Re: Uniforming PP is a PITA...
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ShOoTiN2KiLl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Has ANYone came up with a better way to uniform a primer pocket??? I just got done with about 150 .223 cases, which took over an hour and a half, and, wellll you get the point. Simply put, it is rediculous... Any idea's???
S2K </div></div>
if it is taking that much time and effort, at least some of those cases were crimped - starting with a decrimper swage will speed it up
my usual for mixed 223 is to try the batch on the primer pocket uniformer - any that do not go easy are sorted to be swaged - if more than a third need swaging, I just do them all - after swaging, the few that will not go on the PP tool are just tossed
even with the worst batches of brass, I probably get better than 300 an hour