2) If you don't rinse the media off after you're finished and you let the carbon residue dry on there I'm told it will stick to the media.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Thanks Mark, got my 10 lbs. on 3/6/2010ad, i immediately got out the T.T. filled it half full of 5X fired 5.56mm NATO brass, added 5 lbs. of SS media, added water till it was about 1" over the brass, then an unmeasured squirt of Dawn (as it turned out, too much) sealed the T.T. turned it on, 3 hours later i opened it and nothing but very thick foam appeared, scooping it off and removing a handful of brass.., WoW ! very clean and water soap mix was <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-size: 14pt">BLACK !</span></span> then i found two cases from the handful had pins stuck in the case mouth and not too clean inside the case on about half of them (i will re-tumble them later) after draining and rinsing several times, put the whole batch on a stainless tray and into the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, reduced the heat to 150 for half hour (not long enough, some were still wet inside) used a donut magnet from a burned out micro wave magnetron to remove SS pins, big mistake !! then put the remaining brass in my Dillon media separator, (best method) after the separation, i discovered about 50 rounds had pins stuck in case mouth, removed them, inspected several handsful and about half were clean inside, the others dirty but cleaner than corn cob or walnut.

i am fairly pleased with my first experience with the SS media, but need to refine my process.

BTW, has anyone else had the experience of pins sticking in the .224 cal. cases ?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: softcock</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Two thumbs-Up for .
( 1 Teaspoon ) of Cascade Auto Dish wash powder with Hot Tap water .
. </div></div>

Post some pictures of the cascade cleaned brass! Your the first I have heard that has used it!

Everyone is trying different soaps and cleaners!

If its better than dish soap (Dawn, Joy, and Palmolive), Please post more!

You got my interest!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I don't think I would do that, a rag with bore cleaner or alcohol does just fine.

I was thinking about the dryer box, it would seem to me that the fan mounted in the lid of the ammo can would draw the hot air up across the brass and decrease drying time, of course small air holes would need to cut in the bottom of the can.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't think I would do that, a rag with bore cleaner or alcohol does just fine.

I was thinking about the dryer box, it would seem to me that the fan mounted in the lid of the ammo can would draw the hot air up across the brass and decrease drying time, of course small air holes would need to cut in the bottom of the can. </div></div>

THAT sounds like a great idea, the oven method seems to not dry the insides very well at 200 deg. for 20 minutes i think i will crank up the heat to 300 deg. for 10 minutes then turn it down too 200 deg. for 20 minutes.

BTW i love your tag line, may i borrow it ??
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Piston Pete</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't think I would do that, a rag with bore cleaner or alcohol does just fine.

I was thinking about the dryer box, it would seem to me that the fan mounted in the lid of the ammo can would draw the hot air up across the brass and decrease drying time, of course small air holes would need to cut in the bottom of the can. </div></div>

THAT sounds like a great idea, the oven method seems to not dry the insides very well at 200 deg. for 20 minutes i think i will crank up the heat to 300 deg. for 10 minutes then turn it down too 200 deg. for 20 minutes.

BTW i love your tag line, may i borrow it ?? </div></div>

Careful how hot you get that brass so you don't start annealing it.

Patience is a virtue in this game sometimes, 200 @ 40 mins would do just fine and you're not getting into the higher temps. Keep in mind that most kitchen ovens are a "bang bang" temp controller, meaning that they spike in temps and float around an average.

300 is really more like 300 +/- 25 deg.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I was thinking about the dryer box, it would seem to me that the fan mounted in the lid of the ammo can would draw the hot air up across the brass and decrease drying time, of course small air holes would need to cut in the bottom of the can. </div></div>

I was in the process of making a new drying box and was going to do just that! As soon as the new fan gets in I was going to measure and cut out the lid on my new can! However, the current way gets it done overnight and I don't have to worry about my little boy sticking his fingers into the fan.

The new can is for a buddy! When I get it done I will post Pict's.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Annealing brass in the oven is not a method I suggest! Sure your temp control says 200f but is that what the brass is seeing??? If you have a electric stove the heating element at the top kicks on and off to maintain what you dialed. However, the brass may have a temperature spike due to convection. Also, there is no air movement in the oven thus making it harder for the moisture to escape out if the cases.

With the drying can and a light bulb I know from putting a temperature probe into the can that it maintains a constant temp. Also the fan moves the moisture out of the cases.

Poll results for those who cannot see them as of 3/11/2010.


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I set the oven @ the lowest possible setting - 135-140F for a couple hourse on 'Pure Convection' to get some air moving. They come out bone friggin' dry. I also drilled a drain/air hole in the bottom of each hole in the red MTM reloading trays I use. Seems to work fine.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

its amazing... you don't Evan believe how well this does than you say well i will try it, after months of reading and listening to others talk about it.. so than you do...


here is a promass to one person out there if you try this and don't like it send me your tumbler and SS media and I will send you my 2500 PRO-MAG vibe tumbler and whats left of my Dillon Precision walnut media.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Careful how hot you get that brass so you don't start annealing it.

Patience is a virtue in this game sometimes, 200 @ 40 mins would do just fine and you're not getting into the higher temps. Keep in mind that most kitchen ovens are a "bang bang" temp controller, meaning that they spike in temps and float around an average.

300 is really more like 300 +/- 25 deg. </div></div>

thank you sir, i'll definitely keep that temp. a bit lower for a longer period of time, i can not wait till the outdoor temps around here start warming up, so i can air & Sun dry the cases, we have been having highs in the 50s & 60s for the past couple weeks when it should be cracking the upper 70s & low 80s.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I think it works good with a little Cascade hot water & a little dish soap together. I been trying a few cleaners and little Good dish soap seems to be necessary as a base in the solution.
BUT when you are scouring under the kitchen sink to experiment with different types cleaners. Whatever you do <span style="font-size: 17pt"><span style="font-weight: bold">( DO NOT )</span></span> try a dribble of <span style="font-size: 14pt"><span style="font-weight: bold">Murphy's Oil Soap</span></span> in your Soapy media mix. You will be sorry for that one. It will totally make your brass look like month old Range Brass that been laying in the wet grass for a couple weeks . Just A little bit of that shit will totally Screw up the finish for shinny brass .