I bought one of the 700 factory seconds with a sale price. I figured for under $300 shipped to the house, I’d give it a try.
Before the purchase, I called and talked to someone at Stockys. I asked what considered these factory seconds. The lady told me if had to do with the cosmetics and there might be some small chips. But also told me the inletting was fine and should be a drop in.
When I received the stock, there were a couple small chips, maybe BB size and smaller. Nothing that would be an issue. The stock itself felt good, didn’t feel cheap, and the feel of it reminded me of the Stockys composite accublock that I have, just a lot lighter.
As for an easy drop in, that wasn’t the case. I had to dremel some areas to get the action to drop in. Once it fit, there were high points on the tang area and the lug area which had the action rocking. I figured, no big deal, I’ll remove more material and bed those two areas. After the bedding job, everything fits like a glove.
This particular stock only comes in a black carbon fiber look. Wasn’t a fan of the look, so I did a sponge paint job on it.
I’ve have it out a few times and really enjoy shooting this gun. The stock has zero flex and kept this particular hunting rifle down in the weight zone I was looking for without spending a bunch of money.
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