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The Fix from Q

Last time I taked to proof they said it was q’s inventory so I would have to go through them. I am surprised someone can’t manufacture the part. I just think the time is not worth it.

Heck I wouldn’t mind a 308 green mountain barrel, just not at inflated prices

Q said to contact them about a barrel.
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I just "visited" my new Fix rifle with 24" Proof 6.5 Creedmoor barrel at my FFL. Damn it's beautiful. It's now in the California mandated 10 day waiting period. After waiting almost 10 months, I guess 10 more days won't kill me :)

I'm impressed at how tight the folding stock locks open. I wasn't able to close it until I put the rifle on the ground and gave the stock a good whack right behind the hinge. Is this normal? Does anyone put anti-seize or lube on the slanted locking surfaces?
I just "visited" my new Fix rifle with 24" Proof 6.5 Creedmoor barrel at my FFL. Damn it's beautiful. It's now in the California mandated 10 day waiting period. After waiting almost 10 months, I guess 10 more days won't kill me :)

I'm impressed at how tight the folding stock locks open. I wasn't able to close it until I put the rifle on the ground and gave the stock a good whack right behind the hinge. Is this normal? Does anyone put anti-seize or lube on the slanted locking surfaces?
Glad you got to visit it. It will be worth the wait. I love mine with the proof barrel.

Folding the stock seems stiff/hard at first, but once you figure out the trick to it it seems to fold easy. I find it easiest to hold the grip loosely with my right hand and using my thumb, pull the stock down to disengage the locking mechanism. Then simply swing it closed. Play with it a few times and it should become second nature.
When you do get it in your possession, I recommend dry-fire practicing and running the bolt to get used to the 45 degree throw. I found myself constantly trying to over rotate the bolt handle when I first took it out to the range.
Nah bolt lift isn’t an issue.
Mags are still an issue.
I love mine, picked up a 24” 308 proof research barrel from Tag Firearms and it’s an absolute tack driver. Haven’t had an issue with magazines and feeding from sr-25 pmags. I did just send in the bolt for the heavy lift issue. I took the bolt apart and there was some galling caused by the bolt handle on the bolt shroud. Wish I had taken pics before I sent it. Other than that it’s a great rifle
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Picked up a rare 308 proof barrel and it was worth every penny. Groups below are shot at 200 yards with 175 GMM


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I played around with an MPR at the 2018 SHOT show and was unimpressed. Rem 700 clone action that was rough and I've seen more than a few threads here at the Hide regarding their carbon fiber barrels not shooting well after heating up. I have a Fix and you really can't compare the two. Despite Q's douche bag CEO, the engineering and customer service I've experienced has been top notch. I sent mine back to address the heavy bolt lift, where it spent all of a day at Q and the rest of the time in transit. The only thing that concerns me is whether they'll be around in a few years if they keep expanding their product line via pre-orders while not really being able to keep up with the demand on their current offerings.

We have gotten rid of dead weight and under-performers. We are rich and will certainly be around for a long time. We have significant backorders, bc the product is just that good and innovative.

Glad you like your gun. Don't care what you think of me,
I looked around quite a bit and still went with Q. Haven’t received my Mini yet, not sure what their interpretation of the word “soon” is either.

The features of the Q Fix platform are hard to replicate elsewhere at the same price from what I have seen. So we wait and hope the real brains at Q can keep up with the bullshit promises KB continues to make. It’s his company, money, and reputation on the line and I hope he gets it right. Maybe I just don’t want to admit I drank the Kool Aid...
BS claims?
KB is too busy hyping up the Sugar Weasel and Honey Badger even though they don't want to be "just another AR company" :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:

On a more serious note though - they practically have a license to print money right now with how it seems most their stuff is well liked - it's hard to blame him for just trying to get their main products out the door. The 20 of us who are whining about this or that on here just don't really register on their radar.
Fuck you. And we are working on accessories for THE Fix. :)
I know, he is a self proclaimed arsehole and living up to it. I'm having discussions with others on ways around this barrel extension issue and get some more barrels out there but it all seems to lead back to him in one way or another. Aparently, APA might have the ability to get them but I don''t want a Broughton barrel and I read the Proof barrels are now button rifled so at this point I guess we wait for the god KB to deem subjects worthy of his holiness.
Remington will happily sell you a gun.
I believe there is a lawsuit that will settle this but everyone (except Kevin obviously) are under Non Disclosure Agreements and can’t say anything until the lawsuits are done.

I know for certain that what is said in that post is not true, it will all come out in the end!! A few barrels out of hundreds is not 58% and Q was compensated for said barrels!!

Maybe Kevin is watching his Ex Wife through his scope to much..
Every .308 barrel for B/T had to be reworked. They sucked.
This thread is titled wrong, it's The GIMMICK Rifle from Q!?

Guys, stick to competent gunsmiths most of whom offer half MOA guarantees and most importantly offer integrity and quality customer service.

EDIT: I'll edit the original post since i haven't personally used the service at Q, because after reading the 36 pages in this thread who would!?
Gimmick? How?
Cruising the forum late at night insulting customers, blaming prior business partners for past failures, and insulting the competitions products. Oh the integrity however can I possibly keep my cash in my wallet. When I see this kind of strong character from a company it just makes want to preorder something and send the guy some of my money regardless of an undisclosed lead time, regardless of the customer complaints, regardless of the bait and switch with the Bartlien barrels even with no company phone number listed on the website because Kevin would take my money but not my call.
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We are going to try to produce the best stuff for you guys and provide the best long term service. We hired SH's beloved Bartlien/Tooley, and they produced shit and a price no one can afford. They might be good for a couple of barrels, but not production. Tooley started sourcing his work without our knowledge, etc. It sucked. Their barrels sucked. We will continue to refine and grow and partner responsibly.
My my my KB. This is some funny shit. Pressure getting to you?
i want the fix in 8.6 when they come out and will go to shop to build if they still have it then . Question: will it come as a Pistol with a 12" barrel?
Bought a Trash Panda and it needs a sibling
I must love drama as I went back and reread this last string of posts.

Usually when I sip the bourbon I end up going back through my posts and PMs to see what I bought and where I need to send some money.

All drama aside I have a Fix with a DT Proof that I bought for myself that has been claimed by my son and I liked it enough to purchase another one through the PX if damn mail would get my check delivered. These make great handling truck guns.

Hoping KB has a big Bloody Mary going about now and these kind words will land a PM in my inbox from KB letting me know that he has a barrel extension or two for me. ?
Good to see you back again.
Are you guys going to do a 20moa top rail for the fix?
Really looking forward to the different bolt handles you teased in some pictures a while back and the wider butt pad. Oh and the bipod. Are only of these things coming it first half of this year or end of the year?
Thank you.
All of those items should be available this year.
Cruising the forum late at night insulting customers, blaming prior business partners for past failures, and insulting the competitions products. Oh the integrity however can I possibly keep my cash in my wallet. When I see this kind of strong character from a company it just makes want to preorder something and send the guy some of my money regardless of an undisclosed lead time, regardless of the customer complaints, regardless of the bait and switch with the Bartlien barrels even with no company phone number listed on the website because Kevin would take my money but not my call.
I don't want your money or call. However, Remington has a phone and has a lay-away program...