I have been heavily involved with tracking the origin of the recent M8541 scopes we have seen on eBay. People have been insisting they are "stolen", and their is definatly an on going scandal with a seller not shipping the scopes after they were paid for (ebay username "CMACIAS"). However, I have a friend on the East coast that was part of that scandal and now owns several of the recent eBay scopes. After buying the scopes he contacted SB first to verify they were not stolen, then PWS, PWS said that one of the numbers was out of Lejeune. At that point he contacted NCIS to report that he owned the "stolen" scopes. He gave the agent all the numbers he currently owns and told her that he is happy to help in anyway. The one scope out of Lejeune was DMRd. Not stolen! He gave the Agent the remainder of the serial numbers and is awaiting an answer on the rest of the scopes. I will update the post as I get more info. At least one of the scopes is legit and we will see on the remainder. Hope that helps anyone in the market for these scopes.