USGOV banning Killflashes due to possible national security issues

Russian anti-sniper system in Ukraine. I’ve linked right to the relevant timestamp.

This is the video/tech I was referring to, but for the life of me I couldn't remember where I saw it.

....having multiple shinny objects designed to look like like...

Filling the battle space with empty beer bottles. "Uh, yeah, that's why those are here, yes sir." :D

huh ok. This doesn't seem like "compliance with gov order" moreso maybe a prod design improvement. Don't know.

I don’t know that “better light transmission” is an improvement.
I've seen a few reviews of the 100 concepts ARD state that the thicker webbing required for polymer 3D printing is noticeably harder to see through than the honeycomb of a metal ARD. This is specific to red dot ARDs, and not nearly as noticeable in a magnified optic.