Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: F_Bobby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah As much as I dislike greenpeace and general Ecocrazed people, I think these guys are taking a stand for something they believe....</div></div>
The same could be said for Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, the Nazis, the KKK, the Flat Earth Society and the Peoples' Temple.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fred_C_Dobbs</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: F_Bobby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah As much as I dislike greenpeace and general Ecocrazed people, I think these guys are taking a stand for something they believe....</div></div>
The same could be said for Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, the Nazis, the KKK, the Flat Earth Society and the Peoples' Temple.</div></div>


Taking a stand for what one believes is not give one the free reign to do as they please.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fred_C_Dobbs</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: F_Bobby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah As much as I dislike greenpeace and general Ecocrazed people, I think these guys are taking a stand for something they believe....</div></div>
The same could be said for Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, the Nazis, the KKK, the Flat Earth Society and the Peoples' Temple.</div></div>

You're right. However somehow I don't think people who want to save whales can really be compared to a group of people who believed they were the master race and that everyone else should be exterminated or that people of a different skin color are lower human beings.
It's peoples rights to believe what ever the want to believe, even if it's some very skewed version of reality. It's when they start forcing their beliefs on others is when they have to accept the consequences for it, whether it means they get arrested, or people declare war on them. But then again if people feel strongly enough about it, then they are willing to go to jail or die for their beliefs. Regardless of what other people think.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You're right. However somehow I don't think people who want to save whales can really be compared to a group of people who believed they were the master race and that everyone else should be exterminated or that people of a different skin color are lower human beings. </div></div>

That's a slippery slope. I'd be willing to bet the IVP's believe wholeheartedly that they are superior human beings to the evil, savage Japs. The IVP's have shown time and time again their blatant disregard for human life, most often the lives of their own crew(HAHAHAHAHA)in the name of saving whales. So where do you draw the line? Do the IVP's need to come out and say they want to sink the Jap whaling fleet and if Jap crew members die well, that's just collateral damage and it's really their own fault because they shouldn't have been there in the first place? Or will prop fouling a vessel in the Antarctic Ocean leaving it possibly but unlikely stranded and at the mercy of the weather be enough for you? Or how about throwing butyric acid at people?

Hitler started out a lot tamer than this, before anyone was ever killed by his order he used words to accomplish his goals. Seems like the whale fuckers are already past that point.

And remember, I'm not pro Jap or pro whale. I'm anti hippie.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Although fiction, I don't think it would take much for the IVPs to attempt something akin to the plot in Rainbow Six. While they may have the motivation, financing and manpower to launch such an operation, I seriously doubt they could come remotely close to pulling off anything that requires strategic planning. They have too much trouble with basic tactics. It would be like me (a non-gamer) trying to beat my kid (a level 48 to the tenth power) at Halo.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

It is very interesting to how many of you guys basically back the Japanese killing whales and knock the Sea Shepherd and its crew for trying to make a difference-- with enough attitudes like yours we could probably wipe out a few more species real quick!!!
And to hear some imply the Japs should do a job on those"eco terroist" and sink them ?? I think you forget it wasnt so long ago they were sinking your boats and cutting your soldiers heads off with their Katanas -we talk of leftys fucking things up -OMfG what side are you guys on now ???
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ace31</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is going to get real nasty real quick </div></div>
Nasty is what is happening in the southern ocean to a whale population under the guise of scientific research by the Ill suck the marrow outta every last bone Japanese --you either believe it wrong or you dont -you take sides and make a stand in at least a verbal way and at most like Sea Sheperd.
Personally I think international pressure will fold the Japs on the subject in the near future as even their society evolves -something a few others hopefully will do also huh!
Here in the south pacific we pretty much deplore on mass the hunting of whales and flipper-remember flipper , well in one harbour in Japan flipper has a blood bath every year, around 20,000 dolhines are slaughtered annually - hey but fuck the Sea Shepherd for exposing this shit and the mass shark slaughters arranged by our Asian friends that happen not to far from your own shores . Have a look at the following link at the bottom of its page
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Where do i get my combo plater of sea food. Fuck the sea shepard and the fucking hippies on there. Next they will be after heli hunting then what the fuck will we do.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where do i get my combo plater of sea food. Fuck the sea shepard and the fucking hippies on there. Next they will be after heli hunting then what the fuck will we do. </div></div>

Kurt , hippies with bigger hearts , balls and an appreciation of our eco systems than you my friend.
By the way just because they are hippies and I can vouch they are not all like that as friends of mine have done assignments with both Green Peace and Sea Shepherd and believe me they aint hippies -just patriots of nature who give a shit and make a stand -I like doers as they in our western societys are becoming few as we allow others to walk over us in many areas of life without a real stand being made as we are so ununited in society today-breast feed from the media and government witha mixture of milk that makes us whine rather than fight ..Sea Sheperherd you have my support !!!
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Ch'e you do realize that the absolute, hands down best way to to ensure a species survival is to hunt it through sound management right? If it wasn't for us murdering hunters, there wouldn't be a white tail deer or wild turkey left in U.S. or an elephant one in Africa. Why? Because we realize it is in our best interest to soundly manage game. And in Africa they realized "hey rich people will pay to shoot these things so we better crack down on poachers." Now there is a healthy, huntable population of elephants.

You think the best way to help a species is to ban all hunting? check this out Kaibab

I don't have to argue the science of sound conservation (wise use) which should be applied to the whale harvest to ensure future sustainability. I know the facts, I've read reports, I've seen first hand the positive impact hunting makes on an environment. The science is on the side of the hunter, sorry.

I really feel as though you are distracting us from the real issue here, the methods and mentality of the Incompetent Vegan Pussies. And if these ass clowns are the whales best shot, I'd say they're fucked.

Also what's with the name ch'e? Someone you look up to?

This reminds me I need to book my New Zealand Tahr heli hunt know any good outfitters?

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Qu-3oLAwEaI&feature=related"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Qu-3oLAwEaI&feature=related" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where do i get my combo plater of sea food. Fuck the sea shepard and the fucking hippies on there. Next they will be after heli hunting then what the fuck will we do. </div></div>

Kurt , hippies with bigger hearts , balls and an appreciation of our eco systems than you my friend.
By the way just because they are hippies and I can vouch they are not all like that as friends of mine have done assignments with both Green Peace and Sea Shepherd and believe me they aint hippies -just patriots of nature who give a shit and make a stand -I like doers as they in our western societys are becoming few as we allow others to walk over us in many areas of life without a real stand being made as we are so ununited in society today-breast feed from the media and government witha mixture of milk that makes us whine rather than fight ..Sea Sheperherd you have my support !!! </div></div>

You Eco Terrorist Idiots confuse me. The earth is roughly 4.5 BILLION years old, of which humans have only been around 250-300 thounsand of those years. It takes arrogance of amazing proportion to not only think that any of your actions matter, but to also presume the practices and processes you are trying to stop are anything other than the evolutionary process at work. Your whole religion of environmentalism has nothing to do with accomplishing goals but only of wrapping yourselves in a blanket of self elevation over endeavors that have no net result.

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone else see this show as just outright piracy in international waters?? These eco freeks need to be put in jail, and their ships sunk. The Japanese are being very restrained considering the the violence these terroists are using but that's typical of the so called peace left.

I hope the show Whale wars is showing America the violence so typical of the left and it will cause the outgry for this along with all the rest of the leftist "ends justify the means" tactics.

I don't know if the Japanese are breaking any international laws but I think if they were there would be much more of a protest form the legitimate world. I can't believe that these pirates are continually allowed to attack other ships at sea.</div></div>
I hope they video tape it when they get sunk....</div></div>
+2. And I'll buy a copy of the video.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ch'e you do realize that the absolute, hands down best way to to ensure a species survival is to hunt it through sound management right? If it wasn't for us murdering hunters, there wouldn't be a white tail deer or wild turkey left in U.S. or an elephant one in Africa. Why? Because we realize it is in our best interest to soundly manage game. And in Africa they realized "hey rich people will pay to shoot these things so we better crack down on poachers." Now there is a healthy, huntable population of elephants.

You think the best way to help a species is to ban all hunting? check this out Kaibab

I don't have to argue the science of sound conservation (wise use) which should be applied to the whale harvest to ensure future sustainability. I know the facts, I've read reports, I've seen first hand the positive impact hunting makes on an environment. The science is on the side of the hunter, sorry.

I really feel as though you are distracting us from the real issue here, the methods and mentality of the Incompetent Vegan Pussies. And if these ass clowns are the whales best shot, I'd say they're fucked.

Also what's with the name ch'e? Someone you look up to?

This reminds me I need to book my New Zealand Tahr heli hunt know any good outfitters?

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Qu-3oLAwEaI&feature=related"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Qu-3oLAwEaI&feature=related" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object> </div></div>


The only way culling works is if the said population of animals or mamals is over running a feeding ground and going to cause a situation of starvation for themselves or another species .Some guys posting here appear to believe just because it there you can and should kill it ???n I used to hunt and have no problem with it done properly and not for sport to satisfy a blood lust without an acceptable out come -ie using the kill to feed others or doing it for real reasons of varment control . I have friends that shoot goats on mass just to shoot goats-to me unacceptable reason to kill .I think at some stage of a hunters life one becomes enlightened to the reality killing for killing isnt a good thing and like me now shoot steel and paper.For you that think killing whales is ok do you think killing of elephants, tigers ,gorrillas is ok -I would love to know
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I used to hunt and have no problem with it done properly and not for sport to satisfy a blood lust without an acceptable out come -ie using the kill to feed others or doing it for real reasons of varment control .

So since the Japanese kill the whales and use the flesh to feed other people, you're OK with it...got it.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I used to hunt and have no problem with it done properly and not for sport to satisfy a blood lust without an acceptable out come -ie using the kill to feed others or doing it for real reasons of varment control .

So since the Japanese kill the whales and use the flesh to feed other people, you're OK with it...got it. </div></div>

Well, according to everything I've read noone wants to eat the meat. Most of the meat just goes to waste.

It isn't about the meat, it's about telling the world to f-off as I stated before they're concerned that the crashing populations of other seafood resources are going to start to be regulated(which they will) and they'll be subject to world law. Continuing to whale is more a political statement right now in defiance of international will. While I can appreciate the sentiment it's not helpful to make in the face of finite resources.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You Eco Terrorist Idiots confuse me. The earth is roughly 4.5 BILLION years old, of which humans have only been around 250-300 thounsand of those years. It takes arrogance of amazing proportion to not only think that any of your actions matter, but to also presume the practices and processes you are trying to stop are anything other than the evolutionary process at work. Your whole religion of environmentalism has nothing to do with accomplishing goals but only of wrapping yourselves in a blanket of self elevation over endeavors that have no net result.


As long as we are having an honest conversation - you need to factor in world population as a stress mechanism to the eco system. World body count is @ 6.7 billion. Consider that the population has doubled since 1960. Thus, while the Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years - consider how little human influence has been exerted on the eco system, and the velocity of change relative to human population.

In a perfect world, I'd want license to use a hippy's pony tail / honey head dreds as a wick; and as long as the population of whales were sustainable (and it tasted good) I'd eat a whole one myself. However, everyone should occasionally stop and listen to the other side of the argument, gather some independent data, and come to their own INFORMED opinion.

Good luck
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Up for consideration:


I think assuming humans could not have in impact makes absolutely no sense. Granted I've taken a few biology courses, but it seems like common sense to me the world we live in is comprised of several sets of balances. When you add weight to any side no matter which side it is the other starts to wobble out of control impacting every scale it's relative to.

It only takes a small amount of nitrogen increase in a body of water to send the biodiversity skyrocketing. Even a differentiation in exposure to sunlight can cause hydrangea or other plants to completely choke a lake to death.

I hate to imagine a world where the young look upon the old with outright disgust at their lackadaisical squandering of resources. I'm afraid however from my viewpoint there's really no changing the path we're already headed down that road.

Whatever is going to happen is going to happen we all live with the consequences of our own actions and attitudes. I don't have kids and don't really plan on it I'm happy to just enjoy what I have when I have it and hope for the best for those around me. I doubt humanity will ever be fully stomped out even if the most terrible of foretold disasters takes place.

We may take on a form of living that marks no resemblance to what all of us here and now are currently familiar with, but when and if it comes to something like that so be it.

I do what I can to be considerate of all these things, but don't intend to tell anyone else how to live their life. We'll see where the ride takes us.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Che, it has nothing to do with "culling" animals because of over population or starvation. When we as hunters have "skin in the game" so to speak, it is in our best interest to make sure the animals we pursue are properly managed. As a hunter I want to make sure there is a sustainable population so that I can enjoy the hunt next year. It would make no sense for me to go out and kill every deer I see. But this doesn't apply to game animals that just provide us with meat. The same can be said of elephants, tigers, gorillas, whatever.

Look at it this way, lets say New Zealand has elephants and the government places no restrictions on them. Everyone kills every elephant they see for the ivory, it's worth a lot and elephants are slow and stupid, easy money right? Then it gets to the point that there are only five elephants left in NZ. The government puts the breaks on all elephant harvesting in order to save them. Well being the law abiding citizen Ch'e is, he stops killing elephants and no longer has an opportunity to make money off the deal and therefore no longer cares what happens to the elephants. Well guess what? Poachers don't give a shit about laws or breaking them, so elephants continue to be killed. and the Ivory is now more valuable because there is less of it. And do you think the poachers are going to manage themselves and put self imposed restrictions on the number of animals harvested? Fuck no, they are going to kill all of them and move on to the next thing.

Now what if the .gov came back and says "okay, we will now allow 3 elephants to be harvested a year through a tag system, tags are $50,000 U.S." Well now that's a shit ton of money right? So now Ch'e being the smart guy he is thinks "hmmm, I can make a shit load of money acting as an outfitter, guide, lodge keeper, hotel operator, restaurant owner, etc... Or I will benefit in some other way from the rich SOB who comes to harvest a $50,000 elephant." But Ch'e also realizes he now has skin in the game and it's in his best interest to see to it that the elephants are properly managed and protected from illegal hunting.

This is how it really works and this is how the whales should be handled or something very close to this.

But I really don't care as long as the hippies suffer. Immensely.

And without having any hard data to back this up, it looks like the Japs are pretty good at self imposed restrictions. How long have they been killing whales? And yet it looks like there is enough whales left over to do it year after year after year. Hmmmm, perhaps the Japs are the whales best friend?

Or you can cut out the beginning of the above scenario and start with government bans all hunting to start with. You will still end up in the same place
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CAT5</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Their president is way cooler than ours...WTF? </div></div>

Vladi has the best PR campaign for a world leader I've ever seen.

He can't compete with 'ol Kimjong when it comes to fashion though

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CAT5</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Think about what would happen if Obama was hanging off a boat with a crossbow shooting whales... </div></div>

Well, Putin was collecting skin tags for scientists for environmental studies, not harvesting the whales. So I'm guessing if Obama was doing this it'd give a lot of his fans huge green boners.

Putin is always doing some nature conservancy shiat. He also tranquilized a runaway tiger that was terrorizing some people with a tranq rifle and then collared it for a scientist or something along those lines.

I'm not gonna lie I thought that was pretty badass. You won't catch an American president facing off with tigers armed with a tranq gun.

I'm sure a guy relative to Nomad was off in the distance with a rifle that'd tear it in half though slightly off camera.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff --hopefully in time they will become a more learned sophisticated society of individuals and realize their inhumanity -these things take time and dont change overnight .I hope you posters that dont deplore the killing of our whales and dolphins in time change also . My sincerest expectation to all -tofu burger rock !!
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff </div></div>

Isn't that really just a relative position though...
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff --hopefully in time they will become a more learned sophisticated society of individuals and realize their inhumanity -these things take time and dont change overnight .I hope you posters that dont deplore the killing of our whales and dolphins in time change also . My sincerest expectation to all -tofu burger rock !! </div></div>

You shine on you crazy diamond
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff --hopefully in time they will become a more learned sophisticated society of individuals and realize their inhumanity -these things take time and dont change overnight .I hope you posters that dont deplore the killing of our whales and dolphins in time change also . My sincerest expectation to all -tofu burger rock !! </div></div>

I believe you guys and the Aussies trap whole schools of bluefin tuna.Pen them fatten them up and sell them. Even though the NMFS and other world organizations list Bluefin as on the edge of colapse.The US has extremely riggid regs for commercial and recreational bluefinning.We are allowed 1 fish per day.But they are just tuna so who cares right?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point.</div></div>

What else is baned down under? I'd rather remain unenlightened and free.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dmg308</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff --hopefully in time they will become a more learned sophisticated society of individuals and realize their inhumanity -these things take time and dont change overnight .I hope you posters that dont deplore the killing of our whales and dolphins in time change also . My sincerest expectation to all -tofu burger rock !! </div></div>

I believe you guys and the Aussies trap whole schools of bluefin tuna.Pen them fatten them up and sell them. Even though the NMFS and other world organizations list Bluefin as on the edge of colapse.The US has extremely riggid regs for commercial and recreational bluefinning.We are allowed 1 fish per day.But they are just tuna so who cares right? </div></div>

I know of no such practic and certainly no pen big enough for this -please share your documented intel -but it appears there are a few here that have been penned in and havent seen the light of day for a while - we banned certain things like whales being fished because we want to preserve them in nature as they have been seen in a light that many world citizens find there slaughter aphorant .In the future other species may end up that way as we evolve as a species .You who think the banning of killing whales and dolhines is wrong PLEASE say in your posts-I LIKE KILLING WHALES AND DOLPHINS -at lest then we can be clear on the types of people we are talking to .I would rather kill a Taliban person than a whale given the choice -hey but thats me .eat more lentils
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You who think the banning of killing whales and dolhines is wrong PLEASE say in your posts-I LIKE KILLING WHALES AND DOLPHINS </div></div>

Never hunted a whale. I'd give it a try. Not sure what a dolhines is.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EddieNFL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You who think the banning of killing whales and dolhines is wrong PLEASE say in your posts-I LIKE KILLING WHALES AND DOLPHINS </div></div>

Never hunted a whale. I'd give it a try. Not sure what a dolhines is. </div></div>

I think Eddienfl you will be a lonley man looking for friend to kill whales and when and if you decide to become a more enlighted person you would realize dolphnes was a spelling error -in time you may realize the error of your folly and not want to hunt those remarkable mammals.

As far as what we ban killing in NZ we have many things that one cant hunt and generally both hunters and the public agree on these mostly birds species as we enjoy that the populations flourish for the enjoyment and beauty of our country , meat animals are pretty much on the menu though , nothin like a bit of fellow deer and red neck
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">eat more lentils</div></div>

Okay, there is no reasoning with you, you're just gay.

I'd rather kill a hippie than a taliban, I kind of think the hippie movement got us into a lot of the mess this country is in now.

Eddie, I'm in for a hunt, with the sole purpose of pissing off the tofu, lentil eating, no hair washing, Birkenstock wearing fagot hippies.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I agree these whale D-bags are bunch of self important pricks. Hell they ought to be shot or at very least prosecuted for all of the damage they've caused. They've even sunk boats....
I can say from personal experience what happens on these types of boats, to all species of fish/whale is pretty messed up.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Is there a whale hunt being lined up because if so i need to start load development for my mortars. i used to like whales but the hippies fucked that up. Fuck the whales.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">50calcruiser , hey put ya neck over here I wanna light my Cuban </div></div>

I must be slow, I don't get it. You want to light your cigar with my neck? Is it on fire?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i used to like whales but the hippies fucked that up. Fuck the whales.</div></div>

I wondered if people felt this way. The IVPs may have hurt their cause with their over the top clown show and alienated people who would otherwise be supporters.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dmg308</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point .The Muslims still think its ok to hack of heads , whip woman with electrical wire and some other fucked up stuff --hopefully in time they will become a more learned sophisticated society of individuals and realize their inhumanity -these things take time and dont change overnight .I hope you posters that dont deplore the killing of our whales and dolphins in time change also . My sincerest expectation to all -tofu burger rock !! </div></div>

I believe you guys and the Aussies trap whole schools of bluefin tuna.Pen them fatten them up and sell them. Even though the NMFS and other world organizations list Bluefin as on the edge of colapse.The US has extremely riggid regs for commercial and recreational bluefinning.We are allowed 1 fish per day.But they are just tuna so who cares right? </div></div>

I know of no such practic and certainly no pen big enough for this -please share your documented intel -but it appears there are a few here that have been penned in and havent seen the light of day for a while - we banned certain things like whales being fished because we want to preserve them in nature as they have been seen in a light that many world citizens find there slaughter aphorant .In the future other species may end up that way as we evolve as a species .You who think the banning of killing whales and dolhines is wrong PLEASE say in your posts-I LIKE KILLING WHALES AND DOLPHINS -at lest then we can be clear on the types of people we are talking to .I would rather kill a Taliban person than a whale given the choice -hey but thats me .eat more lentils </div></div>

Really maybe a little more awareness of what your own people are doing and a little less preaching.People like you who feel one species deserves preferential status over others need to get over yourselves.



Don't get me wrong the JAPs are stripping the oceans bare look at their production netting operations.The Spanish are tearing up the Atlantic Bluefin.The US does huge damage with longliners and scallop trawlers.Point is every country turns it's blind eye when the resources benifit them to one extent or the other.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!


Don't start talking reality......CH'E may then be forced to elevate himself even higher in that self imagined ivory tower from which he looks down upon those of us who are so unenlightened.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Or if you guys want we can go on a more traditional hunt.


Story here

Interview with Wayne
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xG84zhwEGFs"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xG84zhwEGFs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

Oh look, what a fucking surprise!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">Sea Shepherd News: The Makah Tribe Must Be Denied a Permit to Kill Whales</span>
link here </div></div>

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...For you that think killing whales is ok do you think killing of elephants, tigers ,gorrillas is ok -I would love to know
You left out my favorite, clubbing baby seals with a lead-filled snowshoe.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">New Zealand and Australia and many other nations support a total ban on Whale and Dolphin slaughter -we have become enlightned with our appreciation toward these animals where as others are yet to arrive at this point....</div></div>
They're not your whales.
It's not your ocean.

How 'bout if America universally bans the keeping of sheep in captivity? Think you'd give a rat's ass, or would you just laugh and call them pompous asses? You guys plan to give the Maori back their country anytime soon?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where do i get my combo plater of sea food. Fuck the sea shepard and the fucking hippies on there. Next they will be after heli hunting then what the fuck will we do. </div></div>

Kurt , hippies with bigger hearts , balls and an appreciation of our eco systems than you my friend.
By the way just because they are hippies and I can vouch they are not all like that as friends of mine have done assignments with both Green Peace and Sea Shepherd and believe me they aint hippies -just patriots of nature who give a shit and make a stand -I like doers as they in our western societys are becoming few as we allow others to walk over us in many areas of life without a real stand being made as we are so ununited in society today-breast feed from the media and government witha mixture of milk that makes us whine rather than fight ..Sea Sheperherd you have my support !!!</div></div>

ch'e am I right to assume that you picked that name because you think Che Guevara was some kinda hero? Personally at least now we know where you stand so we can ignore your future posts. I don't see how a tree hugger could actually have something good to offer this forum. Especially one that idolizes a Marxist General that Murdered how many innocent people? Let us know when you'll be on the sea shepherd taking up arms against the Japanese whalers. You people(tree huggers-AKA-enviroementalist) are as useless as a bull with tit's, or a chick with a dick.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Hiibilly , no che is just name for the internet kinda like hillbilly just not as back block .And as for this statement

"You people(tree huggers-AKA-enviroementalist) are as useless as a bull with tit's, or a chick with a dick. " now hillbilly with a name like that I wouldnt be talking about chicks with dicks-dont ya think!

By the way I'd kill a Blue whale just to see how many bars of soap it could make. -Well Hillbilly we know you dont wash so dont bother -you could I suppose use some in your mouth

DMG308- That was a pretty cool clip! I got no problem with what theyre upto as long as proper conservation is in check-brave boy wrestling the shark huh.

"People like you who feel one species deserves preferential status over others need to get over yourselves." --DMG308 Preferential treatment has been given to species all through the ages , why hell look at them thar negras -they were once a simple comodity - the bald eagle and I am sure many others also

SMOKSHWN -I have no disolusions on being better than you turds I havejust past the kill what ever stage and understand that there is not a need to slaughter what ever we want-a majority public opinion is not always incorrect

FRED-C-DOBBS - Be proud -
"You left out my favorite, clubbing baby seals with a lead-filled snowshoe."

They're not your whales.
It's not your ocean.-- well Fred yes it is, it is just that others own it also

"You guys plan to give the Maori back their country anytime soon?" - just so you know the Maori signed a treaty to share NZ with the tribes and we live possibly better than any other country in the world with our tribes -- How about you Fred , are you given the Mexican there land back or the indians ?

Anyway boys the one thing we are united on is gun ownership and usage even if a few of you would be best to turn them on youselves so we can save a few of my blubbery friends-
now I off to find my vegan burger which fell in my dreadlocks a month ago. Lets keep this sensible and not to personal.

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I SAY Eat the Whales , yeap EAt them , then they are sure to be looked after .

I donot buy the greenpeace/treehugger BS , for one bloodly minute .

I say farm them , just like any other meat source , I believe the best ACTTUAL ( ie REAL ) conservationists are Farmers , as they are not into one off harvest's , but yr after yr sustainablity , ( the Farmer will manage the amount culled each yr ) .

We are the top of the food chain , everything else is JUST Food , end of story .

We also forget that other cultures eat different stuff , Indians think we are subhuman for eating Cow's ( a scrared animal to them ) .

Jap's like fish , and like Whale because it was cheap , so what .

Later Chris
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

SMOKSHWN -I have no disolusions on being better than you turds I havejust past the kill what ever stage and understand that there is not a need to slaughter what ever we want-a majority public opinion is not always incorrect </div></div>

Yes you do suffer from dillusions....your own words betray you. You sir have not "past" me in any way, shape, or form in your enlightenment. As for your assumption that I kill anything, you are very wrong. But considering that you may be in error is a concept you cannot grasp.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
They're not your whales.
It's not your ocean.-- well Fred yes it is, it is just that others own it also </div></div>

So the Japanese own the whales every bit as much as you do, correct?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Anyway boys the one thing we are united on is gun ownership and usage even if a few of you would be best to turn them on youselves so we can save a few of my blubbery friends-
now I off to find my vegan burger which fell in my dreadlocks a month ago. Lets keep this sensible and not to personal.

Absolutely, let's not make it personal by suggesting individuals kill themselves in order to save an animal.... And please don't ASSume that you and I share a single value or are united on any idea.

PS. You don't even throw bait well as a troll....
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

ChrisF said:
I SAY Eat the Whales , yeap EAt them , then they are sure to be looked after .

I donot but the greenpiece/treehugger BS , for one bloodly minute .

I say farm them , just like any other meat source , I believe the best ACTTUAL ( ie REAL ) conservationists are Farmers , as they are not into one off harvest's , but yr after yr sustainablity , ( the Farmer will manage the amount culled each yr ) .

We are the top of the food chain , everything else is JUST Food , end of story .

We also forget that other cultures eat different stuff , Indians think we are subhuman for eating Cow's ( a scrared animal to them ) .

Jap's like fish , and like Whale because it was cheap , so what .

Later Chris [/quote

ChriF is a Kiwi imposter and lives in a a town that will be sawn off the side of Taranaki and set adrift possibly to be harpooned by the japs