I had another look at the Defensive Edge web site, and they list multiple calibers that they have modified, and their results vary from 60 fps to around 200 fps. Don’t really see overly aggressive Marketing from their side. They basically say that the speed gain varies A LOT, that lighter weight bullets benefit less, and that if your spare case capacity (driven by powder choice) is not enough to accomodate another 3-4 gn of powder, you will have to switch powders and redo your load development, or live with a fairly small gain. There is also mention of drop tubes to get that much powder into very full cases and avoid inconsistent seating depth.
I don’t really know, but it looks like full disclosure to me. All/most of the caveats are listed.
+P Throating Applications After fielding like a hundred questions about +P throating I decided to sit down and collect up all of our research and prior +P modified rounds. In short the +P modification is a benefit if there is sufficient capacity left in the case at the current load. For example...
Just an aside: I have a very old Savage 12 with a factory barrel that shot 0.2” groups in its youth. After 2,500 rounds it lost 100 fps is speed and ES went way up (>90 fps!). Bought a new custom barrel that never shot that well (0.5-0.7” groups).
Once i got hold of a Teslong bore scope, i had another look: Found a really bad carbon ring in the chamber and a lot of hard baked on carbon in the first 10” of the barrel. Spent half a Saturday cleaning it out and mounted the barrel. Speed was still low, as the jump for a 140 gn ELDM was massive (probably 150 thou plus), due to extensive throat erosion. But ES came down to 23-32 fps, and SD went back to the prior 7-9 range. Switched to 147 ELDM bullets, loaded loaded as long as i could go (single feed only), and the gun is now shooting tiny groups again, even with a badly eroded throat, and pretty bad fire cracking for the first 10”. The barrel is now approaching 3,500 rounds and still shooting. Got the speed up to over 2850 fps for 147 projectiles using RL-17 and Superformance, and can go higher if i like. Jump is relatively small, but it takes 2.5 gn more powder than before, but no pressure signs.
Point of the story: A long throat with more powder can certainly gain you “some” extra speed. No way to know ahead of time how much you will gain. Special double base powders can gain you 100-180 fps, and they are worth a try.
Yes, the combo of more powder and the use of a double base powder will wear out the barrel much faster, probably 2x faster. For a target rifle, that is probably not a good idea, but for a trusted hunting rifle that will fire maybe 50 rounds a year, it could be just the ticket.
As i understand it, the +P chamber mod will reduce the height of the grooves for the first 0.1 or 0.2” of the lands, so the bullet is still supported by the lands, and freebore is technically the same as before. The remaining portion of the grooves will center the bullet, but there is less engraving force, so under primer gas pressure the bullet will go deeper into the lands (creating more effective chamber volume) before it comes to a stop waiting for the pressure (from burning powder) to build up high enough to unstick the bullet. This is better than simply adding massive freebore like a Weatherby Mark IV, or shooting a barrel that is badly eroded (like my old Savage), as the lands still support the bullet keeping it concentric with the bore. [Rifles where the freebore is so long that the bullet has left the neck before it engraves the lands often suffers from accuracy problems, because the soft lead core bullet enters the barrel at an angle and that distorts (bends) the bullet. A mangled bullet that is not symmetrical / concentric anymore when it leaves the muzzle will be rather inaccurate. [Weatherby Mark 5 rifles in 300 Weatherby Magnum caliber are not known for shooting 0.1 or 0.2” groups (1” is more typical), but that is ok for a flat shooting magnum caliber hunting rifle meant for shoulder shots at large game animals at 300-400 yards.]
I intend to try the +P mod for my current 300 WSM build. If the lands wear out quickly (and i expect it will), then the plan is to cut off 0.2” from the threads and rechamber again. Will also QPQ melonite the new barrel to make it harder, which should slow down the throat erosion by some amount.
To the OP: I think the +P mod is worth a try, and it is not expensive to do. If it does not work out, cut the barrel back and rechamber in a Sherman Short or some such wildcat, and the speed will be there.