Well yesterday was the opener for us here in the high country, Burglecutt, Goathead1086, Chubbles, and myself braved the beautiful day. We drove up to our favorite spot, parked the greaseburner, and started into the snow covered canyons. First stop was at a rock that has produced many good shots, and Rusty never seems to figure out that eventually, we will get to him. I spotted him first, so I quickly deployed the DTA .260, fired up the video camera, and introduced rusty to Fred Barnes' best creation. The sunny day was already beautiful, with the smell of pine trees warming in the sun, birds singing, cold clear streams flowing with glee. It was only sweetened by the scene of hair floating in tufts in the mountain breeze
After recovering rusty, we moved along up our soggy grass bottomed canyon, trying to keep from falling through the snow and the beaver holes. Me and Goathead1086 found some voids under the snow:
Maybe shorts werent a good idea huh?
As we made our way, Chubbles spotted another chuck, on one of our favorite rocks. It was 317yds if I recall, we prepared for a shot. SOMEBODY was a little anxious to get rounds downrange, and couldn't wait for me to push record on the video camera, or plug my ears for that matter. so you wont get to see any footage of that. but here are some pics:
Head shot, with the X47 shooting 140 Barnes match burners.
We named him stumpy, both my son and I recall shooting one last year, but he got away, but not without leaving a foot behind. This must have been him. What a survivor huh? it looked like it had been surgically done.
Weapons for the day:
DTA SRS A1 sporting a SAC 21.5 inch 6.5X47 Lapua
Burglecutt's Custom 700 in a Whiskey Gen 3 .260 (we call it the Hilti)
Goathead1086's custom Stiller in .223
My DTA carrying the .260 barrel.