Rifle Scopes US Optics big announcement today! Way to GO USO!


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
USO announced that they are moving from LaBrea, CA, where they were founded... to Kalispell, MT.

Out of Commiefornia.

Not only a good move for USO, but another win for the great state of Montana.

Given that the lefty legislature out there in Sacramento is already trying to ban 'dangerous sniper scopes'... it's time for USO to go... and take their jobs and tax revenue with them!

Way to go USO!


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The language has been raised in the Legislature by some of the more grabista types. Has not gone anywhere. But's been highlighted as 'worrisome' some gun advocacy groups.

According to the moonbats-in-residence, scopes are not covered by the 2a... so they'll go after them. Like they have gone after ammunition, lead, etc. Their view is that since only 'arms' are mentioned in the 2a, it's just fine to ban ammunition, scopes, magazines, bipods, bullets, ... anything they can think of to ratchet up the pressure, make Constitutional ownership difficult and keep in the news with all their 'common sense and reasonable' ideas. Drip Drip Drip...

What was that saying the NRA used 20 years ago? Camel's nose under the tent? Once the nose is under, you are getting the whole camel. So best to whack it on the nose as soon as it starts trying to get in.

Montana is going to find themselves at the center of the firearms industry, if they are not already. And with a booming economy. Good for them! Good for USO!


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CA's idiotic "sniper scope" regulations were basically written to forbid old gen 1 type NV scopes that used IR illumination to allow NV usage. It's pretty much a worthless law that no longer has much relevance if it ever did. The new talk about this is SSDD. Bunch of ignoramuses trying to write laws dealing with technical matters in which they have zero knowledge or understanding.
Oo maybe everyone didn't want to move to Montana. Perhaps there's a job opening at USO and a good reason for me to change careers and move! Haha. Good on them.
True story. California has had it raised in discussion. Bills or parts of Bills that got canned right away. Nevertheless, the fact some asswipe would even bring it up is proof, the idiots have enough confidence there, that they can do away with the constitution. Washington and Oregon have both had the issue raised before as well. Although, not to the extent that California has kicked it around. Washington at least seems to be moving (albeit slowly) in the right direction. While Oregon is moving in the wrong direction.

This is exemplified by the whole Malhuer Malfunction. The rancher who the state and Fed Gov want off the reservation had to go back to prison for two and a half more years for literally a misdemeanor, while the Bundy jackasses got let off scott free. The charges that the rancher had stick to him weren't even Fed charges. They should have been state charges. So, he went back to prison for something under state jurisdiction (killing deer). The burning charges were bogus as they were prescribed burns previously approved by the BLM.

The Bundy crowd all got let loose. WTF??? What a waste of an opportunity to put a serious stop to idiots going where they shouldn't, and stirring shit where they shouldn't. No sadness here either for their lost comrade. IMO, Leroy what's his face did that to himself. Not cooperative, and literally daring the police to shoot him. If the piece of shit's family gets a settlement in their lawsuit, maybe they could find their way to pay their past due grazing bills. The least expensive food in the country to feed your cattle on, and the stupid sons-a-bitches want to stand on some kind of convoluted moral ground that they shouldn't have to pay.

Rant over, good on USO for finally getting to a gun friendly state. If they don't like Kalispell (purty liberal there) they might try coming back one state to Idaho. Idaho might help them get better established.
Scope laws aside this fucktard state where Im currently held captive by my employer has raised the gas tax, min wage and is pushing hard for single payer health care funded by doubling the income tax. At the business level it just plain sucks here, they have more agencies with their hands out than there are beggars in Calcutta.

Soon as I can transfer Im out of here. Or just may end up buying RV and traveling still undecided.

Good for USO and Berger. Oakley, Safariland and Surefire need to follow their lead.

Sadly the biggest employers here dont actualy make anything its primarily education and healthcare or real estate. This is why the Calexit idea is so frigging dumb. The politicians dont even grasp simple economics. There must be trade goods, an economy is not service based.
Awesome news about them and Berger. The only reason to operate a business out of CA these days is to import chinese product.

They committed no crime. The feds murdered one in cold blood and have begun sentencing others. One just got 68 years.

I don't know what you missed in the news, but, armed takeover of a Federal facility is a crime. I'm not all about how the Feds were dealing with the ranchers there, but there were better ways to work this situation. Leroy literally challenged law enforcement on site to kill him, and threatened them. It was not a cold blooded murder. Again, this coming from someone who is not on the side of law enforcement. I just can't believe he was that stupid. Now people want to make him a martyr. He is not.

The whole thing that is really ironic is the locals didn't want the Bundy's and their bullshit there. They've been a bad name for ranchers where they came from and the one's in Oregon didn't want the stink of their reputation on them. Which is why Hammond said he didn't want their help.

Added: However, you and I clearly disagree on this issue, but I do believe we can agree that Oregon is not the place to bring your gun friendly business.
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USO was founded in tar? ROFL, Good for them to get out of CA, but I haven't heard much from them in recent years. After a quick look at their new, again?, website it seems that their entire upper management has been replaced, so I wonder what else has changed for them, and if it has any connections to USO's actual foundation or if it only lives on in the name.
Good job USO! I have always had a hard time spending my money in a state that steals so many of their citizen's civil liberties. Might have to buy one now!

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USO was founded in tar? ROFL, Good for them to get out of CA, but I haven't heard much from them in recent years. After a quick look at their new, again?, website it seems that their entire upper management has been replaced, so I wonder what else has changed for them, and if it has any connections to USO's actual foundation or if it only lives on in the name.

They are in a hard market to fathom. When military contracts were peaking and civilian interest was on the rise, it was feast. Now it's not quite, but almost famine. Mil contracts are mostly gone, or went to less expensive manufacture, and we are in an economic slump still in the national economy.

Where the problem begins, as to up-rate a company to get all this done, you need money. This usually comes in two forms. Stocks or direct investors. Selling stock means having a board who looks out for the interests of the investors...or themselves. So, you have to ask their permission to make changes. Direct investors want direct control. They don't often invest unless they get that. Either way, you can't move on market niches unless they say so. Or, they see you as doing it all wrong from the get-go. This happened several years ago, USO had outside investment and this is what kind of happened.

After the mil contracts were done, the decision was made to start marketing their now famous scope across the board on a retail basis instead of a custom basis that they had been doing. Competing with no more than thousand dollar scopes, while your's is $2k+ on average is not the way to sell a high end product. Just my marketing opinion. Especially, if you are still trying to produce "custom". Eventually, they suspended the custom operation and focused on retail. Then, recently, they brought custom scopes back. It seems someone took note that was their most lucrative period.

From what I understand, John, the founders son, is completely out of it now. All the management he had in place is gone. The company at this point is running on reputation. Fortunately, the manufacturing (including assembly) is being run at a high quality level on which they built that reputation. Although some may argue that. The point to market if you are selling a high dollar item is pitching value, not initial cost. Two notable companies to take this from is Rolls Royce and Caterpiller. Each costs more than most of it's peers, but each is built to last a human lifetime of use. Parts get worn and those are in place added: so you can replace them. Service is available when you need it. It may cost at the time, but it retains the value of your initial purchase.

Hope that explains some of it.
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Sadly the biggest employers here dont actualy make anything its primarily education and healthcare or real estate. This is why the Calexit idea is so frigging dumb. The politicians dont even grasp simple economics. There must be trade goods, an economy is not service based.
I wish they would calexit

The embargos on grain, petroleum products, all sorts of durable manufactured goods, natural gas, and WATER will bring them to their fucking knees where they belong.
I wonder what the California legislators will do when they turn around and their total tax base is gone and all that is left are the leaches on the system. I guess they can tax Silicon Valley until they finally wise up and leave for India.

Way to go U.S. Optics! I always loved them as a company. If you own a USO they are always there to back you up with maintenance.
I wonder what the California legislators will do when they turn around and their total tax base is gone and all that is left are the leaches on the system. I guess they can tax Silicon Valley until they finally wise up and leave for India.

Way to go U.S. Optics! I always loved them as a company. If you own a USO they are always there to back you up with maintenance.

Silicon valley talks big about "paying their share", "social responsibility" and all the other left wing talking points. However, they barely make anything in CA and keep on opening new locations elsewhere.
USO announced that they are moving from LaBrea, CA, where they were founded... to Kalispell, MT.

Out of Commiefornia.

Not only a good move for USO, but another win for the great state of Montana.

Given that the lefty legislature out there in Sacramento is already trying to ban 'dangerous sniper scopes'... it's time for USO to go... and take their jobs and tax revenue with them!

Way to go USO!



Wait what? What legislation in CA is attempting to ban scopes?

EDIT: Never mind haha, read the thread. I wouldn't put it past the CA legislatures to try to ban scopes. But I don't see it being a thing unless someone uses a "sniper rifle" in some kind of mass shooting like that one clock tower / bell tower thing back in the day. Until then, the public is more concerned with "assault rifles."
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After looking into this further, it seems that USO was sold back in June. It took me a while to find it as I don't use social media, but here it is from them.

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:40.46296296296296% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BVm8Qp9DUSU/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Brea, California (June 19, 2017) Ascendant Advisory Group’s Mergers and Acquisitions Division announces, Down Range Solutions Group has completed the acquisition of U.S. Optics, a leader in the firearm optics industry. Down Range Solutions Group will continue doing business as U.S. Optics and the company will carry forward the reputation for manufacturing and assembling optics to exacting specifications, creating optics that consistently perform in the best and worst of environmental conditions. Arnold VonBargen, former Owner comments: “We are very proud of what we built at U.S. Optics, great products from dedicated employees. Now we have the ability to reach our potential with additional resources and opportunities. I am extremely excited to see where we go from here.” VonBargen will stay on to oversee product development and to assist with maintaining a brand of durability, reliability and performance “U.S. Optics will continue to serve our loyal customers in the precision and tactical shooting communities while we work to satisfy the precision optics needs of the military and law enforcement personnel.” says Down Range Solutions Group President and former Green Beret, Pat Harrigan. Harrigan has appointed Kevin “Chief” Peterson as COO of U.S. Optics. Peterson brings the experience of being Command Chief USAF for Ellsworth AFB(ret) and Director of Operations at Sonju Industrial. “First and foremost, we intend to continue the lineage of excellent products from U.S. Optics, creating a zero-defect environment and increasing production so delivery times will decrease. Secondly, we intend to engage directly in providing product to our military, so they have the most advanced and dependable optics available” Stated Peterson. Ascendant Advisory Group’s consulting and growth division will work with the U.S. Optics management team to help execute the go-forward strategy. The existing employees and management at U.S. Optics, together with the management at DRSG and Ascendant Advisory Group’s consulting division combine to create a partnership of diverse talent which will continually drive the production of high quality products.</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by U.S. Optics (@usoptics_official) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2017-06-21T16:33:13+00:00">Jun 21, 2017 at 9:33am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
<script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>

Brea, California (June 19, 2017) Ascendant Advisory Group’s Mergers and Acquisitions Division announces, Down Range Solutions Group has completed the acquisition of U.S. Optics, a leader in the firearm optics industry. Down Range Solutions Group will continue doing business as U.S. Optics and the company will carry forward the reputation for manufacturing and assembling optics to exacting specifications, creating optics that consistently perform in the best and worst of environmental conditions.

Arnold VonBargen, former Owner comments: “We are very proud of what we built at U.S. Optics, great products from dedicated employees. Now we have the ability to reach our potential with additional resources and opportunities. I am extremely excited to see where we go from here.” VonBargen will stay on to oversee product development and to assist with maintaining a brand of durability, reliability and performance “U.S. Optics will continue to serve our loyal customers in the precision and tactical shooting communities while we work to satisfy the precision optics needs of the military and law enforcement personnel.” says Down Range Solutions Group President and former Green Beret, Pat Harrigan. Harrigan has appointed Kevin “Chief” Peterson as COO of U.S. Optics.

Peterson brings the experience of being Command Chief USAF for Ellsworth AFB(ret) and Director of Operations at Sonju Industrial. “First and foremost, we intend to continue the lineage of excellent products from U.S. Optics, creating a zero-defect environment and increasing production so delivery times will decrease. Secondly, we intend to engage directly in providing product to our military, so they have the most advanced and dependable optics available” Stated Peterson.

Ascendant Advisory Group’s consulting and growth division will work with the U.S. Optics management team to help execute the go-forward strategy. The existing employees and management at U.S. Optics, together with the management at DRSG and Ascendant Advisory Group’s consulting division combine to create a partnership of diverse talent which will continually drive the production of high quality products.
It's an excellent move for uso! Just got another scope from them since their move and I'm very happy with it. Tracks perfectly and it's as durable as can be. Love the tool-less erek elevation knob as well.
My B10 had issues with the reticle not moving and if you loosen the "no tool" top ring and take it off tiny little things pop out and you are screwed! not a big fan of the new wheel invention. mine was dead in the water within 20 minutes of mounting and trying to zero it. Also, it comes adjusted 20 moa down?? how about letting people adjust their own scope. I'm still pissed but will wait for their response as I sent the scope during the move which has been a big problem so far. NOT happy.........
I left the Tar Pits and CaliMexifornia in 1994 for NM , not a bad move but Montana has ALWAYS felt like HOME and as soon as I retire I will be calling Montana home . Lots of great people that appreciate freedom , all we have to do is keep the riff raff and libs/commies out !
Best of Luck to USO , I think they have found a home that will appreciate them whole heartedly !
As far as scopes being zeroed 20 minutes down, they, like Burris, realize that ,most shooters in the know use canted rails and the most popular is the 20 MOA rail.
Shame on them for trying to save you some trouble.
I hope MagLite sees the writing on the wall and makes the move as well.
A very good company.
I'm really surprised Tac-Ops has stayed.
Dang, I was really hoping by the title of this thread that they were announcing a new line of scopes that would compete with S&B Ultra Shorts with short scopes and lighter weight ;) I can dream can't I. Always loved USO but wish they would upgrade their design. That being said, any company leaving Kalifornia is good news and truly hope the best for USO and Montana!

Similar to you Wapiti (Elk), I left Kalifornia back in '92 and ended up in Colorado in '93 (after a short stint in British Columbia and then Coer d' Alene, ID). Sad thing is, when I first moved to Colorado I did so under the impression that it was pretty conservative and "gun friendly" out here; however, since the time of my move a massive influx of Kalifornia liberals have moved into the state and changed the political landscape, we are still fighting and it seems to go back and forth, but Denver and Boulder basically run the entire state in regard to political elections.
I'm wondering what happened to the La Brea USO employees and whether any of them moved to Montana. You can't just restart USO in a different location with different people and not expect product changes and learning curve issues. None of the three top management people have any expertise in optics, according to their bios on the USO site. There were at least two optics experts at USO, one was John Williams III and the other was a Dutch guy whose name I can't remember, but who was instrumental in developing new optics and engineering them for manufacture. Did he go to Montana? I hope so.
I'm wondering what happened to the La Brea USO employees and whether any of them moved to Montana. You can't just restart USO in a different location with different people and not expect product changes and learning curve issues. None of the three top management people have any expertise in optics, according to their bios on the USO site. There were at least two optics experts at USO, one was John Williams III and the other was a Dutch guy whose name I can't remember, but who was instrumental in developing new optics and engineering them for manufacture. Did he go to Montana? I hope so.

I just saw one of the USO engineering guys at our last tactical match, so some of them stayed in SoCal...
I know USO is having fun in moving but I placed a order for as scope back in February. It was a B25 in MOA with the new IGR dot reticle. I still haven't heard from them at all. Called once and they said they were working on it but it was not ready. Guess I will have to look at the Nightforce ATACR 7-35 with the Mil C reticle.
WOW, I just saw this. I have owned many USO scopes throughout the years all the way back to 2001 when I bought a ST-10. Can't believe they are in Montana now. Good move in my opinion. It was bound to happen. Good Luck USO!!
Never owned a USO product, but from what I have seen in terms of customer feedback, satisfaction and C/S, cut them some slack. Be patient, the move is a huge undertaking. Moving from the SoCal climes to MT is a huge task and a big re-adjustment is probably involved. Everything indicates they not only did the right thing for themselves, but more importantly, their customers and employees in moving out of CA. Give ‘em some time to settle in, sounds like they will take good care of you.
I know USO is having fun in moving but I placed a order for as scope back in February. It was a B25 in MOA with the new IGR dot reticle. I still haven't heard from them at all. Called once and they said they were working on it but it was not ready. Guess I will have to look at the Nightforce ATACR 7-35 with the Mil C reticle.

Just can't do it, I will have to wait.
I had this vision of a Marine Chinook taking off from the roof of some building in Orange County as the rear guard... evacuates California once and for all... to the refrain of White Christmas...



On the last helicopter out was my old First Sgt Terry Bennington, MSG Saigon.

Had an incident in Okinawa while swimming off coast of Camp Schwab.

4-5 Marines swimming together and we were sharing one swim mask.

During my turn with the mask one of the Marines said he hit something in the water and asked me to check it out. Usually the water was crystal clear but that day a storm earlier had it silted up.

So I dived down and saw a seabed full of crushed budweiser emptys and than through the silt what looked like a white tennis shoe than swimming closer a calf and lower leg, than freaking out thinking about the scene in Jaws when the leg floats to the bottom of the ocean which resulted me full bore swimming to the rocks and exiting the water.

The other Marines searched for what I saw, found nothing and we chalked it up to 19 yo over active imagination.

Later that day a Marine was pulled from the water he had fell in the previous night while drinking.

Terry Bennington took a statement regarding what I saw.

I told him I "freaked out seeing this leg and swam to shore. Id never seen a dead body while swimming"

His response "That is odd, Ive never seen a "whole" dead body" giving me a pass thinking whole bodies are scarier than blown up ones.

Sucks for the Marine being on the cliffs behind the barracks was hazardous when sober.