Why don't you take a look online at the work required to become an astrophysicist. Make a list of all the courses, first undergrad then graduate school. Then add in a bunch of years of research and consider that at that point in your career what you know about the facts of the big bang is just about dick.
MTT, actually that's good advice, and I hope I can maintain a decent commitment to following through.
Considering that my formal education has never exceeded 12th grade, and that much of the bookwork came out of books copyrighted in the 1940's and 1950's, just about everything I have formally learned on the subjects of astronomy and physics have been 'disproved', this does not leave me with much faith in formal learning. That does not mean the sum of my learning is obsolete, it just means that I've been limited to reading and watching the products of popular science providers. Honestly, this leaves far more new questions than it ever answers.
My reasons for not completing my formal education stem from being drafted to fight a war, and what followed being the tariffs associate with young parenthood, and attempting to support a family in a technical field with the status of a HS grad. For all of that, I did not do badly at all.
I never really understood why retired folks took college courses, but I think I'm beginning to get it. Being 68, and really not being 'into' the classroom mindset these days, I'll be seeking my knowledge from popular, free sources. The odds really don't favor my ever being able to complete this project, but that's not a real point; improving the mind has always been an open ended path. Putting up with negativity is nothing new, either.
I agree, 500, my panties did get in a wad; but in your case, the only thing I need apologize about is my language, and that apology goes to the forum. Besides, how would one go about apologizing to a pseudonym?
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