T1X dead trigger issue


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 28, 2020
Love my T1X but having an issue lately.

A while back I installed an Elay precision spring and adjusted for a light tigger pull (I don't have a gauge) and it's been running great. However, the last two sessions I've shot, *very infrequently* I'll cycle the bolt, spent case ejects, but the trigger is completely dead. I'll press the trigger and it's completely frozen, no movement, no click, nothing. At first I thought I might be short stroking the bolt but I don't think it's the case. If I cycle the bolt again and eject the unfired round I'm right back in the game but it's less than ideal during an NRL22 match as it forces a reload (mag extensions en route).

Any ideas? Maybe a safety issue? Thanks!
LP is most likely correct. You may have to adjust the screw through the trigger guard.

Everyone "including me" wants to run on the edge with light pull weight but sometimes to get a 99-100% working trigger you have to increase the pull weight. I've had to do that with my Elftmann and Trigger Tech triggers.
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