I think MorganL’s point that with “cheap” scopes they may be quite decent optically and work for a while, but if you’re serious about comps or hunting are you willing to take the risk that it might bite the dust when you need it most. From this standpoint one could justify a more expensive scope, but there’s also no guarantee it won’t die either when you need it most, but in general, the costlier scope should be designed to withstand abuse.
Others have mis-stated what I've said, and as to your suggested question "but if you’re serious about comps or hunting are you willing to take the risk that it might bite the dust when you need it most.".....
I can answer you right now w/a no, I'm "not serious" because I never said or suggested that in the first place.
If U care to go back and read what I said, I suggested a comparison.
I never said/suggested that anybody buy some cheap scopes and go hunting, that would be ridiculous, so let me know where U found that.
Comparison=tests-targets No bears-mountain lions-wolves.