Start mass testing and selective quaranteene county by county
start with less populated/infected first, Its quite likely you have large populations without single infection at this stage, so why wait till infection spreads.
separate infected and potentials and declare the tested countys virus free .enforce travel restrictions in and out of such .
limit the movement to county bounds till other areas are processed , in this maner you could systematicaly get things back up and runing , rurals first and big cities last .
Devise a priority system to get the manufacturing back on line again with similar system ,first picking the smaller easyer to do manufacturing sites most vital to the crisis economy and surrouning counties for the workforce.
Organise the logistics for running in and out of infected areas ,first by selecting and logistic hubs needed and if required do special convoys for supply of most heavily afected areas (every miltary had this capabilty in cold war when NBC warfare was a thing) , stop playing stupid wargames in Europe and policing poor brown folks around the world and bring the forces back to do the work at home.
So instead of having a whole coutry in months of lockdown (Italian scenario) doing nothing but waiting for goverment paycheck while economy colapses .you could get large parts of the country up and runing in couple of weeks. speed of creating virus free zones is down to testing capacity and infection levels in counties , counties with low to no infected numbers could start going back to normal soon. Longer the wait more the infection spreads out of the mayor population centers.
At present most countries are runing the same playbook applying ever more progressive lockdown and wait and see if the infection rate levels off. That could take months to have desired effect and in the meantime everthing grinds to a halt.