Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

So I've been thinking about this and I think it's time the Sea Shepard's expand their horizon. So I sent them an email.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Subject line: Snowcrabs need help!!

Hi, My name is Matt, I'm 13 years old and watch your show all the time. I don't think it's right what the japaness are doing to the whales. But I also watch the alaska crab fishing show, I worry about the crabs being over fished! Can you guys please go stop the crab fisherman too?

Thanks your friend,


I sent emails to every address listed on their site. I got one response so far:

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hello Matt,

Thanks for your interest in Sea Shepherd! I’ll forward you mail to our captain Paul Watson. See what he can do about it!

Ellen de Heer, secretary Sea shepherd NL</div></div>

Oh how I pray <span style="font-style: italic">captain</span> Watson takes up the cause of young Matt and saves the poor Snowcrabs from those evil crab fishermen! God I hope they film those encounters. HAHAHAHA
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I see the making of a great after the catch, interview the captains of the crab boat about what happened to the sea shepard. They shoot stink bombs at the time bandit drops crab pot on them by accident of course. Those ass clowns would not last a day up in alaska.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It is a little thing called common sense and it seems to run short these days. I plant a shit ton of trees and crp to help the wildlife survive and i respect the animals. But the wackos that i speak of hold the animals lives in higher regard than humans and that is what i call a wacko. Animals are here for me to eat be it cow, pig or deer. If all some one wants to eat is veggies have at it but when you try to tell me that i am going to burn in hell for eating meat that is a wacko. The great part about living in South Dakota we are pretty short on wackos. What is next attacking the crab boats in the berring sea. Now that would be a show i would watch only one show though. they would just shoot the wackos </div></div>

I reckon there's enough wackos to go around in SoDak too..We just chase em off quicker. Not so much east river, there aren't enough trees to hug there, but you get into the Black Hills, you're sure to find some friggin granola sierra club moron at some point.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Did anyone watch last nights new episode? It was great! Everything those "incompetent vegan pussies" do is fucking retarded. They are their own worst enemy. It was a full hour of them breaking shit, fighting amongst themselves and crying like well, incompetent vegan pussies.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I remember thinking "Keystone Cops."

The Japanese don't have to take any action. They'll sink themselves.

I guess it's better they volunteer for such jobs, rather than try real work. Can you imagine one of those IVPs on an assembly line?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

"IVP's" HAHAHA I love it!

After they didn't bother to properly tie their dingys up and one washed on to the rocks the "school teacher" decided the best way to get the boat off the rocks was to fire up the outboard and drop it. When they got in back to the Bob Barker one of the guys in the wheel house says "looks like they've got the prop off" the whole fucking lower unit was gone, just an empty aluminum case.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah every time shit gets just a little hairy <span style="font-style: italic">captain</span> Chuck of the barker gets this deer in the head lights look, genuine fear. </div></div>

Well he doesn't have a clue. lol. Next week looks fun though!
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Look up Captain Pete up on Wikepedia. In his first attempt for his record he ran over a fishing boat off the Coast of Guetamala. his crew was fine but he managed to kill one of theirs.

The sea Shepards are completely retarded.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The sea Shepards are completely retarded.</div></div>

How insulting to mentally challenged people.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah every time shit gets just a little hairy <span style="font-style: italic">captain</span> Chuck of the barker gets this deer in the head lights look, genuine fear. </div></div>

He had a great idea telling that goofball first mate that he wanted two officers at all times in the same room when talking to that firefighter guy. I was waiting for him to bitch slap both of them...
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tim K</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
<span style="color: #FF6666">I'll put my 2 year old up against any whale in any test for intelligence you can devise, and I'm pretty sure she'll kick some whale booty. Bring it!</span>

Let's put your 2 yr old daughter and a whale underwater for an hour and see those test results. The point being that you can't compare apples to oranges. Your daughter would win a few tests and bomb others. It's all relative so saying things like <span style="color: #FF6666">I'll put my 2 year old up against any whale in any test for intelligence you can devise,</span> isn't a good argument.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did anyone watch last nights new episode? It was great! Everything those "incompetent vegan pussies" do is fucking retarded. They are their own worst enemy. It was a full hour of them breaking shit, fighting amongst themselves and crying like well, incompetent vegan pussies. </div></div>

I loved that episode, it was a perfect example of shooting one's self in the foot, which they seem to do constantly. The $100k boat that drifted off pissed me off the most. When they found it the prop was fine but after the ass-hat decided to drive the boat off the rocks suddenly there was no more prop. Then in the very next scene they show that boat being pulled out to sea by the other boat which common sense would have dictated in the first place. They really are their own worst enemies. That guy said he was a school teacher: goes to show you what "caliber" our teachers are.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Why do you guys watch this shit, these assholes get paid for this show and its free advertising for their cause. I cancelled my discovery package over this crap, I refuse to play a role in facilitating it. And no I'm not for the wholesale slaughter of whales, I just think these enivro-whores have more of an impact on our everyday freedom than you think.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lwrkeysfisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why do you guys watch this shit, these assholes get paid for this show and its free advertising for their cause. I cancelled my discovery package over this crap, I refuse to play a role in facilitating it. And no I'm not for the wholesale slaughter of whales, I just think these enivro-whores have more of an impact on our everyday freedom than you think. </div></div>

Me personally, I hate hippies I mean really, really hate them. I hate everything they stand for, the way they refuse to wash their hair,
the way they rationalize things that just don't make any sense.
I hate they way they think animals have some sort of rights other than the right to taste scrumptious and be cooked rare. Here I speak of PETA and HSUS (which is just as bad as PETA). I mean you name it, I hate it.

For me it's not about the whales, I don't give a shit one way or the other. Kill them, don't kill them, whatever. Should they be protected by conservation (wise use)? Sure. Should the Japs get to kill some for whatever reason they have? Fine by me. Have you seen the exploding harpoons? Honestly, that wouldn't be fun?

This show only proves to me that hippies are worthless pieces of shit. If they want to run themselves into Davy Jones locker the least I can do is watch. And if fuck wads like Bob Barker, Pierce Brosnan, Martin Sheen(no surprise there) want to keep giving them money to literally throw in the ocean I want to watch.

Plus it's funny as hell.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

As long as conservation efforts are in place to insure a sustainable harvest then it is no different than crab fishing, bow hunting, predator hunting, or whatever. Responsible Eco-Management is the duty of everyone who hunts, it's no different than farming, you always make sure there's enough for the next harvest and beyond.

i will always think of the south park episode when whale wars is brought up.

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Sorry, I call Bullshit. A bunch of skinnies with skiff's, RPG's and AK's can wreak havoc in the Indian Ocean and draw the attention of the world's super powers, but some eco-loon in the Southern Ocean with prop-fowlers and stink bombs can earn the title Pirate..........ARGHHHHHHHHHH Bullshit.

I commend them for their effort, though ill-prepared and lacking commitment, but pirates or eco-terrorist, not even close. When they start chunking grenades, and shooting something more substantial than a potato gun then I will believe in their commitment to eco-terrorism. For Paul Watson to be to extreme for Greenpeace, makes me wonder what the hell they do, have sit-ins and sing campfire songs.

However they are proving their point very succesfully. A little group that has less than 100 members, wear black, tool the ocean in a black ship, and annoy the Japenese Whaling Fleet have just put their cause on this website for discussion without even trying. LMAO

<span style="color: #000099"><span style="font-size: 17pt">Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp</span></span>

Now if you put the tool boxes from Jersey Shore on that boat, that would funny as hell.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Greenpeace, makes me wonder what the hell they do, have sit-ins and sing campfire songs.

They harass college students telling them the harm they cause if they use more than 2 squares to wipe with. Really, this is one of their biggest projects on college campuses... I see them out peddling their bs everyday.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sorry, I call Bullshit. A bunch of skinnies with skiff's, RPG's and AK's can wreak havoc in the Indian Ocean and draw the attention of the world's super powers, but some eco-loon in the Southern Ocean with prop-fowlers and stink bombs can earn the title Pirate..........ARGHHHHHHHHHH Bullshit.

+1, maybe they should be called eco-mall ninjas
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Terrorist is probably the wrong term as these clowns couldn't terrorize a five year old.

I chuckle whenever they use terms such as warrior, battle, fight, etc. These girls couldn't fight their way through a shower curtain.

Someone used the term "annoying." That sums them up pretty well.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

EddieNFL, and how do you think that the meat gets to the store? You do know that it comes from animals, don't you? And you know that the animals generally have not expressed a desire to be killed so that their meat or leather can end up in the store where you buy it, right? So the only difference between you and someone like me, regarding this subject, is that you pay someone else to kill your food for you, while claiming that no animals are harmed in the process (and claiming no responsibility for the fact that they are), while I go out and find and kill my own food, and take full responsibility for doing so. Your position is indefensible, because it is morally inconsistent.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tigerhawk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">EddieNFL, and how do you think that the meat gets to the store? You do know that it comes from animals, don't you? And you know that the animals generally have not expressed a desire to be killed so that their meat or leather can end up in the store where you buy it, right? So the only difference between you and someone like me, regarding this subject, is that you pay someone else to kill your food for you, while claiming that no animals are harmed in the process (and claiming no responsibility for the fact that they are), while I go out and find and kill my own food, and take full responsibility for doing so. Your position is indefensible, because it is morally inconsistent. </div></div>

I have no idea what you are talking about. How did we move from discussing terminology to how meat gets to market? What makes you think I don't hunt? Which position is indefensible?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I want to see Snookie and JWoww do a "Save the Wales" pole dance on the bow while Pauly D and "The Situation" toss stink bombs from the Zodiac. Instant heart attack for the veggie eating, non armpit shaving chicks on that show. You know its sad when the guys from the show talk about the lack of Poohnanny on the boat...

Hey Eddie, I'm in Florida now, there are no deer here, only doberman's with antlers
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I want to see Snookie and JWoww do a "Save the Wales" pole dance on the bow...</div></div>

Think I'll pass on that. Probably contract visual gonorrhea.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey Eddie, I'm in Florida now, there are no deer here, only doberman's with antlers </div></div>

Too much hunting pressure. Last I read, the average age of deer taken was 18 months. Also, poaching is a problem in my area.

Other than birds, I've never hunted in Florida.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I have missed the last two Friday's. Did the Japs sink the incompetent vegan pussies yet? Last show I saw the fagots got in a race trying to get out of the harpoon boats circle of death and ran into one. I'm wondering if the Japs would secretly fund a private group to harass the harassers?

Hmmm... I should write them a letter.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Last night the hippies declared victory after sailing within a few yards of and hitting the side of the ship with a supersized paintball gun.

Until recently, the Japanese have more or less avoided the freaks, but they are becoming more aggressive. They have some type of device they used to shoot what appeared to be a water balloon like projectile at the girls in the Zodiac. Later, the hippies complained how dangerous it was to shoot at someone in a small boat because they couldn't hide behind anything.

Real warriors, yeah.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I don't get it, here is a country that kicked the crap out of us for 9 months in the Pacific, They schwacked how many ships? If they can destroy the Battleship Arizona, USS Wasp, Kittyhawk Ect. How is it they wont schwack 2 boat loads of dope smoking Hippy freaks, For crying out load, these are the same dudes that came up with Ninja Shit. Japan, hear me! Do us a favor, just sink there ass, we wont care, hell, you are doing us a favor. If you want to be tacool about it, use Ninjas, use Kamikaze, WE DONT CARE! You know the French took care of their Hippy problem in the late 70's call them, they might still have afew people with balls left. (kida doubt it though) Just sink them please. Oh ya, do it in a deep spot, not in a harbor please.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone else see this show as just outright piracy in international waters?? These eco freeks need to be put in jail, and their ships sunk. The Japanese are being very restrained considering the the violence these terroists are using but that's typical of the so called peace left.

I hope the show Whale wars is showing America the violence so typical of the left and it will cause the outgry for this along with all the rest of the leftist "ends justify the means" tactics.

I don't know if the Japanese are breaking any international laws but I think if they were there would be much more of a protest form the legitimate world. I can't believe that these pirates are continually allowed to attack other ships at sea.</div></div>
I hope they video tape it when they get sunk. Your dead on about the leftist "ends justify's the means". That captain is a socialist if there ever was one. Hey maybe he'll get a job at the WH working with Sunstien who thinks that Hunting should be banned and Animals should be able to sue the Hunters.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since the Japanese have a limit and a season it seems to me it's under some sort of regulation. To me it's no different than PETA coming into the woods and disrupting your deer or worse an elk hunt of a life time.

I certainly hope if you hunt you never have to deal with that, ti would be wrong then and in many states illegal.

As far as "is it priracy" international law protects lawful comerce at sea. Violent actions to impede, disrupt or attack these lawful actions is piracy.</div></div>

I fucking hate PETA. Me and Uncle were hunting up in Mont Eagle, TN one time when those fucks showed up. We already had our two so once we saw their signs we asked if they'd like to take a picture. I thought it was great because some of the guys that were with them were crying because they didn't save those two or something. I guess groups like those get alot of Faggots and pussys.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

What surprises me the most is their complete lack of planning, preparation, and follow through. I am really surprised they could navigate out of a paper bag. That meat head that had the speedboat cut in half thinking he can cut through a prop with a cutting rod under water and just about light the ship on fire. Funny when his buddy was going to lose his job as a fireman or something and started spouting off a little. I thought they were all going to hide.
What is up with the "Admiral" he seems to be a real mouth breather. I think he may have some learning disability that requires a helmet.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sorry, I call Bullshit. A bunch of skinnies with skiff's, RPG's and AK's can wreak havoc in the Indian Ocean and draw the attention of the world's super powers, but some eco-loon in the Southern Ocean with prop-fowlers and stink bombs can earn the title Pirate..........ARGHHHHHHHHHH Bullshit. </div></div>

Seriously, what would be the likely outcome if they ever managed to successfully prop foul one of the ships and then a storm were to come along?

The sea idiots keep taking things to the next level. Its obvious to me that eventually someone is going to be killed as a result of their actions. The japanese should just sink them and be done with it.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Hey, for about $75K/year I'll gladly take a spot on a task force to drive away/harass these eco-goons. I just want carte-blanche to do whatever needs to be done.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MKSMN762</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey, for about $75K/year I'll gladly take a spot on a task force to drive away/harass these eco-goons. I just want carte-blanche to do whatever needs to be done.

I would too, but we'd both be out of work after the first time those idiots got in range....

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I hope a great white whale with a crooked jaw rams the Sea Shepherd, sinks it, and eats every man-jack aboard her.

<span style="text-decoration: underline">That</span> would be the ultimate irony.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fred_C_Dobbs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I hope a great white whale with a crooked jaw rams the Sea Shepherd, sinks it, and eats every man-jack aboard her.

<span style="text-decoration: underline">That</span> would be the ultimate irony. </div></div>

Would that make the shark gay?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1911fan</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MKSMN762</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey, for about $75K/year I'll gladly take a spot on a task force to drive away/harass these eco-goons. I just want carte-blanche to do whatever needs to be done.

I would too, but we'd both be out of work after the first time those idiots got in range....

1911fan </div></div>

God damn it! This is my idea. You SOB's better not be going to the japs behind my back. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Seriously though, it would be fun wouldn't it?

I mean I have zero navigation experience so I should be on par with the human fly trap, right?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Yeah As much as I dislike greenpeace and general Ecocrazed people, I think these guys are taking a stand for something they believe. It might be right or wrong, I'm sure theres plenty of people who are looking into it on both sides and finding their evidence to prove their points. But I sure as hell don't know enough about it to really take a stand on it. I can only assume that if Japan was violating this ban on whaling as flagrently as the sea shepherds are saying that they are, that some governing body would be going after them. So far I haven't seen that happen.
But hey if they wanna waste millions of dollars to go fight something that they think is wrong I say let em. It at least makes for interesting television and to be totally honest they are doing a lot more for their cause then a lot of people do about things they believe. There's always a lot of talk about things but these guys decided to take their fight to the japanese. If they get killed for it, I'm sure it'll make them rethink how tough they really are. You don't fight a war with pixie dust and good intentions, you fight it with bullets, bombs, and SOLDIERS.