The problem with this thread is that it was posted on SH... and the original poster didn't say why the guy was sighting in at 200- and then asked if "there's any advantage". Yes, definitely advantages, but not to this crowd and the equipment that most here use.
It was a huge advantage on hunting rifles not to long ago- and still works very good- but scopes have improved so much that some of the reason for it has disappeared. Also- the way most people "hunt" has changed and people are taking longer and longer shots- which decreases the margin of error and also increases the amount of time you have to prepare for the shot.
A few years ago I ran across a group of people that had hunted all over the world (also known as rich people) and it amazed me how many of them had scopes with a simple cross hair and capped turrets. Or when my friend was given his Grandpa's 7x57 rifle that had taken hundreds of deer. Upon closer inspection it was sighted in at approx 200 yards- but the scope was turned 90 deg. The elevation had become the windage and the windage was the elevation- but the deer hadn't noticed.