Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
ch'e said:
The Preist saying Im a bit of a tool -not cool bro! More like a suck up to be accepted by those that disagree with save the whales .Your statements were good on there own let that be your strength . I will excuse it as your probably still sore that we canned the shit out of the Wallabies yet again!!! Mind you we do have a spy on your side tho eh!lol


Well, I've been called quite a few things before but never a suck-up.
Still, opinions vary. As for calling you a tool, well, you've waved a few red rags around and done a bit of name calling prior to me chiming in. It (a) probably wasn't going to do anything for this audience, who love a pile-on at times and (b) sounded tool-like, and (c) you are a kiwi after all.

F*cking rugby...thanks a lot
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDRAT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Old news but pretty funny as this is a "Japanese perspective" on it:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/03/15/australian-greens-demand-japan-release-terrorist/ </div></div>

What website is that...holy shit...cartoon porn </div></div>

I googled ECO Terrorism , pretty humorous.
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Priest</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
ch'e said:
The Preist saying Im a bit of a tool -not cool bro! More like a suck up to be accepted by those that disagree with save the whales .Your statements were good on there own let that be your strength . I will excuse it as your probably still sore that we canned the shit out of the Wallabies yet again!!! Mind you we do have a spy on your side tho eh!lol


Well, I've been called quite a few things before but never a suck-up.
Still, opinions vary. As for calling you a tool, well, you've waved a few red rags around and done a bit of name calling prior to me chiming in. It (a) probably wasn't going to do anything for this audience, who love a pile-on at times and (b) sounded tool-like, and (c) you are a kiwi after all.

F*cking rugby...thanks a lot

LOL , no offence intended Priest! By the way what way do you side on this issue ? Yeah , it was getting overly personal , I hold no animosity to any one here though just a different opinion
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The problem as I see it with harvesting whales is that many unscrupulous counties will abuse it and push many species of whales to the brink -its the way man is</div></div>

You should do just a tinnie wennie bit of research before making such broad statements. Only a hand full of countries still whale and they impose strict limits on themselves. Hence they continue to successfully harvest whales year in and year out, without raping the sea as you would believe.

Perhaps your efforts would be better directed at a species that really needs your help such as the blue fin tuna, listed as Critically Endangered. This should be easy for you since some of the people raping the sea of the tuna live in your backyard.

Has anyone else realized that the IVPs control all the video that comes off their boats but they still manage to make themselves look like fuck wads? I mean they could turn off the camera as they are sinking their own $100,000 dingy. They could use a lesson in propaganda.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDRAT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ch'e,this is why Jim Zumbo no longer has a job after trashing AR15's and calling them terrorist weapons I believe. </div></div>

He also rebounded with his own show in 2007 working with the WWF and then he was appointed head of Outdoor Heritage Recreational Fund through his continuing efforts with the PVA.

50CAL - As a side note comparing White Tail hunting to Whale hunting is a considerably long stretch. Considering the fact that White Tail overpopulation in the US is approximately 4x that of the supportive habitat. By the IWC's numbers for 2010 the Japanese fleet (Provided by Japan) took 700 Minka Whales (Not including other species) out of the estimated 1 million, that pales in comparison to the 1.5 million deer involved in vehicle crashes in the United States alone. Not to mention the absolute decimation deer do to agriculture and natural habitat if left unchecked and unregulated. The BLM, USFS, and USFWS have done extensive research over the years which has led to the re-introduction of top-tier predators back into the natural habitat. We learned a very hard lesson, especially out west, with the whole don't shoot bambi crap. Because by killing the mean ole wolf and other predators we pretty much let the deer destroy the natural habitat through overpopulation.

Unfortunately, we are letting the same thing happen to the oceans. Who is the biggest culprit, Japan. Shark fin soup, whale meat, and dolphin meat, and to describe it as wholesale slaughter is an understatement. The chase for shark fins has gone beyond the seas around Japan much like whaling. It is estimated that 15 million sharks are killed yearly for their fins alone. They catch them on long lines, hack off their fins, and dump the sharks still alive back in the water. We are exterminating the top-tier predators within the ecosystem. Once the food chain is screwed up, it will be hell to rebuild, if we even can, especially considering we know more about outer space than our own oceans. I agree with you regarding Bluefin Tuna, but again who is the largest importer, Japan. So if worrying about PETA getting a foothold in the mainstream media is our biggest concern from these overzealous loons in the southern ocean, well, thats why we have pro-gun and pro-hunting lobbies to keep them at bay.

Personally, any hunter in a civilized country, and that would be anywhere that hunting is recreational, has a responsability to be stewards of our resources. If not for the more altruistic reasons, at least for their own selfish benefit to continue hunting. I can honestly say that Japan does not recpricate with stewardship, and its an absolute shame.

It's the circle of life Simba!

Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Priest</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
ch'e said:
The Preist saying Im a bit of a tool -not cool bro! More like a suck up to be accepted by those that disagree with save the whales .Your statements were good on there own let that be your strength . I will excuse it as your probably still sore that we canned the shit out of the Wallabies yet again!!! Mind you we do have a spy on your side tho eh!lol


Well, I've been called quite a few things before but never a suck-up.
Still, opinions vary. As for calling you a tool, well, you've waved a few red rags around and done a bit of name calling prior to me chiming in. It (a) probably wasn't going to do anything for this audience, who love a pile-on at times and (b) sounded tool-like, and (c) you are a kiwi after all.

F*cking rugby...thanks a lot

LOL , no offence intended Priest! By the way what way do you side on this issue ? Yeah , it was getting overly personal , I hold no animosity to any one here though just a different opinion </div></div>

Mate, I'm anti-whaling when it comes to the way the Japanese do it (lying wankers), and I'm against commercial whaling. I'm for traditional whaling (per the Inuit, minus the 50cals).

On that front, I'm against any harvesting practice that isn't sustainable in the long run. Good examples have been raised here about blue-fin tuna, as well as shark (finning), long line and drift net 'fishing' and anyone who kills a dolphin is just a mongrel dog IMHO. Last time I saw footage of the Japanese herding and slaughtering them, I wanted to jump into the TV set with a 240B. Anyway, emotion aside, I think it's pretty commonly accepted that there is a serious problem with over-fishing worldwide, and if people keep it up or keep encroaching into the waters of other states to sustain their unsustainable business, it won't be long until push will come to shove.

As for 'land operations', if you want to keep hunting in the long run, it pays to be a conservationist first. For example, removing predators may sound like a great idea to some but then they pay at the back end when deer populations, etc. explode and do even more damage to agriculture. It's a pretty fine balance to be struck and there is lot of emotion around the subject. Personally, I'll shoot feral pest animals as fast as I can throw the bolt and I also shoot roos during periodic culls. I don't shoot deer, because there are none to be had here where I live, and it's not my thing really, so I'll leave that to others. So it goes.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDRAT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Old news but pretty funny as this is a "Japanese perspective" on it:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/03/15/australian-greens-demand-japan-release-terrorist/ </div></div>

What website is that...holy shit...cartoon porn </div></div>

"Kiss×sis Uncensored Incest Action", sweet just what I need after a 2 hour stint watching the end of this seasons Whale Wars on DVR, FAP FAP FAP!
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">SANDRAT and smokshwn , it appears no matter how much education you both think you have you've both ended up unintelligent-I mean this statement alone has you dragging your knuckles as a bigot and someone that doesn't understand good healthy food -
On the subject of the Men on this site calling you a "Hippie",if the shoe fits,wear it.Your constant reference to the disgusting foods you eat is associated with the "Hippie Culture"

As for Mr Ch'e Guevara being a coward -hell I doubt that and your extra stupid to even think it let alone say it !Any man that goes to war for a cause has got big pellotas

A murderer - I believe he was in some cases , maybe even Fidel Castro's hit man - many soldiers from all sides have done the same , its not an exclusive position he holds

A coward begging for his life before he died --gee whizz just before being assassinated -your a brave guy saying that from the comfort of your couch .
You don,t have to like or believe in the communist cause or even the reasons they set out to change their oppressive society but to call men who gave their lives for their personal beliefs cowards just because they don't have your politics is more likely the words of an ignorant man that hasn't had to look down the barrel of an aggressive foe's gun-who did actually pull the trigger .

Go wash your mouths out again
It takes an especially retarded fuckstick to try to defend che guevara or castro. I bet you think mao se tung was a brave genius too, or maybe adolf hitler? They didn't set out to change their oppressive societies they created them.
Re: 8/27 Episode

It takes an especially retarded fuckstick to try to defend che guevara or castro. I bet you think mao se tung was a brave genius too, or maybe adolf hitler? They didn't set out to change their oppressive societies they created them. [/quote]

the bus came and left hillbilly , sorry you arrived late but at least you can make people giggle
Re: 8/27 Episode

Just for you Ch'e

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zBgIBEVSTjU&feature=related"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zBgIBEVSTjU&feature=related" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just for you Ch'e

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zBgIBEVSTjU&feature=related"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zBgIBEVSTjU&feature=related" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

Its a terrible sight 50calcruiser and I noticed at the end it was on a sporting program.Whales are not needed in this day as a commercial food source.
Re: 8/27 Episode

Whales are no longer needed for their oil, but for food, is another matter. Anthropomorphizing is for saps though I draw the line at needless cruelty.

I too wish the nations that eat Whales would just admit that is what they are hunting them for and desist with the horseshit of calling it research.

As to the laughable segue into the nonsense about Ernestico Guevara being a brave fellow...Please.

I'm related, by marriage, to people who knew him, feared his psychosis and suffered from his mania. Much like the libtards supporting the Hamas funded mosque at ground zero, Guevara had little use for idiots after the goals were achieved.

Why not wear Arafat's images on one's clothing too! He was just as awful a self promoting asshole.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: queequeg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Whales are no longer needed for their oil, but for food, is another matter. Anthropomorphizing is for saps though I draw the line at needless cruelty.

I too wish the nations that eat Whales would just admit that is what they are hunting them for and desist with the horseshit of calling it research.

As to the laughable segue into the nonsense about Ernestico Guevara being a brave fellow...Please.

I'm related, by marriage, to people who knew him, feared his psychosis and suffered from his mania. Much like the libtards supporting the Hamas funded mosque at ground zero, Guevara had little use for idiots after the goals were achieved.

Why not wear Arafat's images on one's clothing too! He was just as awful a self promoting asshole. </div></div>

queequeg - your and my idea of bravery my differ but any man that takes up a weapon to fight for their cause and puts their life in danger doing so -for a just or unjust cause -holds a certain amount of bravery in my eyes -even if he had psychosis and was a maniac.I think people have seen Mr Guevarra's original purpose and ideals as good -basically wanting to look after the poor - and is why they wear him on shirts , which I have none of ! What the regime did on the way through and its ultimate corruption leaves much to be desired though as is the case with power-it corrupts even the idealistic.Can you imagine that ugly Rag head Arafat on ya shirt -nuh!Could be interesting as a Andy Worhol maryilyn type poster though-- you might wanna be a Arab to put it in ya house though The Mosque at ground zero ain't going to happen -it's time we as christian countries stopped this rising tide of the Muslim identity in our homelands even if it means upsetting the left of the left-givem hankies I say
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">any man that takes up a weapon to fight for their cause and puts their life in danger doing so -for a just or unjust cause -holds a certain amount of bravery in my eyes</div></div>

What's your opinion of homicide bombers?
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EddieNFL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">any man that takes up a weapon to fight for their cause and puts their life in danger doing so -for a just or unjust cause -holds a certain amount of bravery in my eyes</div></div>

What's your opinion of homicide bombers? </div></div>

In what respect EddieNFL ?are they brave for giving their lives up for their cause or are they murderers ?explain exactly what your fishing for
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EddieNFL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">any man that takes up a weapon to fight for their cause and puts their life in danger doing so -for a just or unjust cause -holds a certain amount of bravery in my eyes</div></div>

What's your opinion of homicide bombers? </div></div>

In what respect EddieNFL ?are they brave for giving their lives up for their cause or are they murderers ?explain exactly what your fishing for </div></div>

Are they brave for willingly sacrificing their lives for the cause, or brainwashed murderers?
Re: 8/27 Episode

Ch'e, where do you draw the line between murdering scum bag and brave warrior?

This thread started out as an analysis of the IVP's and is now at arguing whether or not Che Guevara and the like are pieces of shit?

Okay, I'm feeling diplomatic, save the whales, harpoon the hippies. All hippies, not just the whale whores.

<span style="font-style: italic">Oh wait, this has been my stance since the beginning </span>
Re: Whale wars?? Eco Pirates!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone else see this show as just outright piracy in international waters?? These eco freeks need to be put in jail, and their ships sunk. The Japanese are being very restrained considering the the violence these terroists are using but that's typical of the so called peace left.

I hope the show Whale wars is showing America the violence so typical of the left and it will cause the outgry for this along with all the rest of the leftist "ends justify the means" tactics.

I don't know if the Japanese are breaking any international laws but I think if they were there would be much more of a protest form the legitimate world. I can't believe that these pirates are continually allowed to attack other ships at sea. </div></div>

Typically I think these folks are maniacs. However in this case, they are actually doing what no government will stake claim on, and that's enforcing the whaling BAN in Antarctica, it is actually against the law.

I think them boarding vessels, is going to land one or a few of them with a harpoon through the chest, but if that's what they're willing to die for, step on up.

Also I live on the Gulf Coast, and we have as it's well know, tons of sharks. But if you have ever caught a shark that has been "finned" you just can't help but want to kick someones ass.

The Japanese in particular capture sharks, cut off the fins, then free the shark. The cartilege is like Japanese Viagra. The problem is, it's like going through a neighborhood and cutting the legs off of dogs, it's just not right. The killer is they only take the fins, because the rest of the shark takes up too much cooler space.

Sea Shepards prevent this as well. So radical??? Absolutely, but can I borderline see what they are doing is beneficial? Yes.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ch'e, where do you draw the line between murdering scum bag and brave warrior?

This thread started out as an analysis of the IVP's and is now at arguing whether or not Che Guevara and the like are pieces of shit?

Okay, I'm feeling diplomatic, save the whales, harpoon the hippies. All hippies, not just the whale whores.

<span style="font-style: italic">Oh wait, this has been my stance since the beginning </span> </div></div>

To answer you where do you draw the line between scum bag and brave warrior -firstly lets start and say these guys are murderous scum period and to go to a village or market and blow up innocents is unacceptable in any "civilized" world -lets face it though you couldn't really lend that term to the Arab world . Are they brave - I think so or completely mentally sick to strap a bomb to ones self and basically kill yourself although I think they do it because they believe -that takes bravery and big balls even if we hate it .I will say on record I believe these people when caught should be tortured for every grain of evidence we can get from them .What do you think of allied troops that have done similar things and massacred villages??

As far as the occasional spelling error -I tend not to get tangled up in the small things -but feel free to if you have the time

Patriot -good sensible words bro!!
Re: 8/27 Episode

Suicide is rarely ever brave, however the consequence leading to the completed task. Do 'they', ie homicide bombers, think they are brave? of course they do. But they are not. I always figured if they wanted to be surrounded by 72 virgins or whatever, we should introduce Prom Night to the Arab world. It isn't bravery in any sense of the word. Bravery isn't 'Balls'..
Re: 8/27 Episode

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
n. 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity.
2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado.

Noun 1. Braverybravery - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear
Synonyms: courage, courageousness
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Webster's 1913 Dictionary
n. 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity.
2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado.

Noun 1. Braverybravery - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear
Synonyms: courage, courageousness </div></div>

Still does not define bravery, son.
Re: 8/27 Episode

Since I really do hate what the Japs are doing as much as I hate Commie Hippy Scum,I think the Ideal solution would be to take over the Sea Shepard and throw the Hippies overboard.Arm it with 50 cals and a cannon,give the Japs 15 minutes to bail and sink that Sonofabitch.

Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Webster's 1913 Dictionary
n. 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity.
2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado.

Noun 1. Braverybravery - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear
Synonyms: courage, courageousness </div></div>

So if these are the definitions you base your admiration of your namesake on, please explain why he begged, pleaded, and squirmed like the coward he was in his death>>>>
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Webster's 1913 Dictionary
n. 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity.
2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado.

Noun 1. Braverybravery - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear
Synonyms: courage, courageousness </div></div>

So if these are the definitions you base your admiration of your namesake on, please explain why he begged, pleaded, and squirmed like the coward he was in his death>>>> </div></div>

I asked the same thing,the response was;"He was Assassinated" as if that was a noble way to die.

ch'e,How Old are You? You must be very young or very immature if you glorify these Murderous Criminals and take one as a namesake.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDRAT</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Webster's 1913 Dictionary
n. 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity.
2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado.

Noun 1. Braverybravery - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear
Synonyms: courage, courageousness </div></div>

So if these are the definitions you base your admiration of your namesake on, please explain why he begged, pleaded, and squirmed like the coward he was in his death>>>> </div></div>

I asked the same thing,the response was;"He was Assassinated" as if that was a noble way to die.

ch'e,How Old are You? You must be very young or very immature if you glorify these Murderous Criminals and take one as a namesake. </div></div>

Sandrat I am 47 years young , well traveled and are open to other views of the world , not just two veg and meat as some plainly are .
Again you read things into my writings that I don't write .The name Ch'e in Argentina was used also as we in Kiwi land say "hey mate " oye ch'e - I am married to a South American girl
Admiration for who ? To state the obvious of some one that had been brave doesn't suggest admiration , although in the case of Ch'e Guevarra when he originally was provoked to take on corrupt regimes for the people -yes I would say I admire the man for that .When he became a cold blooded killer I did not admire him for that , the fact he was a communist doesnot sway my view .Believe me Sandrat there would be plenty of American brave heroes who pleaded for their lives but were also killed by a murderous Jap in world war 2 - now to me they are still great brave heroes !!
Re: 8/27 Episode

If these guys with the crazy captain really cared about the wales there would be no show all you would ever see on the TV is that the Jap feet had sunk, but these crazy bastards are looking for fame and nothing other than that!!! I'm not for wiping any animal off the planet but from what i can see the Jap fleet has a quota to follow so they can harvest as they want up to that amount set in the quota.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ScShaffer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If these guys with the crazy captain really cared about the wales there would be no show all you would ever see on the TV is that the Jap feet had sunk, but these crazy bastards are looking for fame and nothing other than that!!! I'm not for wiping any animal off the planet but from what i can see the Jap fleet has a quota to follow so they can harvest as they want up to that amount set in the quota. </div></div>

I agree that the Shepards are a bit camera hungry, but no, the fishing the Japanese are doing is illegal in Antarctica. The reason they have "RESEARCH" across the boughs of the ships is to indicate that they are merely capturing whales for scientific purposes.

Until the radicals lead by former Greenpeace frontman there was no enforcement at all of the law there.

I am not taking sides, merely stating the facts.
Re: 8/27 Episode

I understand that what they are doing is using a legal loop hole to catch and process wale. So what they are doing is legal from what i can tell how much research is done is very small but legal... Do i like it hell no but I don't condone what the crazy's are doing. So as someone said before me lets hope they all crash into each other and see if there beloved wales save em.
Re: 8/27 Episode

Found some other show that was following some other law enforcement agency. They had the Sea Shepards from many years ago, Paul Watson was much younger. Before they could come into port, they have to relinquish any weapons. They had quite an impressive arsenal including a 50 BMG. That would have been much more interesting to watch than the show now.
Re: 8/27 Episode

I think that as long as the practice of whaling remains even tacitly accepted by the world community, there's probably some compelling reason why the practice continues to exist.

Without giving any credence to it (and I most certainly don't), it is still the accepted way of the world.

These intrepid eco-warriors are basically railing at the wind, cursing the darkness, and tilting at windmills. I hope they get every measure they deserve, whatever that may turn out to be. Supporting them is like sending letters to Santa at the North Pole.

Basically, I think they give words like 'stupid' and 'mindless' a bad reputation, and that their fate is bound to be encompassed in their own mindlessly stubborn quest for self eradication. Hasten the day...

Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Supporting them is like sending letters to Santa at the North Pole.</div></div>

I think this pretty well sums it up.
Re: 8/27 Episode

I had heard some days ago that Pete Bathune's marriage had ended due to being away from his family excessively .The boat he was on that was rammed by the yellow empire also did a trip around the world which kept him away from the missus also and then onto the whale wars and to jail .He may have forgotten he has children and a wife and they need some serious attention also -always sad though to hear a family has broken up .

Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had heard some days ago that Pete Bathune's marriage had ended due to being away from his family excessively .The boat he was on that was rammed by the yellow empire also did a trip around the world which kept him away from the missus also and then onto the whale wars and to jail .He may have forgotten he has children and a wife and they need some serious attention also -always sad though to hear a family has broken up .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHv42hvJ_CI </div></div>

Cry me a fucking river.

You know his team killed a fisherman off the coast of Guatemala in their quest to set a world record, right?
I wonder how that family feels? Probably a little justice!

But I'm sure in your fucked up world Pete is a brave warrior.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Cry me a fucking river.

You know his team killed a fisherman off the coast of Guatemala in their quest to set a world record, right?
I wonder how that family feels? Probably a little justice!

But I'm sure in your fucked up world Pete is a brave warrior. </div></div>

50CALCRUISER -you could and should be in the media with your one sided reporting -I believe the accident happened at night and the fisherman was not displaying night lights and was rammed accidently -coulda happened to you if your were driving a boat -but that I am sure would have been ok and not your fault !
As for Pete being a brave warrior to me -no , although to chase japs in the southern ocean isnt for the timid -if ya go 50cal you might need a change of nappies.
And a good family splitting up is sad especially as Pete is generally seen a a good but overenthusiastic bloke
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think that as long as the practice of whaling remains even tacitly accepted by the world community, there's probably some compelling reason why the practice continues to exist.

That reason being... $$$
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had heard some days ago that Pete Bathune's marriage had ended due to being away from his family excessively .The boat he was on that was rammed by the yellow empire also did a trip around the world which kept him away from the missus also and then onto the whale wars and to jail .He may have forgotten he has children and a wife and they need some serious attention also -always sad though to hear a family has broken up .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHv42hvJ_CI </div></div>

Cry me a fucking river.

You know his team killed a fisherman off the coast of Guatemala in their quest to set a world record, right?
I wonder how that family feels? Probably a little justice!

But I'm sure in your fucked up world Pete is a brave warrior. </div></div>

50cal, not taking sides here but following this debate closely I can't help but notice the now second attempt to change the focus of the debate by "poisoning the well." Accidentally killing a fisherman while trekking around the world doesn't have anything to do with the whaling argument. Furthermore, I would venture that somebody on one of the whaling boats has probably accidentally killed somebody as well, perhaps while boating of driving a car either way going down that route gives the upper hand to your adversary because it looks like desperation.
Re: 8/27 Episode

If anyone really cared that much about the whales they would scuba out of a yacht and plant some timed limpet mines on the Japanese ships as they left harbor.

1hr later kaboom no more whalers. Sooner or later it will garnish international attention.

The TV show has saved 25% of the whales as Japan reported a "harvest" 25% lower.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had heard some days ago that Pete Bathune's marriage had ended due to being away from his family excessively .The boat he was on that was rammed by the yellow empire also did a trip around the world which kept him away from the missus also and then onto the whale wars and to jail .He may have forgotten he has children and a wife and they need some serious attention also -always sad though to hear a family has broken up .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHv42hvJ_CI </div></div>

Cry me a fucking river.

You know his team killed a fisherman off the coast of Guatemala in their quest to set a world record, right?
I wonder how that family feels? Probably a little justice!

But I'm sure in your fucked up world Pete is a brave warrior. </div></div>

50cal, not taking sides here but following this debate closely I can't help but notice the now second attempt to change the focus of the debate by "poisoning the well." Accidentally killing a fisherman while trekking around the world doesn't have anything to do with the whaling argument. Furthermore, I would venture that somebody on one of the whaling boats has probably accidentally killed somebody as well, perhaps while boating of driving a car either way going down that route gives the upper hand to your adversary because it looks like desperation. </div></div>

Well I can see where you would think I was changing the focus. I was merely retorting Ch'e's heartfelt sympathy for Pete and his marriage.
I would not bet against the whalers having killed someone somewhere down the line. But Mr. Ch'e holds the whale whores in such high esteem. I thought It would be relevant to point out another of their many, many flaws. I won't point out the obvious double standard that Pete's failed marriage has nothing to do with whaling. <span style="font-style: italic">Oops!</span>

I can say with all certainty that I have unequivocally stood on a platform of sound whale conservation and death to all hippies.

Ch'e funny you mention the media, I hold a B.A. in Journalism.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had heard some days ago that Pete Bathune's marriage had ended due to being away from his family excessively .The boat he was on that was rammed by the yellow empire also did a trip around the world which kept him away from the missus also and then onto the whale wars and to jail .He may have forgotten he has children and a wife and they need some serious attention also -always sad though to hear a family has broken up .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHv42hvJ_CI </div></div>

Apparently, they did not bring him enough fame.
Re: 8/27 Episode

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> But Mr. Ch'e holds the whale whores in such high esteem. I thought It would be relevant to point out another of their many, many flaws. I won't point out the obvious double standard that Pete's failed marriage has nothing to do with whaling. <span style="font-style: italic">Oops!</span>

I can say with all certainty that I have unequivocally stood on a platform of sound whale conservation and death to all hippies.

Ch'e funny you mention the media, I hold a B.A. in Journalism. </div></div>

50cal ,I dont think I have ever said I hold them in such high estem -although they are doing a dirty job that no one else is doing -so as I like to see the Japs not kill the whales one could say I would give them a nod of approval rather than to those cussing at the TV and hippies or on line as if it was left to the couch crew them southern seas would run red .

What has Peter Bathune's marriage got to do with it ?-well alot really as his fanatisism toward his belifs in battling the Japanese government has collasped his family -a very sad by product .

quote "I can say with all certainty that I have unequivocally stood on a platform of sound whale conservation and death to all hippies."
get me a diaper -fuck I am about to piss myself
All that I have seen of your writing sound pretty brutal to me and it may be time to consult you local hippy to take you to a higher plain of peace LOL Whats with hating hippies anyway -surely their are plenty of more worthy folks to hate like niggers ,spiks , dago's,kike's,chinks, polaks,- you know it would probably be easier just to hate the ones that do you wrong and forget the rest .

Funny shit you are media trained lolololol
please dont think I am attacking you personally when I give you a dig!
Re: 8/27 Episode

If it were not for the Kooky group of weirdo's and their crazy skippers more people would be against the whaling. As for me I just can't stand Eco freaks and hippies. Kinda like being for the mujahideen as long as they are killing Rusky commie bastards but now that is done I am all for killin' the Islamo goat fuckers.