Arm chair tactician/arms developer personality assumed....In other words talking out my ass.
I get the heat and not "shitting where you eat" advantages of the HK but......
When you need an automatic rifleman in the fire team a guy trying to speed load 30 rounders just doesnt seem as effective as a belt.
So two uses here....
1. To be used as a standard infantry rifle.
Except in certain circumstances a rifleman should be taking controlled aimed shots. Rates of fire should be controlled. Ive seen the videos though and Im not criticizing guys that are better than me by far but when things get tense rapid trigger pulling is comforting. Id like to see the money spent on training. Worthwhile training though is more expensive than buying a gear band aid.
Keep the M4 and instead give the good guys training with a reverse fire simulator that approximates the accuracy of the enemies weapons. Fire 4-6 MOA paintguns back at the troop in training letting him realize "Hey wait a minute I can make a controlled shot and survive". Accurate fire being more likely to cause the other guy to break contact and depart.
The best training I have ever had is when the chance exists I can get hit by something. Simunitions exposes all the limitations of "blah, blah, blah". I've been lucky enough to train with simunitions twice and will be surprised if I get another opportunity.
Sad but the cash people would rather throw gear at people than good training.
2. Replacing the M249
I agree the SAW is kind of a chunky, unwieldy beast. Still an automatic rifleman is supposed to lay down fire so others can move. Belt feds do that so much nicer than 30 round magazines.
Why cant we come up with something thats a cross between the FG42 and MG34. Basically a barrel with a receiver, bipod and some sort of shoulder stock that hangs boxed belts off the side and hoses rounds in a "lightweight" package?
Meh! Enuff of my mental masturbation.