The Childrens' Crusade, Because The Left Is Never Quite Underhanded Enough


Beware of the Dildópony!
Full Member
Jun 15, 2008
Apparently, adults are supposed to shut up and do what they're told to do by teenagers. Which, of course, is being fomented by people older than their own grandparents.

Three hours and thirty minutes into it, and they're chanting. It sounds like they're saying "We Want Chains."

But no, they're really saying "Change."

And they're not really asking.

Get used to a long, long nasty fight.

This isn't about ARs, AKs, 30-round magazines, or nasty-looking features. They want everything.
Saw a relevant one this morning..
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IMHO we have 2 to 4 years before these $%#stains start voting.

A buddy had the pleasure of meeting some of these at a smaller local gathering out side of GUN shop. was trying to be polite but after being blocked from store door, called several of them parakeets, since eveyone one of them was spouting the same shit and had their parents there saying the same, just not as calmly . Short version he told them " so you want to use your 1st to take away my 2nd and 4th " the last comment made to the parents was that " re-evaluating my view of right to life , since most of you here should have been flushed " knowing this guy I am sure he was more vocal than he admitted to LOL . either way a good one liner
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When children misbehave, someone has to discipline them, back to behaving. When those children's parents encourage the misbehavior, who will discipline them ?
When someone does try to discipline them and they both pitch a tantrum that approaches anarchy, that then both affects and disrupts the whole, who steps in and says enough ?

When no one says "enough" and the down spiral continues until the economy is damaged and the "whole" suffers further losing property, income, security, and quality of life, who is going to stand up and say, "enough" ?

You back a dog in a corner long enough, it will bite the f out of you.... who's going to tell the children to leave the dog alone ? Who's going to teach them to respect the dog?
Seems the children don't see the need for dogs and would happily see them put to sleep.

How many of you recognize the corner yet ?

Based on historical precedent, those children are heralds to the second coming of the black Maria's and the next little corporal..

Corner ?
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IMHO we have 2 to 4 years before these $%#stains start voting.

A buddy had the pleasure of meeting some of these at a smaller local gathering out side of GUN shop. was trying to be polite but after being blocked from store door, called several of them parakeets, since eveyone one of them was spouting the same shit and had their parents there saying the same, just not as calmly . Short version he told them " so you want to use your 1st to take away my 2nd and 4th " the last comment made to the parents was that " re-evaluating my view of right to life , since most of you here should have been flushed " knowing this guy I am sure he was more vocal than he admitted to LOL . either way a good one liner

I was reading an article just now about the 500,000 who showed up in DC for this spectacle, and it occurred to me that it was a similar number of bedwetters who showed up to block the security gates on Trump's inauguration day so that we couldn't be there in significant numbers.

I do hope that this doesn't become a commonly employed tactic, as I see the ensuing beatings to be long and unmerciful.
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What is most concerning - the Nation does not actively recognize these events for what they are - mass brainwashing in order to influence the public narrative and ultimately policy and law.

The USA has been undergoing mass brainwashing since the end of WW2.

MSM and Hollywood have been the primary means of Operation Mockingbird
Mocking bird.jpg

Mika B.jpg

Anderson Cooper.jpg

Casey quote.jpg


Social Media was created by the Gov to extract info and brainwash. Just like these little "like" buttons - people get a little hit of dopamine from them (oh goody, someone agrees and thinks my comment was worth something). People begin to comport themselves to get that pavlovian hit.

What is most concerning - the Nation does not actively recognize these events for what they are - mass brainwashing in order to influence the public narrative and ultimately policy and law.

The USA has been undergoing mass brainwashing since the end of WW2.

MSM and Hollywood have been the primary means of Operation Mockingbird
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Social Media was created by the Gov to extract info and brainwash. Just like these little "like" buttons - people get a little hit of dopamine from them (oh goody, someone agrees and thinks my comment was worth something). People begin to comport themselves to get that pavlovian hit.

First Ive heard of Operation Mockingbird. Thats fucked up, but not surprising.. its sickening seeing these pussies begging for their rights to be stripped from them.
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The USA has been undergoing mass brainwashing since the end of WW2.

Actually the mass brainwashing and propaganda started around the WWI timeframe with Woodrow Wilson and his buddies and the start of the fundamental changing and corruption of this country by those that hated the freedom that America stood for.
Woodrow Wilson was the first "Manchurian Candidate" and set in motion the foundation for destroying American freedom at the behest of his paymasters.

Goebbels only hoped he could emulate the effectiveness of the American Masters of public propaganda.

Once you start researching things, it's amazing how much of everything you take for granted as "American Culture" and "American Values" is actually the result of propaganda that somebody paid for and pushed through.
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My son will grow up understanding what this country was founded on, what his rights are and why they're important. He's only 2 but I still explain these things to him all the time.