How about no tariffs at all????? that was the promise 40 years ago in the Reagan era, then Bush 1 started the NAFTA negotiations, at that point I think both parties started getting payoffs trough AMCHAM, foundations like the Clinton foundation, the Ford foundation, other "charities" etc etc. Then Bill Clinton signed what the Bush globalists started, America got sold out. trust me, we were sold down the river by both these parties. Seen Amcham at work with my own eyes, and not here in the USA either. When these agreements are negotiated they are not negotiated by business people or even anyone on our side that ever had to make payroll or earn a profit, we have corrupt apparatchiks negotiating with foreign entities who send their Warren Buffets and Gordon Gekkos.
Bernie was right, America was sold out by DC, for very little at that, unbelievable as it is, its true.
Luckily when it comes to trade, Trump got elected and seems to know what to do.
Keep this in mind, a Harley Davidson sells for 30 - 35 % more across the border in Toronto vs Buffalo, same with every American made product in Canada, and Mexico. This is not free trade. Time to hit back and hit hard, the money we save can be used for deportations and walls on both borders.
Everyone worried about their jobs, I understand you, I had the same worries when my siblings were getting laid off 25-30 years ago, I didn't hear MSM hand wringers or anyone else except Ross Perot worrying , so keep this in mind when you are bitching. Also keep in mind, what I mention above is actual fact, not some trade theory and pie in the sky sales pitch put forward by the Wall Street and DC swamps.