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Rifle Scopes What are your thought on FFP?

Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Nonpoint</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Given the pic above, I wouldn't call bullshit cuz I was jealous. I would call bullshit cuz I don't think he is all the way in you yet.

Sounds like you're speaking from experience. I know Mormon land must be boring, but cmon, surely theres a better way to spend your time. </div></div>

Not speaking from experience, just that obvious look on your face of dissatisfaction coupled with wanting more...
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

I have had enough of this. Orkan, you are an educated poser. Please observe below.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thunderbolt, I'm guessing your statements are based on theory, not practice? Ever hunted with a FFP? I do, and I can tell you my experiences are nothing like your theories. Whether hunting coyotes, deer, or people... FFP is where its at. <span style="color: #FF0000">Nice try at making us think you were the real deal. Your not, so quite posing. What works for you hunting is great. Post your input than shut up. We really don't care about how you plan of using tactical TTP's and apply them to hunting yotes.</span>

As a web developer... I know there is a way to do ads, and a way NOT to do ads on a website. <span style="color: #FF0000">You hunt a lot of people on the web?

However, when I go coyote hunting I'll often park the truck and be on foot all day long. <span style="color: #FF0000">Do you just post what you think will make you cool? I thought you chased them and shot them from your car, which is it?</span>

Hi Guys. Been reading this site for quite some time. Thanks for maintaining such an awesome site. Has given me volumes of useful information over the years.

I am not a long range shooter by the meaning of the term. I am a hunter. I have no problem dropping a coyote at 400yds, or deer at 600 plus, but I have no idea what I am capable of on paper. I've been hunting everything in south dakota since I was a kid. Its pretty much all I do.

I'm not sure why, but I recently got the urge to get a tack driving bolt gun. (I primarily use AR style rifles for most of my hunting) It has always interested me, but I ended up buying more AR's. Well I decided I'd give the long range work a try.

<span style="color: #FF0000">Remember that intro? Maybe you should go back to that guy. That was a non posing guy that doesn't have vast experiences hunting animals and "people at long range" </span>
This took me five minutes to do. If I had more time I would expand it, but you get the point.

You stated that you lurked here for awhile before you signed up, maybe you should go back to lurking, less posturing and stirring.

We really don't care.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

So based off your dumbass remarks:

I can't be a web developer and hunt coyotes too?

I can't chase them, AND call them if I want?

What's this "real deal" you keep talking about? Is it s special "internet badass club" that you guys are in?

Give it your all. I could care less. By your logic, no one can do more than one thing. You keep trying to discount what I'm saying... yet can't prove anything I'm saying isn't true. It is damn sure entertaining to watch you try though. I've no one to convince of anything. I say something, and someone throws the bullshit flag on me. I try to prove it... and you don't believe it. So what would you like me to say?
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

I believe you hunt coyotes. I never said I didn't.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thunderbolt, I'm guessing your statements are based on theory, not practice? Ever hunted with a FFP? I do, and I can tell you my experiences are nothing like your theories. Whether hunting coyotes, deer, or people... FFP is where its at.
Lets hear about these experiences you have hunting people with that FFP scope. Your the one stating you have experience to share with us in this respect.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

oh... i see

I see where you got all butt hurt now victory. Where I said FFP for hunting people. You figured I was stating that I was hunting people, actively... right now. Meaning that I was some special forces type... right? Poorly worded on my part, as I haven't been in the service sine 2003... and when I was in, I was a 12bravo explosives guy. My job didn't really have to deal with shooting people, so much as it had to so with blowing up buildings/roads/bridges/mines... and I never saw any combat. Wouldn't have shrunk from the opportunity if it came up, but we weren't at war at the time, and for what little we were at war when I was in, I wasn't deployed. Show me where I said I was some hardened war fighter. You can take your assumptions and cram them.

Do you disagree that FFP would be best for shooting at people? My statement still stands.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: victory</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You pose like you belong to it </div></div>

I most certainly and surely the fuck DO NOT.

I'm going to a riflesonly class this next fall/winter specifically so I can learn from people that ARE a part of that club. I'm talking about COYOTES from personal experience. NOT PEOPLE. That phrase was poorly worded and I thank the anal retentive dis-believing masses here for pointing that out.

If that statement wasn't clear... let me clear it up. I DO NOT hunt people. That clear enough? I should have stated that its the cats ass for deer, coyotes, and I imagine... people.

What does that have to do with people claiming that I can't hit a running coyote at 200-400yds? I've honed that skill for the better part of my life, and it is IN FACT a common thing for me to do. Every damn weekend lately.

Run this through your head. You are chasing a coyote in a pickup, and its running toward the road, and you are doing 80-100mph down the gravel road to intercept it. The coyotes will try to beat you to the road. Coyote approaches, as you try to stop the truck. Not easy on gravel and certainly not quick. By the time I get the gun on him, or if he's running left to right, GET OUT and get the gun on him... he is AT LEAST 150yds out. Usually more. So when we are chasing... damn near EVERY SINGLE dog I shoot at is 200+yds and running like his tail is on fire.

Rinse and repeat HUNDREDS of times throughout my life. It annoys me when people throw the bullshit flag when they don't even have a clue about it. I can see how people would think it impossible, since there are parts of the country where you can't get a shot more than 75yds. Out here in the wide open plains, things are done a little differently.

If I could have someone fly me around in a helicopter or airplane, I wouldn't have to use my pickup.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

I'm pretty sure you're full of shit because if you were really the mad bad coyote slaying motherfucker that you claim to be you'd have probably been here for the world calling championships this year. Hell, anyone with your obvious skills would be taking first place every year and making a bunch of money at it.

The reason that none of us believe you isn't because we're special, it's because we know from bullshit and what you're spewing is bullshit. I know people that make their living shooting coyotes and I know people that make their living writing articles and books about shooting and varmint hunting. The first category loses their income if they don't shoot what they say they do. They show up at the calling championships and win or place high. The second group has no burden of proof for anything. They put words on paper extolling the virtues of various techniques as well as their own greatness. Mysteriously they don't even enter the calling championships, despite rumors of their greatness spread in print and through stories at the gun shop and the range. You remind me of the second group, and I've never heard anyone from the first group talk themselves up the way you do.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

Oh, nevermind, you don't show up to the championships because running them down with a pickup isn't allowed. And I'm still saying that if anywhere close to 50% of your bullets are connecting on a yote in full run at 200 yards well, I'll believe that when me shit turns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

So show me where I said I was a champion caller?

See... it doesn't matter what is said. If you can't find something to bitch about... you'll make something up.

Show me where I said I get 50% hits? ... and it only takes ONE BULLET to drop the dog. There are times I'll dump 10-15rnds and not hit. Don't usually have time for more than that.

However I'd say I hit 1 for every 5-6 shots at that range usually... but I have 20rnds in the gun so what do I care? If they are within 100yds, they will take one of the first 2 bullets fired. Most times the first shot takes them down. However, the 100yd or closer shots are rare.

I don't think, or have ever said that I'm special in this ability. LOTS of people around here can do the same thing on command. Its sad that you think its so hard.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

Obviously you don't even know what the world calling champs are. No one stands on stage in front of a microphone. Whoever has the most dead dogs at the end wins. Simple. You wouldn't have a shot though, since you aren't allowed to run them to death with a pickup first. You have to actually hunt them.

And my original quote was:

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you can score high percentage consistent hits on a coyote in full RUN even at KNOWN distances beyond 200 yards I'm the virgin Mary, but I fully agree that FFP is great for hunting.</div></div>

Throwing 10-15 rounds downrange is NOT "high percentage consistent hits" which was my point from the beginning. That's spray and pray bullshit.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">oh... i see

I see where you got all butt hurt now victory. Where I said FFP for hunting people. You figured I was stating that I was hunting people, actively... right now. Meaning that I was some special forces type... right? Poorly worded on my part, as I haven't been in the service sine 2003... and when I was in, I was a 12bravo explosives guy. My job didn't really have to deal with shooting people, so much as it had to so with blowing up buildings/roads/bridges/mines... and I never saw any combat. Wouldn't have shrunk from the opportunity if it came up, but we weren't at war at the time, and for what little we were at war when I was in, I wasn't deployed. Show me where I said I was some hardened war fighter. You can take your assumptions and cram them.

Okay, I will show you.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We don't really need to discuss the need do we? It exists for guys on a two way range. <span style="color: #000099">I'm not in that situation anymore.</span></div></div>

How did that made up two way range situation workout for you? Is that where you hunted people? Once again blabbing at the mouth to make people think you are something your not.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

Apparently having people shoot at me doesn't count as a two-way range? It certainly wasn't fun and I certainly am not in that situation anymore.

So busy trying to put words in my mouth. Keep it up. I don't fuckn lie, so you can try as much as you want.

The only people babbling are the people trying so fucking hard to disprove what I'm saying.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: chuff</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Throwing 10-15 rounds downrange is NOT "high percentage consistent hits" which was my point from the beginning. That's spray and pray bullshit. </div></div>

Once again hearing only what you want to hear. Didn't quite catch that MOST TIMES it doesn't take that many shots huh? It isn't like I'm missing by much when I miss... but its still a fuckn miss isn't it?

Hardly what I'd call spray and pray. I suppose when you miss a couple times... thats just a miss right? Or when you miss, is it spray and pray too?

The only reason I'm carrying this on, and will not back down is the simple fact that my claims are TRUE, and every time someone says something out of ordinary on this site, the same people come crawling out of the woodwork claiming bullshit. Doesn't change what is. So keep it up. Some of your worlds are awfully small, and I'm just fine not fitting into it. Not to mention, this is entertaining as hell.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: victory</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did you use your FFP scope on that two way range? </div></div>

Nope. Standard issue m16 with irons. ... and I never fired it, to answer your next question.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

5-6 rounds is still spray and pray. A miss is a miss regardless, but throwing lead downrange from a semi auto until one connects is, yes, spray and pray.

And if I miss a couple of times I step back and re-evaluate. Am I off on the range? Am I mis-reading the wind? What factor have I failed to account for? I have been known on occasion to get upset about a miss and start popping off rounds willy nilly. The result? You guessed it, spray and pray. Often I hit my target somewhere in there, but it's not due to my high level of skill honed over many years of hunting and shooting.

The fact remains you made a claim about shooting yotes at unknown distances in a full run and I called you out on the obvious bullshit. Since you are astute enough to understand that no one is going to believe that shit if you defended it you changed your story to something like (paraphrasing obviously) "well, the yote dies eventually."

Here is your original "great white hunter" post wherein you regale us with your uncanny ability to instinctively range, plot a solution and a lead, and silence your quarry. Had you in this post said something at the end like, "And within 5-6 rounds (or sometimes 10-15) I manage to actually hit the fucking thing" we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I should quantify, by the time I squeeze the trigger, I have a pretty good idea of the distance. Thats the beauty of known subtensions at all powers. I don't even have to think about it really. I have looked at so many coyotes and deer through a mil reticle that I know about how far away they are at a single glance. I don't do any math, it just "clicks." Thousands of rounds on thousands of critters trained my brain. </div></div>
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

So what do you do on running targets? Do you whip out the calculator or mil-dot master?

The point of doing something frequently is to train your muscle memory and train your eye to your brain. The sight picture to target relation becomes VERY instinctive if you do it enough.

I have no problem saying "after 5-6rnds I manage to hit the fucking thing." Where did I say otherwise? Doesn't change the fact that its fuckn dead, and I hit it... to which you are saying I can't.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: victory</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Because your back peddling makes me laugh, and most of what you write makes me laugh.

Wait, maybe I have a man crush on you. Your yote killing pictures did give me super boner. </div></div>

Well its not my problem if you are a gay victory. I don't bat for the other team.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

I don't shoot at long distance runners because even the lowly and much maligned coyote deserves at least the respect of a reasonable belief that I can make a quick, clean kill when I pull the trigger. I'm not comfortable with the prospect of any animal slinking off dragging its ass to lick its wounds and die slowly. I've already quoted your bullshit. No, you did not say it directly, but re-read what I quoted above and see what impression you'd be left with if someone else had said the same.

There's no need to continue this little back and forth since it's plain to everyone what you are.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

That just means your scared, not that you won't like it. I don't like heights, but jumped out of airplanes for a living. If your not into me, then quit posting all those cool ass yote pics and giving me a raging kill boner.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: chuff</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't shoot at long distance runners because even the lowly and much maligned coyote deserves at least the respect of a reasonable belief that I can make a quick, clean kill when I pull the trigger. I'm not comfortable with the prospect of any animal slinking off dragging its ass to lick its wounds and die slowly. I've already quoted your bullshit. No, you did not say it directly, but re-read what I quoted above and see what impression you'd be left with if someone else had said the same. </div></div>

I KNEW it. I knew the bleeding heart was going to come out here at some point. I'll shoot some video the next time I see a pack of coyotes eating a newly born calf out of the back side of a downed cow, laying there unable to get up as the pack eats its calf.

Would you have fun watching a couple thousand dollars worth of your money get eaten alive, slowly?

Get a reality check. I haven't one single shred of love for coyotes after seeing what they do, and will gladly run them with anything available until they are so exhausted they can not walk, just to walk up to them and finish them off with a 22 pistol if that is what it takes.
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No thanks... I'm a homophobe. Wait, maybe thats not the word. I don't fear gays. I just hate them. Whats the word for that? Biggot? Gay-hater? </div></div>

Whats with that shit Orkan ? You hate them why ?? I have gay freinds -both kinds girls and boys -they aint no different than you or I as people they just hapen to like cleaning carpet or chutney mining -who gives a flying fuck .If theyre good people theyre good people .You should be more afraid of yourself if you really think as you say
Re: What are your thought on FFP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: victory</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Don't blame me for the hate in your heart.</div></div>

Hmm... killing coyotes makes me hate gays?

Never connected those two before. I'm not sure I understand. In the future, I'm sure I'll just let someone calling bullshit on me slide off my shoulders. Today... it just didn't sit well.