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Night Vision TNVC Announces the WASP NV Clip-On Device

The company that I ordered from has been great. They seem to be as frustrated as I am.

I've been told multiple times that my order is "on its way."

I got a PM from TNVC stating that I could request a refund from them. No apology or explanation for the delay. No timeline on when they will be shipping products. Of course at this point, any timeline they offered would likely be a fabrication...


I wouldn't stand for that B. S.!! Get your refund, go with a FLIR t70 thermal.
Be patient, delay,s are everywhere right now. Vic at tnvc is the best and most know that.

What do you mean when you say everywhere? I have spoken with multiple distributors (own the night, NV depot, ect..) that have units ready to ship...

Forgot, you guys in Hawaii know all about delay's

Does any of TNVC's following have any informational FACTS?

I mean come on... Even if you said you haven't had enough per-orders to pay for completing R&D and start production it would be better received than "ya'll just hold on a few more weeks, we want this thing to be perfect"

Don't know how it can be perfect if you don't plan for the end product to be waterproof...
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Vic, what's the deal man? Last I heard the mount was the hold up but that was months ago. When are they going to be available?? Like a date to expect it, not in a month or so. If TNVC is making this product and has revealed it to everyone then they should know when they can sell it.....

Im not trying to be a jerk. I'm just a customer that wants a straight answer....
Vic, what's the deal man? Last I heard the mount was the hold up but that was months ago. When are they going to be available?? Like a date to expect it, not in a month or so. If TNVC is making this product and has revealed it to everyone then they should know when they can sell it.....

Im not trying to be a jerk. I'm just a customer that wants a straight answer....

Vic is out of town so, I will field this.

The straight answer is…we are not ready to release it. We will not release it, until we believe it to be as perfect as we can get it. That process will not be rushed by Us, our Engineers, Customers or potential Customers. If we allowed that, we would be doing all of them a disservice. Consequently, we will not give you a date, until we know one. It was revealed and, it is being produced. However, we are torture testing and making modifications to things that we think need to be done. DAILY, something is being done with this product. While we think we are close, we never know what the next round of tests will reveal. The modifications, to this point, have been slight but, they have increased performance and accuracy. We will continue with them, until satisfied. If you have a critical need that has an associated timeline, we will be happy to provide you with some alternative choices. We do appreciate everyone’s patience, as we finalize an exciting and cost effective product.
Vic is out of town so, I will field this.

The straight answer is…we are not ready to release it. We will not release it, until we believe it to be as perfect as we can get it. That process will not be rushed by Us, our Engineers, Customers or potential Customers. If we allowed that, we would be doing all of them a disservice. Consequently, we will not give you a date, until we know one. It was revealed and, it is being produced. However, we are torture testing and making modifications to things that we think need to be done. DAILY, something is being done with this product. While we think we are close, we never know what the next round of tests will reveal. The modifications, to this point, have been slight but, they have increased performance and accuracy. We will continue with them, until satisfied. If you have a critical need that has an associated timeline, we will be happy to provide you with some alternative choices. We do appreciate everyone’s patience, as we finalize an exciting and cost effective product.

Please dont take this the wrong way but your post is a complete contradiction of everything posted to date about the wasp not to mention coming off as unsympathetic and rude towards your customers. When it was originally posted/released on here by Vic, the production version was said to be the version at SHOT. Then the delays began which were attributed to the mount availability with no mention of items still in design or being tested. Now your post clearly describes quite a few changes in the product itself which indicates that you we not producing them for sale as previously stated. I hope it doesnt but I have a feeling that this post of yours is going to only upset your customers even more. Couple this with the new filmless tubes and the PVS 14RC being released and you may take more of a hit than you anticipated.

Your customers have been waiting patiently through a situation that TNVC has created but yet continues to fail at communicating honestly the status of the product.
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I for one, who happens to have one on order, am fine with waiting a bit longer for a top quality product that has had all the kinks worked out and is up to TNVC's standards. My guess, and I am only speculating here, is they won't give a date as the minute they do and they go a day past it there will be a ton of people slamming them for not hitting their projected date. I have seen people get upset with companies that give dates and miss them due to unforseen circumstances a bunch and they get no more slack than companies that don't give dates. Either way in the court of public opinion they are screwed. That being said, I for one will happily wait until Vic and crew feel the unit is ready to go as I'd rather get mine and go use it than have to send it back for repairs. How happy would anyone be if that happened to you after dropping this much coin on something? Yah, maybe they could have provided weekly updates to everyone, but lets face it, that wouldn't make everyone happy either. My suggestion is sit back, relax, and wait for a great product to be ready. When it arrives I'm confident it will be well worth the wait! Just my $.02 so take it for what its worth....
Please dont take this the wrong way but your post is a complete contradiction of everything posted to date about the wasp not to mention coming off as unsympathetic and rude towards your customers. When it was originally posted/released on here by Vic, the production version was said to be the version at SHOT. Then the delays began which were attributed to the mount availability with no mention of items still in design or being tested. Now your post clearly describes quite a few changes in the product itself which indicates that you we not producing them for sale as previously stated. I hope it doesnt but I have a feeling that this post of yours is going to only upset your customers even more. Couple this with the new filmless tubes and the PVS 14RC being released and you may take more of a hit than you anticipated.

Your customers have been waiting patiently through a situation that TNVC has created but yet continues to fail at communicating honestly the status of the product.

We deal with hundreds of customers weekly, and we never take anything the wrong way, so no worries there. Coming off unsympathetic or rude would have been completely blowing off the post and ignoring it or feeding him a lie, instead I took responsibility for addressing Surgeon_Shooter’s questions. He wanted a straight answer, and so I feel it as part of my duties representing this company to give him a straight answer, no fluff, no filler, only truth. We know that Surgeon_Shooter like many of you folks, are valued customers that purchase from us on a daily basis, and we appreciate that. I don’t think it was rude at all, but if that’s the way you interpreted it, then I sincerely apologize.

We were ready to release, we were ready to ship the first units. Thankfully, we did not, because we found a problem. Albeit a minor one, still something we were not comfortable with until we can rectify it completely. When we were correcting that problem we did small things to the unit that we thought were just going to make it that much more built like a tank or bombproof,( IE changing the type of lubricant we use in adjustable focus knob. ) We didn’t have to go back to the drawing board with that, or any other thing, it was something very minor as were many other things. We are perfectionists. We need this to be perfect. We will knit pick small things. Yes, we have had delays unrelated, that’s just the game of designing a product for mass production. I’m so sorry to everyone, but we can’t send out a product that we *hope* will perform the way we want it to.

We are not forcing anyone to buy our product, and sure we understand we may take a hit. But, we will sleep better at night knowing that we did it the right way, instead of cutting corners. If that costs us a little business, so be it. As for the pvs14 RC, it's not our product, we've never used it, so we can't really comment about it; but I can tell you that a WASP is a clip on night vision device, not a PVS-14. Two different products, two different categories, designed for two different applications. Apples and Oranges really. If folks find products that suit them better from another company while waiting on our product to come out, we understand. We don't take it personally.

Our customers have been waiting patiently, and we do appreciate that. The ones that express concern are kindly offered a refund if they have already pre-ordered. Some have already been given a refund. We have done everything we can to make it right to any customer that has money invested in this product. If anyone else is unsatisfied with this answer that placed a pre-order, feel free to call us and speak with us personally on the matter. If you want a refund, we understand and will be more than happy to honor it.

When we have a firm date, we will let you guys know. Thank you all for your patience.
I think this is the type of response your customers appreciate. If its possible, I'm sure people would be interested in hearing about the changes you are working through to give then a superior product. I think providing this information would help everyone understand the effort being put forward by TNVC vs keeping things somewhat shrouded in mystery. Thanks for your response and insight into the situation.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
We deal with hundreds of customers weekly, and we never take anything the wrong way, so no worries there. Coming off unsympathetic or rude would have been completely blowing off the post and ignoring it or feeding him a lie, instead I took responsibility for addressing Surgeon_Shooter’s questions. He wanted a straight answer, and so I feel it as part of my duties representing this company to give him a straight answer, no fluff, no filler, only truth. We know that Surgeon_Shooter like many of you folks, are valued customers that purchase from us on a daily basis, and we appreciate that. I don’t think it was rude at all, but if that’s the way you interpreted it, then I sincerely apologize.

We were ready to release, we were ready to ship the first units. Thankfully, we did not, because we found a problem. Albeit a minor one, still something we were not comfortable with until we can rectify it completely. When we were correcting that problem we did small things to the unit that we thought were just going to make it that much more built like a tank or bombproof,( IE changing the type of lubricant we use in adjustable focus knob. ) We didn’t have to go back to the drawing board with that, or any other thing, it was something very minor as were many other things. We are perfectionists. We need this to be perfect. We will knit pick small things. Yes, we have had delays unrelated, that’s just the game of designing a product for mass production. I’m so sorry to everyone, but we can’t send out a product that we *hope* will perform the way we want it to.

We are not forcing anyone to buy our product, and sure we understand we may take a hit. But, we will sleep better at night knowing that we did it the right way, instead of cutting corners. If that costs us a little business, so be it. As for the pvs14 RC, it's not our product, we've never used it, so we can't really comment about it; but I can tell you that a WASP is a clip on night vision device, not a PVS-14. Two different products, two different categories, designed for two different applications. Apples and Oranges really. If folks find products that suit them better from another company while waiting on our product to come out, we understand. We don't take it personally.

Our customers have been waiting patiently, and we do appreciate that. The ones that express concern are kindly offered a refund if they have already pre-ordered. Some have already been given a refund. We have done everything we can to make it right to any customer that has money invested in this product. If anyone else is unsatisfied with this answer that placed a pre-order, feel free to call us and speak with us personally on the matter. If you want a refund, we understand and will be more than happy to honor it.

When we have a firm date, we will let you guys know. Thank you all for your patience.

Thanks for the reply and pm sir. Honestly the first reply was kind of disappointing because it seemed like you said the same thing that I was talking about. I still didnt get a straight answer or reason really. But I was still appreciative of the answer and just kinda gave up on a reason why it's not available and when it will be Lol.

This last response from you is what I wanted. It all makes sense now!

We had been told that they were about to be ready for sale and you had already taken orders and were getting them to your dealers. Then all of a sudden your changing things on it. Well that didnt make any sense! Then months later were still lead to believe that the mount is the reason and also hear about a guy that's waiting on his to get to his dealer that was supposed to had shipped. I'm thinking, how the heck did he get his if they are still making changes??? Now I get it tho, y'all found a problem and your fixing it! Good deal! Heck you should have said that from the start, it only makes you look better. You have thousands of people wanting to buy these and you could have sold them like they were and made a killing! But nope, you decide to not sale any and possibly lose a few customers by making them wait even more to make it right and fix the issue. I like that and ill be here when it gets ready because of that.

But please share.... What WAS the issue?

To all concerned.

I've said this before and I will say it again. I do not post frequently but I want everyone to know that I am testing this product for TNVC and have been for 2 years. That means, since it was just a concept.

I have had this in my hands three times in 2 years, and I have seen it come back in a more evolved form each time. I have probably given Vic and his crew nightmares with all the critique I gave (and was asked to give.) I beat the shit out of this device at their request and tried to make it fail, so we could find its weak points. They would not sell it to you until we all said "its right."

I was told every single time "make sure you think this fits your needs and is as perfect as you could imagine. Tell us what you would change." When I did, the feedback was taken and I saw the improvement, when I got it back. Now, I have one in hand again.

The only consideration has been to make this product "perfect." That might be unattainable, but the only reason you haven't seen it being shipped is that TNVC wants it to satisfy its design intent. Since I am using these devices professionally to assist clients for over 10 years, I'm damn picky about what I need and what my clients will need and want. TNVC wanted me to be happy with it, and I have seen them improve it based upon my recommendations. I respect that in a manufacturer.

I was never paid to test this, but I am selling it as a dealer, so take that FWIW. That said, I never sell anything I have not personally tested....never. I like to give a first-hand assessment of what to expect when I sell one of these devices. It may not be the best device for everyone, but then, TNVC outfitted Wild River Ranch with other pre-Wasp devices that did fit our needs in the past, and we have become uniquely capable because of it. They are trying to fill a niche that needs filling. That is, a less expensive alternative to the PVS-22. Keep that in mind.

The panic, and some back-order of components has delayed everything since December 2012. I personally had to refund some customers' money when rifles, and magazines were not attainable, so I feel their pain.

Simply put, my experience has been that TNVC wants this device as close to perfect as is attainable, and that is the reason we are all waiting just a little longer.
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Any word? Is it getting all squared away? I've been so tempted to buy a D-740 or 60 or pvs-22 but I sure do want a WASP..... If the 740&760 were rated for 7.62x51 recoil I'd already have one!
Any word? Is it getting all squared away? I've been so tempted to buy a D-740 or 60 or pvs-22 but I sure do want a WASP..... If the 740&760 were rated for 7.62x51 recoil I'd already have one!

Surg, I have a Night Optics D-760 I got several years ago. It did not come with a caveat as to caliber, their website lists it as 50 caliber rated. Are the 760's generic in their designation. Any help with my ignorance on this would be appreciated.
Recently had the opportunity to fire a few rounds through the WASP at a local matches. I have to say I was very impressed with the quality of the build of the unit and its performance. I had both a PVS-22 and WASP in my hands just comparing them side by side, just looking through without a scope, although the tunneling effect was present, the WASP was certainly impressive for the price.
Its coming. I've already killed a hog with the WASP

For those of you that still don't believe that this device actually "exists," perhaps this should help. I've already killed a hog with the WASP, and I might just be the first human being to do it. I'm sure Vic or one of the guys will chime in, if they got another tester to kill one before I did, but Its already been in my hands 3 times, and I just sent the last production model back. It was good enough to shoot this thing right in the spine at 120 yards, with my 6.8. DRT. I like it. Its a great value for the price, and I think it will be as good as TNVC knows it needs to be. Its delayed because, like all new products that break into a unique niche, there has to be field testing and tweaking. Its that simple.

Eotech and 3X magnifier worked great to kill this pig. I will post a full report once its launched.

TNVC wanted me to say "I think its ready," that's why I've had it a few times.

ETA: I've been waiting much longer than any of the rest of you, LOL : )
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I am glad you like it, like allot of other people though I would rather have my own. Seems like so many products in general are announced at SHOT and if you are lucky you can get one just in time for their "new and improved" product at next years SHOT. This thing better be worth it!

Nice pig by the way ;)
For those of you that still don't believe that this device actually "exists," perhaps this should help. I've already killed a hog with the WASP, and I might just be the first human being to do it. I'm sure Vic or one of the guys will chime in, if they got another tester to kill one before I did, but Its already been in my hands 3 times, and I just sent the last production model back. It was good enough to shoot this thing right in the spine at 120 yards, with my 6.8. DRT. I like it. Its a great value for the price, and I think it will be as good as TNVC knows it needs to be. Its delayed because, like all new products that break into a unique niche, there has to be field testing and tweaking. Its that simple.

Eotech and 3X magnifier worked great to kill this pig. I will post a full report once its launched.

TNVC wanted me to say "I think its ready," that's why I've had it a few times.

ETA: I've been waiting much longer than any of the rest of you, LOL : )

Appreciate the update HTR707 and what seems as a very fair assessment as you see it.
Maybe it’s just me but when I read your post you don’t seem under or over whelmed with the product.
It’s a tool and you just want it to work as advertised - as does everyone else.

That said, a lot of the words you use would suggest this still is not ready to release yet but maybe on the other hand it’s as close as it CAN be…I don’t know
“Its coming, good enough, I like it, great value, I THINK it will be as good”

I’m just curious that if you just sent back the last production model, are you expecting to receive another one for more testing???
Appreciate the update HTR707 and what seems as a very fair assessment as you see it.
Maybe it’s just me but when I read your post you don’t seem under or over whelmed with the product.
It’s a tool and you just want it to work as advertised - as does everyone else.

That said, a lot of the words you use would suggest this still is not ready to release yet but maybe on the other hand it’s as close as it CAN be…I don’t know
“Its coming, good enough, I like it, great value, I THINK it will be as good”

I’m just curious that if you just sent back the last production model, are you expecting to receive another one for more testing???

First, I do not expect to get another one for testing. I was able to simply strap this unit on a rifle, check zero, then go out hunting that night on foot, and kill a pig with one shot. Other earlier test units were not that advanced. There is definite progress.

This is a tool and I don't get too emotional or use lots of superlatives when I am evaluating one. Many users will have different needs from mine, because my guide service is unique, and I have developed my own night vision and thermal-assisted hunting techniques over about 10 years. The way I hunt may not be exactly the way other users will, and I might have needs not possessed by LE, and / or military, and vice versa. So, you will rarely hear me say things like "this is the absolute best of the best X on the market...." I feel lucky to be loaned these products for testing, but at the same time, I offer these companies a real-world test with practical applications of their wares, not just a "Guns & Ammo" type article. I also do everything I can to remain objective.

I am not going to be the one that predicts a date. I don't officially speak for TNVC, but I am in collaboration with them on this and other projects, like our night defender and night hunter courses. I purchased my array of gear from them and from USNV and I have been totally satisfied with all of it. It works 100% and I've enjoyed the attentive support of TNVC, after each sale and when selling to my clients. My personal experience has been that TNVC was among the most forthright and responsive for Wild River Ranch. I have also tested lots of devices from FLIR, laser Devices, ITT / Excelis, L3, USNV, and others, so its not my first rodeo.

Its my goal here to help the rest of you, who are waiting, to see a little of what's happening behind the scenes. Its also my belief that TNVC is not going to release this unit until it is right, but there have been tremendous strides in getting this to the current iteration and I see it being released very soon.

Hope that helps
Alright Vic! I saved up the cash to get the wasp and then I spent it..... But! I have managed to save up my WASP money again lol. Do you have any type of estimate as to when? If not its cool, it don't hurt to check.

Anyone have info about any accessories that could be used with this setup. It might be kind of nice to have a sleeve or something that went inbetween the rear of the WASP and the front of the scope objective to keep out any ambient light. Would that even be needed with this setup? I know pvs22s attach to the front of the scope this way and they look awesome.
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So in one of the posts above someone quotes the price as:

$5k for a Pinnacle version and a few hundred more for the L3 tube...

...so I've got to ask, is that going to be an L3 unfilmed tube, that would better better, generally than a Pinnacle? AKA: Why would an L3 tubed unit be more expensive??
So in one of the posts above someone quotes the price as:

$5k for a Pinnacle version and a few hundred more for the L3 tube...

...so I've got to ask, is that going to be an L3 unfilmed tube, that would better better, generally than a Pinnacle? AKA: Why would an L3 tubed unit be more expensive??

Recoil rating:

I was cruising SWFA today and saw that they had the Pinnacle WASP for sale through Morovision.

Morovision WASP Clip-On Night Vision Device

Does anyone know anything about these Morovision WASPs? Is this just a TNVC model with Morovision's name on it? Also I wonder if this means that we're any closer to having the L3 model available.

Not available for purchase, pre-order or ad to let people know what is coming. As you know TNVC is a little behind schedule on the release.