What's the most stupid thing you've been told?

“Deer camp” is always fertile ground for stupid shit. This being opening weekend, I’ve got 2...

1). The 6.5 creedmoor is ineffective at close range. Because of the “kick.”
2). Martial arts (specifically BJJ and “mixed martial arts”) are ineffective for self defense because they are based on a set of rules, and there are no rules in a street fight.
As seen on the hide, today (on other people’s threads but each caught my eye as particularly stupid):

Stick a bullet into the muzzle end to get a rough idea of your freebore


lmao. I bought a rifle and scope from Cabelas once at the same time so they offered to mount it for free. I'm like sure why not. It's "free" and I like free. Took it to the range and at 100 yards it missed the paper. Maybe I should have had them boresight it in addition to mounting the scope. hahaha

I was at my local range's 100 yard benches testing a load, and noticed a few benches over a extremely frustrated dude. He was shooting a light 5lb hunting rifle is a pretty big caliber. I overheard him saying he couldn't even hit the paper at 100 yards. The RO was trying to help spot the guy's misses. I wander over a bit, and hear him say he thinks he's hitting over 1 ft to the right. So, he starts turning his top turret. I go over to him and ask him how things are going, and he tells me basically he can't hit squat. When turns his turret marked "R" one way his bullets holes seem to move up, not right. And, when he turns his other turret marked "U" one way his bullet holes seem to move left not up and he can't figure out how to get the bullets to move to the center. He shows me his rifle. His cheap scope (Redfield I think) is canted exactly 90 degrees the wrong way. Up/down turret is on the left side. Right/left turret is on top. He bought the gun and scope at a local sporting goods store ( don't remember which brand but it was a pretty big one), and they offered to mount it at the store for him. Mount it they did....

I offered to remount the scope with my field tools, and while I didn't have a level on me I figured my eye couldn't be worse that being 90 degree off. Got him as close to a proper "level" as I could, torqued down the rings, did a quick bore site and had him within a few inches of the bullseye in under 5 rounds. From there I showed him how to shoot groups of 3 or 5, how many clicks to go which way, and got him zeroed pretty decently for the setup.

I was dumbfounded that hunting/sporting goods store would mount a scope so obviously wrong.... And, that an RO sat helping him for almost an hour trying to spot misses for him get his scope zero's and never noticed the scope was off 90 degree! He was pretty pissed at place that mounted his scope too, and beyond grateful for some actual help at the end....

Never found out if he got a deer that season. Hopefully he did.
Not to belittle any deer camp stories above, but I have the ultimate deer camp story. It really happened on a lease where I was a lease warden. There were witnesses.

A hunter sits in a box stand. Two more hunters approach the stand on a side-by-side to pick the hunter up. They spook a deer out in front of the hunter, and it runs about 50 yards, and stops and turns broadside to the hunter in the box stand. The hunter shoots at the deer, but the bullet visibly hits the ground in front of the deer. It's a clean miss, and the deer runs off into the woods.

Before the other two hunters on the side-by-side say anything to the hunter who missed, he immediately says that he tries to bounce the bullet off the ground on close shots in order to slow it down so it won't tear up so much meat. He said he couldn't believe that he missed because he shot up two boxes of shells before the hunt just sharpening up that technique.
I had a guy tell me he missed a Nordic Roe deer at 20 meters because the bullets from his rifle, chambered in 222 Remington allways drops about 40 cm when they exit the barrel, and then they start to accelerate and get back up in the line of sight. So naturally his shot missed below the deer. And he insured me that ALL rifles in .222 Remington does this.

I just walked away.
I was dumbfounded that hunting/sporting goods store would mount a scope so obviously wrong.... And, that an RO sat helping him for almost an hour trying to spot misses for him get his scope zero's and never noticed the scope was off 90 degree! He was pretty pissed at place that mounted his scope too, and beyond grateful for some actual help at the end....

He should have been pissed at himself for being an ignorant fuck in an age when information and knowledge is literally at his fingertips.
It is amazing how not only some people are clueless, which is fine if they have no hands-on knowledge and take their “smart” friends word as gold.

But it’s when people double down on the idiocy like practicing a skip shot or some strange “bullet drop”, that it hurts the brain.

the 40cm drop guy; I’m guessing he never shot past 50-100 which is fine, so he really has no idea of exterior ballistics

Yet those “large” drop numbers and acceleration mid flight even he has to wonder what he’s saying at times.

it makes you wonder how these people actually hold a job and feed themselves
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It is amazing how not only some people are clueless, which is fine if they have no hands-on knowledge and take their “smart” friends word as gold.

But it’s when people double down on the idiocy like practicing a skip shot or some strange “bullet drop”, that it hurts the brain.

the 40cm drop guy; I’m guessing he never shot past 50-100 which is fine, so he really has no idea of exterior ballistics

Yet those “large” drop numbers and acceleration mid flight even he has to wonder what he’s saying at times.

it makes you wonder how these people actually hold a job and feed themselves

The bullet drop guy is a member of a clay shooting club that I also had a membership in. During the years I was there he never really did anything to impress and the level of excuses kind of rose while his abilitys faded with age. Not that he had much of a clue on a lot of stuff, including ballistics, exterior and interior. He is just one of those guys who does not know that he does not know.
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The bullet drop guy is a member of a clay shooting club that I also had a membership in. During the years I was there he never really did anything to impress and the level of excuses kind of rose while his abilitys faded with age. Not that he had much of a clue on a lot of stuff, including ballistics, exterior and interior. He is just one of those guys who does not know that he does not know.

In other words, a Democrat
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Hey, you learn something new every day! Right?


Like the guy that told me a .308 only drops 36in from muzzle to ground at 1000 yards. The reason: the bench he shoots from is only 3 feet high off the ground. And, due to the laws of physics gravity pulls the bullet down as soon as it exits the barrel. Ergo, the bullet cannot possibly drop more than 36in out to 1000 yards.
Like the guy that told me a .308 only drops 36in from muzzle to ground at 1000 yards. The reason: the bench he shoots from is only 3 feet high off the ground. And, due to the laws of physics gravity pulls the bullet down as soon as it exits the barrel. Ergo, the bullet cannot possibly drop more than 36in out to 1000 yards.

This, and the other ballistic "geniuses" that we've laughed about on this thread. I pray these are the guys they send to take my guns.
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Like the guy that told me a .308 only drops 36in from muzzle to ground at 1000 yards. The reason: the bench he shoots from is only 3 feet high off the ground. And, due to the laws of physics gravity pulls the bullet down as soon as it exits the barrel. Ergo, the bullet cannot possibly drop more than 36in out to 1000 yards.
Im almost inclined to give this guy a pass, on the basis if a basic misunderstanding of how a scope works. I just ran some rudimentary numbers and a 175 grain Sierra match king traveling with a muzzle velocity of ~2700fps will drop about 36 MOA at 1000 yards.
Overheard yesterday; "It isn't the government that is shutting down small business, it's the pandemic."

Took everything I had to keep my mouth shut.

And another; A few months back we hired a new supervisor at work. He is probably just under 60 years old and likes to brag about how many kills he has as he is a marine.

One day at lunch, he says that he has a confirmed kill at over 3,000 yards.

I don't know the specs of the rifle, and I don't care, because this guy couldn't hit a nail with a hammer.

And he's probably been telling people this story for years and being most of his friends/acquaintences are not up to speed on ballistics, they have no reason to doubt him.
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Like the guy that told me a .308 only drops 36in from muzzle to ground at 1000 yards. The reason: the bench he shoots from is only 3 feet high off the ground. And, due to the laws of physics gravity pulls the bullet down as soon as it exits the barrel. Ergo, the bullet cannot possibly drop more than 36in out to 1000 yards.

Well the problem stems from not understanding gravitational forces, bullets don't drop they are pulled down by gravity or else they would become miniature satellites.
At a gunshop with a first time women buyer looking for a home defense gun in front of. Salesman grabs a Citadel pump action 12 gauge and says you will never even need to shoot this, just the sound of the pump will make them run away.
"A King Tiger tank, is still the best tank ever made.
Germany was banned from making them after the war, because no one has ever designed a tank since that could beat it."

Bear in mind, the guy who stated this gem, had a shaved head and a swastika tattoo.

Dumbest thing I've heard all year:

My Dad: "I voted for Biden."
Me: "Why? What about any of that party made you cast your vote for them?"
My Dad: "He isn't Trump."

My neighbor was air cav in Vietnam and told me he voted for Biden because Trump was never in a rice patty. I asked him when Joe Biden was in one and now he won't talk to me.