Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!


Full Member
Jan 2, 2010
Does anyone else see this show as just outright piracy in international waters?? These eco freeks need to be put in jail, and their ships sunk. The Japanese are being very restrained considering the the violence these terroists are using but that's typical of the so called peace left.

I hope the show Whale wars is showing America the violence so typical of the left and it will cause the outgry for this along with all the rest of the leftist "ends justify the means" tactics.

I don't know if the Japanese are breaking any international laws but I think if they were there would be much more of a protest form the legitimate world. I can't believe that these pirates are continually allowed to attack other ships at sea.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I watch that show regularly. I am all for saving the whales. I have done research on the ban. It is a dicey subject. They have been very lucky so far no one has been severely injured but if they keep at it they all may end up in Davey Jones Locker. My personal belief the Japanese want their whale meat and pay whatever the cost. The Japanese will use what pretenses they can to justify there activity. They have put a limit on the amount of whales they can harvest, but why take any at all. I guess its like why drive a chevy when you can afford a Benz.

As for the the actions of the Sea Shepard crew some of their activities could be regarded as Piracy. I guess then the Japanese fleet would have the right to defend themselves in whatever manner they deemed necessary.

Since this is happening at the bottom of the world nobody really cares much.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Since the Japanese have a limit and a season it seems to me it's under some sort of regulation. To me it's no different than PETA coming into the woods and disrupting your deer or worse an elk hunt of a life time.

I certainly hope if you hunt you never have to deal with that, ti would be wrong then and in many states illegal.

As far as "is it priracy" international law protects lawful comerce at sea. Violent actions to impede, disrupt or attack these lawful actions is piracy.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I was reading something on one of the news sites where most of the sea shepherd crew is on the US terror watch list. Not sure which news agency it was so take it how you will.

Is it a good cause, yeah probably but there has to be a better way of doing it.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

The show kind of makes me laugh alot of the time. I thought it was very funny when alot of them were crying when they seen a whale drug up onto the whaling ship. I agree regulation is the way but what these guys are doing is piracy. Also look who on the famous left is funding these guys.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Commercial whaling has been banned by international treaty for over 20 years.

The entire Japanese "harvest" is solely conducted under the guise of "scientific research". There is no basis whatsoever for this "scientific research". Its merely a pretext for to procure sashimi.The scientific catch has been 35,000 since the ban came into effect.

Story here:



Where NOAA independent researchers proved that Japan was in violation of its treaty exceptions.


In addition Japan has been caught red handed buying votes including using prostitutes to overturn the IWC Ban.
Story here:

Personally I think a harvest should be allowed if there is a scientific basis for sustainable harvests. Japan, Norway and Iceland should enjoy no protections of any international laws of the seas. For duplicity and for illegal fishing.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Providing my understanding of the situation is correct - the ban is set by the IWC or International Whaling Commission - i.e. - VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE. As such the show distorts the truth. Japan could easily back out of the self imposed agreement and go whole hog if they wanted to.

Japan is in a tough spot, they are a western(ized) country so there is image and a PC level they must maintain, they do not possess the ability to grow / raise enough eatables to feed their country, they harvest a disproportionate share of the ocean's aquatic species relative to the population density of Japan to the rest of world. It is a real impact. The cost of food is already high in Japan and would skyrocket if they had to seriously curtail ocean harvests.

If the pressure is great enough.... who knows? Maybe the Yakuza will take an interest in the Sea Shepard and it's crew, and then....they will be no more....

Good luck
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I love this show. I think their captain (Paul Watson) is completely full of shit. A few seasons ago he was "shot" with a .45 and it just so managed to hit his badge, some luck as he was the only one shot and there were no guns shown to be anywhere. Really it was a publicity stunt but very poorly thought out, one at that.

This season that stupid ass little bat boat thing gets crunched and sunk. That should make for a fun show.

The photography is really nice though, The ice bergs and all that make the show worth watching. You just have to wade through all the hippies and dumbass antics to get there...
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

These guys are complete pieces of shit and their captain is a total no nothing idiot. When my brother was going to California Maritime Academy their "captain" came to speak to one of the classes wearing his own uniform complete with officer rank insignia pinned onto a Navy dress coat. The entire crew has almost a total lack of basic maritime knowledge and to top it off you know they're just a bunch of shithead commies.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If these guys don't watch what they are doing they're going to end up finding themselves sinking in the middle of the night in the middle of the southern ocean. And I'll sleep well at night when they do. </div></div>

Well put................
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Animal Planet supports this piracy. They have advertisers. 'Nuff said.

Meanwhile, life is tough enough when you <span style="font-style: italic">aren't</span> stupid. This passel fo hamheads is headed for disaster. They keep bangin' up against it every episode. Someday that Great Shepherd in the Sky is gonna give 'em what they're asking for.

Accidents happen...

"...Hey, Soji; does <span style="font-style: italic">your</span> whale steak taste funny...?"

"...Wouldn't it be wonderful if sombody held a Whale War, and nobody came...?"
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I love the show mostly because almost everything these hippies do ends up blowing up in their faces. 9 out of 10 times that they deploy the prop fouler, "their most effective weapon" it has no effect. The crews of the small boats don't ever do what they're supposed to do, they don't check in when they are supposed to, they forget what the code word was to do whatever they were supposed to do. I guess they can't hear the captain over the bubbling from their bongs. They do all this crazy shit and then get indignant when the Japanese do something in return. It is endless entertainment for me.

I'm not a fan of whaling but these Sea Shepherds are the biggest joke and this is the shit they chose to air. I've been looking forward to seeing that super duper bat boat sink.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vc8541</div><div class="ubbcode-body">their captain is a total no nothing idiot. </div></div>

Anyone else see the humor in this...
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since the Japanese have a limit and a season it seems to me it's under some sort of regulation. </div></div>

Actually no there is no season, they "Claim" to be doiung it for re search but they take 5 times what is allowed and ALL - EVERY whale has shown up in restaurants.

They are in fact illegal, and the treaties are trying to open a season with reduced harvest so they'll slow down.

The probelm with the eco terrorists is that they are just patsying around - while the japanese admitted they take 25% fewer whales now, it's still more than they need to take.

There are some whales that reproduce fast enough but some that do not.

If I were that dedicated to the cause I would be putting limpet mines on teh hulls of those ships with timers - so about the time they got over the marianna trench it would detonate.

I would not screw around with stink bombs, blow them out of the water.

Japan has a cove where they slaughter ALL of the dolphins - I'm sure you've seen the movie.

Dolphins are as smart as humans and a pretty cool animal, but to slaughter for the rich to havea delicacy is wrong in my book...

Any other "FIsh" maybe so, but dolphins and whales are intelligent mammals..

Some things are out of my control but if mo ney were not an object those whaling boats would sink as fast as they could build them.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArcticLight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Actually no there is no season, they "Claim" to be doiung it for re search but they take 5 times what is allowed and ALL - EVERY whale has shown up in restaurants.

They are in fact illegal, and the treaties are trying to open a season with reduced harvest so they'll slow down.


If I were that dedicated to the cause I would be putting limpet mines on teh hulls of those ships with timers - so about the time they got over the marianna trench it would detonate.

I would not screw around with stink bombs, blow them out of the water.

Exactly, there is zero enforcement...

Exactly, these guys are just dicking around. If they were serious they would find a way to cause real damage. The problem with that though is if they did that they would lose their Dutch flag and would be fair game for retaliatory sinking.

We're got to give them some credit as they are the only people putting their money where their mouth is.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sjohnny</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I love the show mostly because almost everything these hippies do ends up blowing up in their faces. 9 out of 10 times that they deploy the prop fouler, "their most effective weapon" it has no effect. The crews of the small boats don't ever do what they're supposed to do, they don't check in when they are supposed to, they forget what the code word was to do whatever they were supposed to do. I guess they can't hear the captain over the bubbling from their bongs. They do all this crazy shit and then get indignant when the Japanese do something in return. It is endless entertainment for me.

I'm not a fan of whaling but these Sea Shepherds are the biggest joke and this is the shit they chose to air. I've been looking forward to seeing that super duper bat boat sink. </div></div>

^ This is exactly how I feel about it.

I also wonder how long before they start shooting harpoons at the sea shepherd boats. That would make for a good show.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vc8541</div><div class="ubbcode-body">their captain is a total no nothing idiot. </div></div>

Anyone else see the humor in this...</div></div>

I do, I was pretty tired when I wrote that I meant to say know nothing.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vc8541</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vc8541</div><div class="ubbcode-body">their captain is a total no nothing idiot. </div></div>

Anyone else see the humor in this...</div></div>

I do, I was pretty tired when I wrote that I meant to say know nothing. </div></div>

LOL, I've done it too.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Japan never signed the treaty banning whaling so they are not bound by it. Last I knew Japan was a sovereign country.
The morons in Whale Wars on the other hand are no better then the Somali pirates and deserve the same consideration.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BobC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Japan never signed the treaty banning whaling so they are not bound by it. </div></div>

They wouldn't be bound to it anyway as there is no enforcement mechanism.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BobC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Japan never signed the treaty banning whaling so they are not bound by it. Last I knew Japan was a sovereign country.
The morons in Whale Wars on the other hand are no better then the Somali pirates and deserve the same consideration. </div></div>

"Commercial whaling has been banned since 1986 under the International Whaling Commission's treaty, to which Japan is a signatory"


Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I did not know that. If Japan knowingly signed a treaty saying that they would not continue with commercial whaling they should honor that treaty. That is however a matter for heads of state not environmental terrorists.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Their funding is supported by donations. There second ship , which was a former Norwegian whaling ship, was purchased by a donation from Bob Barker, "The Price is Right" host. He donated personally to Paul Watson $5,000,000.
As a side note Paul Watson , Sea Shepard Captain, was a member of Green Peace and was kicked out for being to radical. Go figure
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Eco morons is a more suitable title.

I laugh when I hear them use terms such as battle, tactics and strategy. Hearing them call themselves warriors makes my sides hurt. I figure the Japanese could send them to the bottom without much trouble.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArcticLight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If I were that dedicated to the cause I would be putting <span style="font-weight: bold">limpet mines</span> on teh hulls of those ships with timers - so about the time they got over the marianna trench it would detonate.

I would not screw around with stink bombs, blow them out of the water.

Ah mon ami! So those bastards finally let you out!!

"Sinking of the ship
Agents had boarded and examined the ship while it was open to public viewing. The agents attached two limpet mines to the ship and detonated them 10 minutes apart at around 11:45 p.m. Agents intended the first mine to cripple the ship so that everybody would be evacuated safely off when the second mine was detonated. The ship sank four minutes after the second explosion."


Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shootist2004</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the little boat gets cut in half this friday night. </div></div>

They had a video on youtube or some other forum when it happened several months ago. That was one nice boat. Well mr price is right is sinking..( pun intended ) his money into the
whole thing. It must cost a fortune to maintain two large ships, a copter and that audy gill..

I am for the whales. I don't get into politics or the other BS but they are beautiful creatures.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It must cost a fortune to maintain two large ships, a copter and that audy gill..</div></div>

And all they do is pollute the environment.

Just watched the Jap ship slice the little speed boat in two. The geeky guy was telling to Japanese via radio they were rescuing their friends and would not hesitate to defend them if they acted hostile (my words). My wife responded, "Defend them how?"
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

This is such bullshit, those Japenese are killing the whales and selling them on the black market! All that you right wing blow jobs have is your guns and tough talk. Kill a few animals and you are a real man? When a dog kills a human it has to be put down but if you shoot a deer its cool...makes alot of sense. This is why we make fun of "Rednecks" because you sit on the computer and talk about killing harmless animals and think it makes you tough and your little dicks bigger. I happened to just come across this site on a google search and read some of your posts, of course I had to say something but it sucks because it is time in my life that I will never get back. Although it does feel good to let off some steam. Put the fucking guns down...your dick will still only be 4 inchs after your done shooting a animal. This isn't the 1800's or early 1900's you can buy your fucking food in the store!!
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toughtalk84</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is such bullshit, those Japenese are killing the whales and selling them on the black market! All that you right wing blow jobs have is your guns and tough talk. Kill a few animals and you are a real man? When a dog kills a human it has to be put down but if you shoot a deer its cool...makes alot of sense. This is why we make fun of "Rednecks" because you sit on the computer and talk about killing harmless animals and think it makes you tough and your little dicks bigger. I happened to just come across this site on a google search and read some of your posts, of course I had to say something but it sucks because it is time in my life that I will never get back. Although it does feel good to let off some steam. Put the fucking guns down...your dick will still only be 4 inchs after your done shooting a animal. This isn't the 1800's or early 1900's you can buy your fucking food in the store!!</div></div>

Somebody forgot to take their meds this morning!!
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toughtalk84</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is such bullshit, those Japenese are killing the whales and selling them on the black market! All that you right wing blow jobs have is your guns and tough talk. Kill a few animals and you are a real man? When a dog kills a human it has to be put down but if you shoot a deer its cool...makes alot of sense. This is why we make fun of "Rednecks" because you sit on the computer and talk about killing harmless animals and think it makes you tough and your little dicks bigger. I happened to just come across this site on a google search and read some of your posts, of course I had to say something but it sucks because it is time in my life that I will never get back. Although it does feel good to let off some steam. Put the fucking guns down...your dick will still only be 4 inchs after your done shooting a animal. This isn't the 1800's or early 1900's you can buy your fucking food in the store!! </div></div>

Well, at least we're not talking about other people's dicks. But who am I to criticize your hobby.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toughtalk84</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> This isn't the 1800's or early 1900's you can buy your fucking food in the store!! </div></div>

And, that my friend is where that Whale meat is going, Jap tables, via the <span style="font-weight: bold"> <span style="text-decoration: underline">JAP STORE</span> </span>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toughtalk84</div><div class="ubbcode-body">you can buy your fucking food in the store!! </div></div>

Do you have a grip on reality, or just here for a pissing contest?
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toughtalk84</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is such bullshit, those Japenese are killing the whales and selling them on the black market! All that you right wing blow jobs have is your guns and tough talk. Kill a few animals and you are a real man? When a dog kills a human it has to be put down but if you shoot a deer its cool...makes alot of sense. This is why we make fun of "Rednecks" because you sit on the computer and talk about killing harmless animals and think it makes you tough and your little dicks bigger. I happened to just come across this site on a google search and read some of your posts, of course I had to say something but it sucks because it is time in my life that I will never get back. Although it does feel good to let off some steam. Put the fucking guns down...your dick will still only be 4 inchs after your done shooting a animal. This isn't the 1800's or early 1900's you can buy your fucking food in the store!! </div></div>

Well I don't know where you live (California), but where I live, the animals can Fu@k you up! So guns make me feel fine. Where do you get your food from? At least with the chaise there iS honor in it, verses the slaughter house. Well you are more then likely mowing down on your tofu, so it don't matter. Sir, please seek life else where.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

I was watching and believe they are walking a very fine line
as far as piracy is concerned .
I may disagree with whaling but there should be a better way of resolving this.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Toughtalk you know what i have always found interesting? People such as yourself talking about the inhumane treatment of animals while I will bet you have leather goods such as shoes car interior coats or other items made of leather. My question is where do you think it comes from? I have been a bowhunter for 24 years and have contributed more for the wellfare of whitetail, elk, ect. than you ever will. regards Rthur
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Boy what fun I started with this thread!! I just thought they were more like pirates than clowned avengers and as such should be dealt with like wise. Also I hate little commie freaks whether they come from Kalifornia, Autralia, or freeking New Zealand and it would warm my heart to ends to see them end at the same fate as the Green Peace boat in Sydney. PETA, ELF, or these guys they are all terrorist.

I think all animals are beautiful as God made them......and delicious as God made them.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Just saw on the web they arrested the clown captain of the little black boat that got crushed...HAHAHAH by one of the whalers. He's to stand trial in Japan for illegal boarding of the Japanese ship and trying to "arrest the captain" for almost killing him and his crew. A note to this ding-a-ling if you're going to try to arrest someone on their turf its advisable to bring more than a knife and alot more guys than the other guy! Oh by the way he was charged by the Japs for also carring a knife too?! I think he could get 15 years if convicted. Funny thing is the head fruit rammed a ship last year and I haven't heard anything about prosecuting him, but he at least is not so crazy as to jump aboard the other guys ship and yell you're all under citizen's arrest carring his "official Sea Sheppard Captain's badge"

It just keeps getting better, but remember there are fruits in this country that would and often do just this sort of crap to stop your hunting.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Boy what fun I started with this thread!! I just thought they were more like pirates than clowned avengers and as such should be dealt with like wise. Also I hate little commie freaks whether they come from Kalifornia, Autralia, or freeking New Zealand and it would warm my heart to ends to see them end at the same fate as the Green Peace boat in Sydney. PETA, ELF, or these guys they are all terrorist.

I think all animals are beautiful as God made them......and delicious as God made them. </div></div>

And do you think they should be hunted to extinction?

It seems to have escaped many that perhaps the pirates in this story are the Japanese whalers.

Hunting any animal to extinction is the activity of assholes. Cheering them on while they do it is the preserve of morons.