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What is with all the Profanity???

Equating intelligence with vocabulary, reveals a lack of intelligence.
Feelings don’t trump freedom of expression.
That’s why you can put a fuck Joe Biden flag in your front yard, even if you live in front of a school. Some may not like it, but there’s nothing you can do about it.
Being butt hurt is also a freedom of expression.
I've always heard about foul-mouthed people not being intelligent or having a small vocabulary. However, there's an increasing number of college graduate types who might not use any profanity, but will spew paragraphs of smart sounding word salad without ever completing an actual thought (AOC comes to mind). Who's really less intelligent?

I get what OP is saying. I've got a couple of kids (9&12) that like shooting with me. I've given up on listening to most shooting podcast on road trips with them. I still listen when I can but it's easy to get out of the habit. Several that I used to listen to a lot haven't been turned on in months. My kids aren't their target audience, so it is what it is and it's an easy fix on my end.
I was staying at a buddies house and his 6 year old was on the computer. It was loud enough that it woke me up at 4am.

The video game the kid was playing was an action scrolling game where the main character was a dildo bouncing around trying to blow its wad over and over again into pussies and assholes.

The bad guys were condoms and chastity belts and preachers. The dildo was looking for banana smoothies to recharge the semonometer.

I decided to stop not cursing around kids - and woke my buddy up to let him know that even though it was 4am the kids were up and he should go take notice. He decided to stop not cursing around kids, too. Right then and there.

Maybe they have a high IQ but whenever I see someone that I admire making a speech, they use very little if any profanity.

Profanity adds very little to a conversation when I am listening. It's not like I never curse but it's rare. My grandfather was a very smart man and I never heard him curse when I was growing up.
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I was staying at a buddies house and his 6 year old was on the computer. It was loud enough that it woke me up at 4am.

The video game the kid was playing was an action scrolling game where the main character was a dildo bouncing around trying to blow its wad over and over again into pussies and assholes.

The bad guys were condoms and chastity belts and preachers. The dildo was looking for banana smoothies to recharge the semonometer.

I decided to stop not cursing around kids - and woke my buddy up to let him know that even though it was 4am the kids were up and he should go take notice. He decided to stop not cursing around kids, too. Right then and there.
Who the hell let’s 6 year olds play the shit.?
They’d have to know that game was accessible, they are the ones who should be in control of bedtime and computer time.
My parents were that way, but they were alcoholics that gave no supervision at all.
I know other family dynamics that are that way, and they are not church going families, they are drug addicts, kids would have shitty diapers on for hours, no shoes. Etc..
Who the hell let’s 6 year olds play the shit.?
They’d have to know that game was accessible, they are the ones who should be in control of bedtime and computer time.
My parents were that way, but they were alcoholics that gave no supervision at all.
I know other family dynamics that are that way, and they are not church going families, they are drug addicts, kids would have shitty diapers on for hours, no shoes. Etc..
The game wasn’t on the computer.

It was one of the ads that popped up if you were on Nickelodeon’s kids website, then clicked on “Nick at Night”. It wasn’t something they knew he was doing or had set their computer up to do.

We found out when he gently asked the kid “where did you get this video game, son?”

He was livid. He was a pretty good dad. It’s hard when your kid can’t sleep and sneaks downstairs when you are dead asleep.
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Please don’t get me wrong I do not have virgin ears, and I can cuss like a sailor. But, what I have a hard time with is hearing people in our sport talk about the lack of young people getting into the sport.
When I listen to podcasts and the constant f… this and f….that, I am embarrassed to recommend these podcasts to young shooters.
Sometimes I wonder if the producers of these podcasts set around the dinner table and talk to their wives and young children like this?

I just finished listening to Phil and Kaylin’ podcast and they played a soundtrack of Kaylin teaching. In the soundtrack he said “pin the f…n trigger to the rear.” If that is how he teaches all his students, I would not recommend anyone send young shooters to that school for classes.

Ok rant mode off.

I take it you are not former military.
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I take it you are not former military.

And this point. This isn’t the military or LE. This is a podcast, a match, or class. No one wants to make a difference, rather just point to this same thing.

That said I don’t care at all what Frank or whomever say as they teach their class. If I didn’t like it I’ll go elsewhere and vote with my cash.

But I agree that in classes or whatever, when kids are around I do watch what I say much more. The kids learn from us.
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And this point. This isn’t the military or LE. This is a podcast, a match, or class. No one wants to make a difference, rather just point to this same thing.

That said I don’t care at all what Frank or whomever say as they teach their class. If I didn’t like it I’ll go elsewhere and vote with my cash.

But I agree that in classes or whatever, when kids are around I do watch what I say much more. The kids learn from us.
My son heard that podcast. He’s 14. He actually laughed at it. It was a teachable moment. We talked about different leadership styles and content appropriate to one’s audience. And what one’s own personal standards. At some point when do you stop sheltering kids and use the events to help them grow?

I was talking to a buddy about Heaven and said "eh...I don''t think its gonna be my kinda joint." "why not?" "As far as I can tell its 6 people sitting in chairs around a bunch of clouds trying to avoid even thinking the word Fuck. all the rest of the them? PFFFFT shooting star to hell the second they think it. 6 stoic old dudes and grand old bitches just sitting there shaking with the concentration required to avoid being expelled"

that was an interesting thread.

Sorry if you don’t like some of the language we use on our platform where we feel like we can express ourselves. Sometimes we get passionate about the subjects we speak on and things just slip.

Thanks to those who are supporters and avid listeners to the podcast. Thanks for those who have looked past the language and have come to all of our in person classes to see first hand our instruction style. We’re not for everyone and we know that!

Moving forward, Caylen and I will try to be mindful of our audience but not force ourselves to change how we communicate or deliver information.


that was an interesting thread.

Sorry if you don’t like some of the language we use on our platform where we feel like we can express ourselves. Sometimes we get passionate about the subjects we speak on and things just slip.

Thanks to those who are supporters and avid listeners to the podcast. Thanks for those who have looked past the language and have come to all of our in person classes to see first hand our instruction style. We’re not for everyone and we know that!

Moving forward, Caylen and I will try to be mindful of our audience but not force ourselves to change how we communicate or deliver information.

I shot around Caylen last year at the Cameo finale RO match. His cussing really screwed me out of a bunch of points because I was extremely offended. Okay, that's not true at all. My follies were all on my own, but a guy has to have an excuse right? It was great to discuss the changing wind conditions with Caylen after the match and he was very open to answering questions to guys post match. I never once heard him try and pimp a class or anything to anyone who had questions. I thought given that is his/your profession, was an extremely professional move. He was there to shoot and help. It really sold me on recommending you guys for shooters who ask what class they could attend.
Keep up the great work!

that was an interesting thread.

Sorry if you don’t like some of the language we use on our platform where we feel like we can express ourselves. Sometimes we get passionate about the subjects we speak on and things just slip.

Thanks to those who are supporters and avid listeners to the podcast. Thanks for those who have looked past the language and have come to all of our in person classes to see first hand our instruction style. We’re not for everyone and we know that!

Moving forward, Caylen and I will try to be mindful of our audience but not force ourselves to change how we communicate or deliver information.

Nah fuck that. Just keep it real.
Cussing in general doesn't bother me. Hell, I use gamer words everyday and wife and I taught our kids not to be afraid of words so they cuss as well. The only complaint I have with cussing is those who feel the need to cuss every other word. Showing your lack of vocabulary doesn't impress me or anyone else with an above room temperature IQ.
I get what OP is saying. I've got a couple of kids (9&12) that like shooting with me. I've given up on listening to most shooting podcast on road trips with them. I still listen when I can but it's easy to get out of the habit. Several that I used to listen to a lot haven't been turned on in months. My kids aren't their target audience, so it is what it is and it's an easy fix on my end.
Same, I tried a bunch of podcasts and can’t listen to any of them with my kids either, I’m surprised no one has thought to just not cuss during podcasts 🤷🏼
Many times I swear without even thinking about it

It's just how I communicate, always had issues with it ... in fact one year I came home from the USMC, had XMAS at my Grandmother's House, now backstory, she had 14 kids, lived to 102 years old, I was dropping F Bombs without thinking and she put Ivory Soap in my mouth, took a hard squirt mid sentence

I get it with kids, but we are not emphasizing the swears, they just roll off, or out, so if you ignore it, the kids probably will too.. that tends to be my experience

You can always explain to them, how certain people talk in an not so polite way, but focus on the message and not an individual line or set of lines.

Even here, I write as I speak, so when you see me swear in print, that's how my head says the response... so I write the words just like any other, if my brain says, No Fucking Way, I write No Fucking Way... I don't say how do I adjust things for an audience I just flow ...

I had to write a 2000 word article, I just zone and when I was done, 2532 words wind up on the paper... it's a thing. But I do write different for them, and it's not natural. I have to do a lot more editing so the flow is correct because I don't speak that way.
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Absolutely I speak to people the same

I say it, ask anyone who met me in person they will tell you I'm the same person regardless

A bunch of people have met me or taken class from me, I swear in class, I swear generally... but I am the same here, podcast, etc, as I am in person
Heck I remember meeting a guy very first time and he said something stupid like "Haha and I have the bipod you hate too" when introducing himself

I said well you're just a fucking asshole, but I do it like saying, well, you're just John Smith ... and I talk fast so usually I am on to the next sentence or two before you realize and process I actually just called you a fucking asshole,
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Many times I swear without even thinking about it

It's just how I communicate, always had issues with it ... in fact one year I came home from the USMC, had XMAS at my Grandmother's House, now backstory, she had 14 kids, lived to 102 years old, I was dropping F Bombs without thinking and she put Ivory Soap in my mouth, took a hard squirt mid sentence

I get it with kids, but we are not emphasizing the swears, they just roll off, or out, so if you ignore it, the kids probably will too.. that tends to be my experience

You can always explain to them, how certain people talk in an not so polite way, but focus on the message and not an individual line or set of lines.

Even here, I write as I speak, so when you see me swear in print, that's how my head says the response... so I write the words just like any other, if my brain says, No Fucking Way, I write No Fucking Way... I don't say how do I adjust things for an audience I just flow ...

I had to write a 2000 word article, I just zone and when I was done, 2532 words wind up on the paper... it's a thing. But I do write different for them, and it's not natural. I have to do a lot more editing so the flow is correct because I don't speak that way.

Some things just require the proper emphasis. Sometimes, you need an F-Bomb in the right place to get that particular point across.

Funny you mentioned your Grandmother and "Soap." It was that way between me and my mother. I recall, as a young boy of 5-6 and not knowing what I was saying at the time, asking for something at the dinner table with all the family around. I was denied what I was seeking. I don't know why, but I upped and shouted, "God Da**it!" Next thing I knew, I was picking my teeth up off the floor. Man, that hit like a ton of bricks! And the worst thing about it was, since I didn't know what cursing/profanity was at the time, I had no idea why they hit me... I thought it "unjust" and almost "protested the punishment." But, seeing that maniacal look in my mother's eyes, at the time, I figured I better not poke the bear. And all while growing up, I had that obedient fear with her. I would never use such words in her presence.

Now, well into my adulthood, I trade F-Bombs with her all the time. Because I learned the trick. I learned to curse "with" her and not "at" her. :)
You can have the smartest person in the world but if they are not a good teacher they simply are not good.

When I was younger I competed in a particular sport. Everyone wanted to go train with world champion athletes but there were more than a few that would get frustrated and lose their cool with students. As athletes they were great. As teachers they sucked horribly bad.

I've never had a DI scream in my face and that is absolutely NO WAY to judge pretty much anyone, especially on any kind of civilian level instruction, at least not in this scenario. With the exception of me enrolling in a class where I expect that to happen (motivational/weight lifting/etc) I would never have anyone treating me like that especially if I am paying for it. Truth is many of the concepts out there whether it be for a large variety of sports or not are all nuanced and technique driven. With that there has to be a level of understanding.

While I totally get it--- someone explained a concept to someone else for the 17th time--- then losing their cool. Totally understandable. I would do the same thing. But just as a general rule a good teacher won't do such things until it's needed for him/her to do that.

Just as a general rule though, if you are hoping to conduct a shooting class for a bunch of 16 year olds from a church camp, laying off of the F's and GD's is probably a good idea.
If the teacher is saying the information correctly and you just arnt receiving it that's not on the teacher. While it may not be for you classes arnt always tailored towards you. Preference is just that, a preference.
Every post like this is always someone with a 10 year old account with very few posts compared to everyone else who’s been around that long. They’ll have 300 or less usually, and they mostly post complaints lol

I know exactly what you meant lol was just joking since I’ve been here 10+ years and only have <200 posts haha.

But generally speaking I agree with you about those types of accounts.
I know exactly what you meant lol was just joking since I’ve been here 10+ years and only have <200 posts haha.

But generally speaking I agree with you about those types of accounts.
Ha, I didn't click on your name to look. Post wasn't bitchy sounding more confused
Ain’t nobody got time to meme.

What if I told you…

that grammar and vocabulary are like body language?

It doesn’t matter what you say if the others are fucked.
Man, there are definitely some soft, whiney bitches in this world.

If you can't handle a bit of harsh language on occasion, you're gonna have a rough go of it in this life.
I just returned from a Baseball Game my Grandson was playing in. One Parent started cussing at his son using the F-Bomb. The boys Mother then asked her husband to stop it and he replied that he didn't ask her for her F option and told her to shut up.
Hard to teach your kids values when you have none yourself.
I just returned from a Baseball Game my Grandson was playing in. One Parent started cussing at his son using the F-Bomb. The boys Mother then asked her husband to stop it and he replied that he didn't ask her for her F option and told her to shut up.
Hard to teach your kids values when you have none yourself.
Yea my language isn’t great by any means. But that is unacceptable. Should have taken him to the parking lot and curb stomped him