Its not in the class they are worried about. Its after they turn you loose into the world of soccer mom's and latte drinkers, with documentation from them that you have meet the requirements to ccw.
Part of the ccw in KS involves a shooting test. You bring a Glock 19 and shoot 100% on the qual and everything is hunky-dory. You get your permit after you have shown that you know the rules/laws, and have show some form of skill at using a handgun. The gun works, and shoots where you point it.
So you decide to change your carry pistol to something else down the road. There is no evidence that you ever shot it, much less passed the state required qual with it. If you get "involved" with this other gun, and things go horribly wrong, the instructors may have an "out" when it comes to some portion of the coming legal actions.
"Yes, we did train the defendant. He passed both the state written test, and the state qualification shooting test with a Glock 19, 9mm S#abc123, with a score of 100%"
"Can you explain to the jury, how after receiving training from you,and qualifying with a 100% score, the defendant shot and killed three bystanders, never once hitting his assailant?"
"The defendant was using the gun that we trained him on to pass the state course, which you will recall was a Glock 19, 9mm S#abc123. At the time of the incident, I believe evidence shows that the defendant was carrying/using/shooting a (enter whatever you want here). This is not the gun that we trained him on, and it is not the gun that he used to pass the state course. I think that the technician from the forensics lab testified that the gun used was not properly "zeroed" and rounds fired from it would impact three feet left of the point of aim at the distances in the shooting."
CYA increased = Liability reduced