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Trump/Biden debate memes

Interesting how Stewert could only come up with calling Trump an asshole and a liar as a critique for his debate performance, with no attempt at all to back up the accusation of lying. *He also conveniently ignored all the easily verifiable lies that Joe told. I'll agree that Trump's kind of an asshole, but we only know that because most career politicians learn to hide that aspect of their personality, while Trump just let's it all hang out. Metaphorically speaking.
To be fair, Stewert roasted Joe pretty good, but man... talk about some low-hanging fruit there.

*edited to add this point
I hear this all the time, and I am 100% convinced it's bullshit from what I have seen on video, but someone needs to give me proof of Trump being an asshole. All the proof I see is him being a good man, good father, good businessman. (Infidelity aside, but even that I'm not convinced isn't made up). It's just an easy excuse for all the not-so-conservative folks out there. And all the liberal idiots and MSM of course.
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Doritos already came up with the perfect snack…and synopsis…of the debate:


Someone smarter than me, and not on a phone, turn this into a debate meme…
'We were able to beat Medicare...Look, think about it.'

A performance so bad, he gets kicked out of the White House because of it. LOL

But who thought putting an 80 yr. old pedophile in the White House would backfire?