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What is with all the Profanity???

If you have to say a swear word to get your point across, that person likely lacks the intelligence to produce any words larger than 4/5 letters anyway.

I don't care for it but I certainly chuckle at all the cavemen dropping F-bombs at classes, matches, etc. Good way of attracting new shooters with the lack of vocabulary.
False. That’s just something stupid people say.
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It is due to a continuing decline in standards of civil human conduct and lack of respect for ourselves and others.
Don’t equate the hide with modern civil function.
And yes your statement is true. But that’s a tribal issue. The whole world is going down that path. We’re going to into ww3 soon so you might want to tighten your belt up a notch, and get ready for extreme civil decline.
Also cant believe the rampant cussing. I RO a bunch and also shoot a bunch and love to bring my sons to help out and watch and learn (age 5 & 9).

I dont believe in the "do as I say not as I do." I truly believe our kids will do as we do. Its that simple. Large % of the population too lazy to be a good example and wonder why the country is going to shit. sad.

Someone told me once, those who cuss have a poor vocabulary. I have never forgot that and have tried new words since.


I don’t think a few F bombs are why we are in the situation we are in.

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Know your audience. Yeah, on the firing line, fucks and shits are ok. In the boardroom and most other places, you will look angry, petulant, ignorant, and you will be shunned. If, in a professional environment you can't get your ideas across to others without swearing, then you need to improve your language skills. Personally, I think people sound less educated when they constantly swear.
As parents, we can completely refrain from using foul language around our kids, and the reduction in total foul language that they hear would not even be statistically significant. But, I get where the OP is coming from.

I’m listening to Phil and Caylen as I type this. Phil says that his passion is teaching, his hobby is shooting, and he is just lucky that he teaches his hobby. That’s great, but a teacher is first and foremost a communicator. A strategic F-bomb can be critically useful, but the message can get hidden behind the language.

Ever been in a seminar and found yourself dissecting the verbal ticks of the speaker? I have.

If a a dad and his tween daughter are taking a class and the instructor goes all Marine DI, he runs the risk of losing both of those students. And, there may be another dad or 3 in the class now sympathetically cringing for the duo as well.

Caylen is saying that you don’t understand a concept until you can explain it to a child. That’s great too, but it’s not only that you can explain it, but how you explain it. The words you use are as important as the message you are trying to convey.
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I know both Caylen and Phil, good dudes and I enjoy hearing their perspective and podcast. Just chatted with Caylen last weekend at match. Every time I've shot with them they've presented themselves as intelligent and not come across as foul mouthed or anything like that.

I also bring my 15 year old daughter with me to shoot matches over the past year. She's loving the sport, getting better, and getting to know all the shooters. She certainly has heard a swear word or two at matches, no surprise there. But most guys will look up, realize they're in front of a younger girl and then give some effort to not use foul language.

Going back to the podcast, I think it has the feel of a couple of marines sitting down and chatting honestly in the way that a couple marines would do. Obviously a lot of people enjoy the window into that conversation and aren't bothered by the language judging by the 1/2 million downloads. That being said, I don't feel like the podcast is something I can play when my daughter is in the car due to the language. That's a bit of a shame since they have good shooting instruction I'd love for her to hear and we have a lot of hours in the car driving to and from matches.
And to clarify - the OP was talking about "Modern Day Sniper" podcast, which is from Caylen Wojcik and Phil Velayo and not "Everyday Sniper Podcast" which is Frank's. Might want to move this thread from the Everyday Sniper sub-forum.
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Know your audience. Yeah, on the firing line, fucks and shits are ok. In the boardroom and most other places, you will look angry, petulant, ignorant, and you will be shunned. If, in a professional environment you can't get your ideas across to others without swearing, then you need to improve your language skills. Personally, I think people sound less educated when they constantly swear.
i agree with this mostly. i don't swear in front of old folks or kids, and typically avoid profanity at work.
the all the time part i also agree with, but i think it very useful for emphasis.
for example, you won't hear me say "fucking pizza", because there is almost nothing about pizza that warrants that emphasis.
on the other hand, any mention of adam schitt (for example) from me is probably going to include some kind of offensive adjective, if only to emphasize my utter contempt for his lack of honesty or integrity.
You guys are still rambling on about this. I would have give this BETA topic, 1 page tops. Shit, fuck, ass. And don’t cross the road if you can’t get out of the kitchen.
It’s really simple. If you don’t like it turn it off. Phil and Caylen are probably the most thoughtful, mindful of the bunch. If you hear that language from them I’m sure they know their audience.
I didn't and I did. I was sent a link for another purpose. Two minutes and I turned it off. Buffoons.

Sorry about the ads
They kinda take some of the fuckin punchline out of the fuckin thing, but shit still is mother fuckin funny!
Fuck shit fuck..
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The word fuck can be used as a noun, verb, preposition, even adjatiave. Ie; “fuck the fucking fuckers.”

The young kids who people are concerned about, hear more swearing at public school and amongst their peers then you probably wish to know. Then, there’s the internet…
Sorta like the word shit. George Carlin was a genius.
I'll chime in with my 2 cents.
You can tell a lot about a person by their use of vocabulary. An eloquent speaker can draw my attention better than than an uneducated, ignorant blowhard that's just trying to control a conversation. Then there's 50 shades in between. Profanity has its place, I get angry and I love a good joke. But as a parent/grand parent I've always been mindful of "mouth control" not only what I let out, but also what I let in (but that's another story)
I don’t cuss. Said something stupid when I was a wee little retard and my mom shoved a bar of soap in my mouth, had to stand there for what seemed like an eternity. I guess it worked?
Looking back on it it I don’t think it was a new bar.... 🤔
Yeah, I played that game twice as a little kid. 1st she just lathered her hands and fondled my tongue, 2nd time she pinched my nose and squirted dish soap till my mouth was full! I can still taste Palmolive, and refuse to ever have it in my house. I didn't call her a bitch again till many years later. I'm honest to a fault, call them as I see them.
When I pay for an instructional class I’m paying for the knowledge being taught. Not whether or not the instructor is speaking eloquently or not.

Some people have never had a DI scream in their faces and it shows. 🤦‍♂️
I think you totally missed the OP's point. And yes, I have had DIs, Black Hats, Air Assault Instructors, NCOPD Instructors, TAC Officers and other instructors scream into my face plenty of times. But that's not the point.
Please don’t get me wrong I do not have virgin ears, and I can cuss like a sailor. But, what I have a hard time with is hearing people in our sport talk about the lack of young people getting into the sport.
When I listen to podcasts and the constant f… this and f….that, I am embarrassed to recommend these podcasts to young shooters.
Sometimes I wonder if the producers of these podcasts set around the dinner table and talk to their wives and young children like this?

I just finished listening to Phil and Kaylin’ podcast and they played a soundtrack of Kaylin teaching. In the soundtrack he said “pin the f…n trigger to the rear.” If that is how he teaches all his students, I would not recommend anyone send young shooters to that school for classes.

Ok rant mode off.
Yeah. I am Marine veteran, and I agree with you. I always think that someone who has to use explicitives all the time has a limited vocabulary and limited IQ. I get DIs being cruel to a bunch of recruits as they have a limited time to make them into Marines. But, there is such a thing as sounding professional and intelligent when teaching, especially to women and kids. That's my 2 cents.

Semper Fi.
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I’m seriously wondering if I’m on the hide.
Have any of you been to the Arken threads?
There is no high road on the hide. It’s nothing but mayhem and chaos! You’ll have to go over to LRH for that. This is the bar, and LRH is Sunday church, and we act accordingly at both places.
Please don’t get me wrong I do not have virgin ears, and I can cuss like a sailor. But, what I have a hard time with is hearing people in our sport talk about the lack of young people getting into the sport.
When I listen to podcasts and the constant f… this and f….that, I am embarrassed to recommend these podcasts to young shooters.
Sometimes I wonder if the producers of these podcasts set around the dinner table and talk to their wives and young children like this?

I just finished listening to Phil and Kaylin’ podcast and they played a soundtrack of Kaylin teaching. In the soundtrack he said “pin the f…n trigger to the rear.” If that is how he teaches all his students, I would not recommend anyone send young shooters to that school for classes.

Ok rant mode off.
Well.....sadly I have the vocabulary of a sailor. But theres a time and place for everything. Am I gonna use my normal fbombs when there are kids around, I honestly try to refrain. But if we are at the range and its all adultish then I gotta be me. Youd think I was just a soccer mom from the looks of me but 🤷🏻‍♀️cant judge a book by its cover.....or vocab. I guess its legitimately part of my vernacular now. And I need to work on that cause I am being forced to go back into the office next month.
Its also an overall reflection of society as well. For better or in this case, worse.
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The best thing about podcasts to be is the lack of FCC intervention. It's a conversation. The creator gets to determine the setting of that conversation. The setting of that conversation could be meant for all audiences in a formal setting, or a couple guys shooting the shit around a table having a beer. I cater my listening to the latter. It's their content, feel free not to listen. NPR is still on the radio if you can't stand the offensive language.
As for everyone speaking to intelligence and cursing, that's a very jaded point of view. I guess I'll agree that the language has to be contextual within the conversation. Maybe those of you critiquing Phil, Caylen, etc. should start your own podcast and enlighten us with all your knowledge those dummies can't convey or can't possibly have because they cuss really really bad. I'll take my presumed 70 IQ and keep listening to Modern Day Sniper, Everyday Sniper, and Just F'n Sendit podcasts because I guess they speak my dumb dumb language and I like it!
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Everyone in this thread keeps saying society is getting dumber because cuss'n n stuff. That's simply not true. Read up on the Flynn Effect and studies associated. If we're getting dumber, where did society peak for intelligence? Society just looks dumber because we're more aware of really stupid people; but, even people you would classify as stupid today would be light years ahead of most people in the early 1900s.
Please don’t get me wrong I do not have virgin ears, and I can cuss like a sailor. But, what I have a hard time with is hearing people in our sport talk about the lack of young people getting into the sport.
When I listen to podcasts and the constant f… this and f….that, I am embarrassed to recommend these podcasts to young shooters.
Sometimes I wonder if the producers of these podcasts set around the dinner table and talk to their wives and young children like this?

I just finished listening to Phil and Kaylin’ podcast and they played a soundtrack of Kaylin teaching. In the soundtrack he said “pin the f…n trigger to the rear.” If that is how he teaches all his students, I would not recommend anyone send young shooters to that school for classes.

Ok rant mode off.
It's not just shooting schools. It's society in general. People always cussed. Guy's in bars are one of the best examples. But today you hear it everywhere. Even young girls throwing the "F word" around like it's a common adjective taught in grammar school.

Add it up to the whole slow and steady breakdown of society in general. We've become a lot like a bunch of low class, trailer park trash in that regard.
Fasten your seatbelt on the rollercoaster of dignity because it's going to get noticeably worse until we Americans deal with the democrats.

The serious error the foul mouthed folks make is equating the ability to cuss and offend with strength, commitment and resolve.
The two are unrelated at best and inversely proportional is more likely.
Yes, if you go to a pig pen, you will hear "oinking sounds". I just consider the source. If I have younger kids, I point them to a different source.

I laugh at the concept that smart people cuss more. It is a myth that some people tell, which has really caught on. The majority of really smart people I have known in my life consider the audience, and frame their statements to match the audience.

I would suspect that most of the people who support the "cussing=intelligent" argument, would (at best) have an ASVAB score in the 80s somewhere. Many would be lower. I realize an ASVAB test is NOT an IQ test, but it is a strong indicator. Many of us who are here are former military, and it is one of the most common frames of reference here.

Those with podcasts/webcasts have no idea who their audience is. They are like the old-time shock Jocks on radio, where "energetic and shocking material" nets ratings. It is hard to blame them for wanting to enhance their viewership.
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I was always raised to not use profanity and to find "better" words to make the same points. And, for the most part, I do that because it's a lot easier and it just feels more comfortable to me. I'm used to it, now. But, sometimes, a point of expression absolutely needs that "special" emphasis a curse word provides, lest you not convey the point properly. It does that job in so many ways that a regular word does not. I guess, growing up was more about learning when that emphasis is needed and not just using them "willy nilly" or because you don't want to bother to find the "better" words. It's funny. My own Mom who came quite close, literally, to "washing my mouth out with soap" now curses with me, drops F-Bombs etc. etc. And I can do the same with her.... As long as I'm cursing "with" her, and not "at" her.
Just my opinion, but generally speaking cussing is a form of ego superiority, because what it does is condense things into fewer words and add emphasis without having to further explain yourself...which is foolish, and something I have worked hard at to stop doing. (Not quite there yet) Spent my entire life in the construction trades and the early part of life in an infantry unit, so i let the language rub off on me. Cant blame those groups for my own tendency to follow the crowd as a young man, it’s my own fault.

That being said, people saying “I guess you’ve never been on a military range” are missing the point. The military (esp. the infantry) is such a self important, idiosyncratic institution that people who serve there tend to imagine that those behaviors are normal, or somehow superior to civilian behaviors. Cussing is a base behavior, period. Let’s not lie to ourselves on account of our own bad habits.
The feeling on this topic, one way or another is interesting. Trying to say a human is one thing or another because of the culture they are parroting. Maybe everyone should get introspective on why they are upset or not about words?
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I was raised not to cuss, not to use “the lords name in vain”
It didn’t work.!
Expression is a human trait, freedom of expression is a right.
One culture/race says the “N” word in every other word in a sentence, but the other race can’t dare say it.
Same with cuss words. Someone don’t like them, so no one can say them or they are a deplorable fringe of society.
It’s language slang, and here to stay. If anything society as a whole has accepted it that’s why it’s more prevalent.
Here is a quote from USMC Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper: "I have long had a tendency to tie marksmanship to morality. The essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and self-control is the essence of good citizenship. It is too easy to say that a good shot is automatically a good man, but it would be equally incorrect to ignore the connection."
I have never heard a more eloquent instructor than Col. Cooper, he managed to get his points across quite well with an exceptional command of the English language. And he had certainly been on more than a few military ranges.
I've always heard about foul-mouthed people not being intelligent or having a small vocabulary. However, there's an increasing number of college graduate types who might not use any profanity, but will spew paragraphs of smart sounding word salad without ever completing an actual thought (AOC comes to mind). Who's really less intelligent?
It’s quite possible to disagree about cussing without being upset.
The feeling on this topic, one way or another is interesting. Trying to say a human is one thing or another because of the culture they are parroting. Maybe everyone should get introspective on why they are upset or not about words?
I'm baffled by the amount of hand wringing in this thread when one could just not listen at all. If you want to insulate yourself, by all means, do so.
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