79% voted for handouts from american taxpayers.Paint the picture:
Ukrainians voted 79% in favor of normalizing trade with the EU so they could grow their economy.
Instead, Putin’s puppet Yanukovych, signed onto his Russia-Eurasian Economic Pact in Dec 2013.
That instigated the Euromaiden protests, which continued to gain momentum from Dec-March.
In January and February, the Sniper false flag attacks occurred.
Everyone agrees they were false flags, not on who conducted them.
So who would it make the most sense to execute false flag sniper attacks shooting both protestors and Ukrainian police?
The wind was already behind the sails of the Ukrainian Euromaiden movement and blowing hard in their favor.
It made zero sense to introduce violence and a massacre in that space for Ukraine.
It makes perfect sense for Putin to order the false flag, because it undermines the Euromaiden movement, causes animosity between Euromaiden protestors and the Ukrainian police/security forces, and attempts to spread chaos among the movement.
This was a no-brainer from the start as to who initiated it.
What a lot of people are falling for is the spoon-fed, simpleton stories created by Russian propagandists on social media. They’re great at making stories for low-information people, as they have had centuries of experience telling fairy tales to peasants.
You have to do your due diligence to gain a baseline of the setting for these events, otherwise you will be easily misled.
per capita gdp dropped from $3800 in 2013 (before the coup) to $2800 in 2020. how'd that work out for them?