Hunting & Fishing tungsten bullets WARNING GRAPHIC

Re: tungsten bullets WARNING GRAPHIC

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Prairie Dog Dundee</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In Wyoming that is called a California Heart shot. </div></div>

Yep, that is it, only bad shots come from california!
Nobody anywhere else shoots bad!
Re: tungsten bullets WARNING GRAPHIC

the OP is exactly what he aimed at - an asshole.

This is the kind of boneheaded, unethical practice and gloating that gives hunting a bad rep, guns a bad rep and the kind of material that's used against ethical, sensible gun owners and hunters to take our friggin' rights away from us.

I hope you get all kinds of hellish colon and bowel cancers you fool.

Just sayin....
Re: tungsten bullets WARNING GRAPHIC

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: clc33</div><div class="ubbcode-body">next time try a neck shot its more fun and challenging plus no meat wasted. </div></div>

not sure what you hunt, but i have yet to kill a critter that didn't have muscle tissue in the neck. muscle tissue = meat. neck shot = meat wasted.

lotsa good grinder trim or stew meat in the neck.
I only use tungsten-core bullets made by Powell River Labs and now Dynamic Research Technologies. I just wanted to illustrate the terminal performance of tungsten-core bullets. The bullet, a 200gr .308 was loaded to 2900ft/sec in a .300WM case. The mule deer in the picture was hit once with the 200gr in the rear quarter while on the run from about 400yards. The lead wasn't long enough, the damage, undeniable.

picture coming....

anything new on these, Mark?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Some might call that unethical. </div></div>

Because anyone who gives a fuck about life doesn't torture it or put it through misery for fun or to post some shit online. Especially animals, pretty much at our whim and incapable of bad will, deserve better. You owe them a clean kill, you owe it to them to use all of that meat. Otherwise, leave 'em alone.

Gutshot, and proud of it enough to show off. Damn.
Because anyone who gives a fuck about life doesn't torture it or put it through misery for fun or to post some shit online. Especially animals, pretty much at our whim and incapable of bad will, deserve better. You owe them a clean kill, you owe it to them to use all of that meat. Otherwise, leave 'em alone.

Gutshot, and proud of it enough to show off. Damn.

Strykervet: I'm NOT trying to pick a fight but here is my take on this.

I don't think that deer suffered much of anything, if at all. Why? Because what you're looking at is damage so massive that shock and system overload most likely killed that beast in a matter of a few short seconds, if even that.

I think that just about everyone here has seen lung shots that cause deer to bleed out and suffer massively before dying. Having to track a wounded deer through the brush is a very typical hunting activity. And who hasn't heard stories of wounded deer or elk that ran off after being shot to never be found -or- to be shot and killed by a second hunter miles away? Which is more humane, the "instantaneous system overload & shut down" death, or the long drawn out run-till-you-can't-breath-or-bleed-anymore death?

If that was a rock chuck, ground hog or a prairie dog, most everyone here would be commenting about how awesome the shoot and bullet performance was.

If that was a towel-headed Afghan, most everyone here would be cheering. Instead, it's a deer.

But most importantly: All of this is regardless to the fact that the OP posted the picture knowing that the shot placement sucked but was intended to demonstrate the explosive powers of Bubba Bullets (Powell River Labs and now Dynamic Research Technologies tungsten powdered core bullets) on tissue.

This is not a "Look how much I made a deer suffer" picture. This is a picture of a bad shot that demonstrates the incredible and unique wound channels of the tungsten powdered core bullet technologies. The OP is one of America's best. He posted this picture to demonstrate a point, not to brag.

I've seen a 180gr ballistic tip from a .300 WBY do the same type of damage in the same area of a deer. I told my former hunting buddy to never shoot that bullet at game around me again. FORMER.
Seeing that kind of damage really makes me appreciate the all copper and bonded bullets....a lot. I recall using the old Sierra JSP bullets as a kid, which seemed like a fairly standard hunting bullet then, and the damage those caused by coming apart so violently.
I always feel like a dick when i pull a shot. A few years back i was shooting some yotes at midrange, i called the wind wrong (and probably muffed up another couple of things) and put it through the back hips. I seriously felt like shit over it.
Tungsten toxicity is real, as tungsten is not water soluble, it is seldom encountered in water, therefore it is not considered a "bad" heavy metal. When one shoots a deer with a frangible Tungsten round (one made from 100 mesh or smaller sintered poweder metal) there is a fairly good chance of ingesting some of the metal, if you are harvesting the deer to consume. I'd stay away from this type of round for game animals. While the lead in a standard lead core bullet can have a toxic effect if ingested, it is in a solid piece, easy to ID and remove. If on the other hand the lead core was a sintered (fine powder) powder, sintered via compression, and had a tendency to come apart in 10,000 dust like particles when hitting a game animal, I'd be far less likely to enjoy that meat as well.
We almost never hear of tungsten toxicity, as- until now, there hasn't been anything made of a fine tungsten powder, that could easily end up being ingested-until now. There are so many great bullets available for hunting, time proven- I'd hate to hear of even one person suffering medical problems (or worse), due to using this type of bullet on game-and ingesting enough of the heavy metal to do them harm.
in wyoming thats called wanton waste of a big game animal.they will prosocute you to the full extent of the law.quit posting pics of you bieng stupid.i will be forwarding this to an investigatore for the state of wyoming that is a friend of mine.thanks dumbass.
Wow... Nice first post there motodog. Lets join, lurk for four years, threaten and then bounce. Anyone else ever pull a shot? Anyone else ever make a bad decision while hunting? I have. I didn't know I was hanging with the Saints of the Woods. Dead is dead. I have shot deer at 150 yards, perfect in the vitals, watched them run off, and found them an hour later lying down and gasping for air. It sucks, but you knew there was a chance of that when you lined up the sights. Theres nothing humane about killing. Nothing. Theres no magical bullet that carries the deer off to fairy land to frolic with Bambi all day. If you think otherwise, skip on over to Sierra Club and sign up. The point is to minimize suffering. We cant eliminate it, only minimize it. So lets not cast stones here.
well its far from my first post there insidethestorm.ive been posting for the four years just not sure where my post count went and really dont give a shit.the op is a douche for shooting like that.i have never had an animal get away yet in 15 years of hunting i have never pulled the trigger and not gotten my animal.not to say it wont happen to me but not yet.its just sickens me to no end when people post shit like this and i dont care who they are.its not what hunting is supposed to be about. shit the most memorable hunts i have been on never even fired a shot.the past 6 years i have used nothing but amax bullets and have never had damage like that.why the hell would you want to fuck up an animal like that.the op is an idiot and should not be allowed to hunt agian till he understands what hunting should be.
well its far from my first post there insidethestorm.ive been posting for the four years just not sure where my post count went and really dont give a shit.the op is a douche for shooting like that.i have never had an animal get away yet in 15 years of hunting i have never pulled the trigger and not gotten my animal.not to say it wont happen to me but not yet.its just sickens me to no end when people post shit like this and i dont care who they are.its not what hunting is supposed to be about. shit the most memorable hunts i have been on never even fired a shot.the past 6 years i have used nothing but amax bullets and have never had damage like that.why the hell would you want to fuck up an animal like that.the op is an idiot and should not be allowed to hunt agian till he understands what hunting should be.

Yea... post counts aside, the only reason anyone here was upset is because this was a deer. If it was a coyote, or varmint, everyone would be all like, "Wow... awesome wounds. I'm gonna start using those on all my yote hunts." There might even be situations where that kind of damage might be necessary. Bear hunts? I dont hunt bear, so I'm not sure, but if I was going to, I think i'd want as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. This thread was about damage and wound channels, not deer. Oops, he shot the thing in the ass, bummer. Now that that's over, lets see the damage that this caused, for science's sake. But then again, I'm arguing with someone on the internet. So, Mr. Nugent, because I caused massive damage to a hog last year with a 200g .308 at 2900fps from a 300WM at 65 yards, should I be banned from hunting?
in wyoming thats called wanton waste of a big game animal.they will prosocute you to the full extent of the law.quit posting pics of you bieng stupid.i will be forwarding this to an investigatore for the state of wyoming that is a friend of mine.thanks dumbass.

Before you start forwarding any messages I would turn on your spelling and grammar checker! :D
You're welcome.
Wow... Nice first post there motodog. Lets join, lurk for four years, threaten and then bounce. Anyone else ever pull a shot? Anyone else ever make a bad decision while hunting? I have. I didn't know I was hanging with the Saints of the Woods. Dead is dead. I have shot deer at 150 yards, perfect in the vitals, watched them run off, and found them an hour later lying down and gasping for air. It sucks, but you knew there was a chance of that when you lined up the sights. Theres nothing humane about killing. Nothing. Theres no magical bullet that carries the deer off to fairy land to frolic with Bambi all day. If you think otherwise, skip on over to Sierra Club and sign up. The point is to minimize suffering. We cant eliminate it, only minimize it. So lets not cast stones here.
Pulling a shot, one that you should have/and could have generally made, is a tragic mistake, it is far from using a frangible projectile, that at almost any range will do this type of damage/ and or deliver 10,000s of extremely small pieces of a heavy metal that may be toxic to those ingesting it. If it were someone using an HE 50BMG round, I believe you would understand the difference. As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't eat any of that meat, as the dangers of ingesting tungsten are just beginning to be explored by the medical community, and to feed it to others (especially children) should be criminal.
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