When Did Moderate Become a Bad Word?

is OP still here? i would like to see an example of "reaching over the aisle" to work with "moderate" liberals.

is allowing abortion in the first trimester one of your "logical" solutions?
how did that work out?
they don't even wince when they crush a 9 month old baby's head.

is the endless welfare state one of your logical solutions?
how did that work out?
70% of black kids are born out of wedlock and into a single parent family home.
I was going to type out a long reply of all the things The left have taken inch by inch, until we are now at this radical state where if you don’t agree with whatever they say you are racist/homo/transphobic/bigot/etc

this meme is the perfect example of what has happened culturally/politically over the last 20-30 years. Not just with gun control.

I was going to type out a long reply of all the things The left have taken inch by inch, until we are now at this radical state where if you don’t agree with whatever they say you are racist/homo/transphobic/bigot/etc

this meme is the perfect example of what has happened culturally/politically over the last 20-30 years. Not just with gun control.

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Reality check. Twenty eight years ago we were about to have the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban, and the majority of states were no issue on concealed carry. Few were shall issue. The going precedent at the SC was that the second was a group right. I am not saying you are wrong culturally, but politically you are. The last thirty years have seen the best expansion of gun rights of any period.
Let me rephrase...I'm tired of virtue signaling, woke(whatever the fuck that is), racism everywhere, feelings, hypocrisy, the left, revisionist ideology, control, group think, stupidity, people... etc. I really think the "hate" kept me warm during the week of cold Texas winter.
Now even State Farm commercials are virtue signaling....why? All these companies falling over each one to see who can lead in the "woke" race. Hopefully that race will put them in bankruptcy. Just treat every person by golden rule and we would be way over this.

Here's one to ponder. Martina Navratilova was one of biggest gay rights people for a long time. Openly lesbian forever. When she came out and called BS on transgender men playing women's sports she got slammed, expelled as a "normal gay" whatever the hell that means.

To answer the OP's post. "MODERATE" Republicans should not be called Republicans. They should be called "old school democrats." It's one thing to compromise but not lose your core values, and another to just compromise to get a bill through and being scared of the press - aka being scared to do the right thing or to never have believed in the right thing at all (which is what I suspect most "moderate" repubics of doing). Instead they make promises they never intend to keep, they "compromise" in the name of "keeping the government open" and "reaching across the aisle" because it makes for good headlines. EVERY ONE of these MOFOs need to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...the one with Jimmy Stewart. Then they may learn what PRINCIPLE is.

Moderates have no principle...by definition...they sway to make compromise and step across. Do they actually attempt to sell their ideas or are they (as it seems) always willing to give in? Because that's exactly what they do, they give in. Demo-commies don't give in one bit and are winning. Moderates, once exposed, never have my vote in a primary...and never will. We are at this point in history BECAUSE of moderates who wouldn't defend Trump, allowed state governments to run over the state legislatures, etc, etc. Moderates are, for almost all practical purposes, disingenuous to the core - they have no true principle.
Reality check. Twenty eight years ago we were about to have the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban, and the majority of states were no issue on concealed carry. Few were shall issue. The going precedent at the SC was that the second was a group right. I am not saying you are wrong culturally, but politically you are. The last thirty years have seen the best expansion of gun rights of any period.
And how many states have adopted AWB since then? How many have standard cap mag bans?

like I said that meme doesn’t pertain to gun control only, it pertains to everything.

take gay marriage. They took that inch and now we have men competing in women’s sports and giving minors hormones/blockers.

a border fence is now racist.

polically you are wrong. We are sliding down that slippery slope faster than ever.
And how many states have adopted AWB since then? How many have standard cap mag bans?

like I said that meme doesn’t pertain to gun control only, it pertains to everything.

take gay marriage. They took that inch and now we have men competing in women’s sports and giving minors hormones/blockers.

a border fence is now racist.

polically you are wrong. We are sliding down that slippery slope faster than ever.
Perhaps. I think more likely we are about to see the political shit show catch up with the cultural slide, but I actually do not think we have seen it yet to a massive degree. I don't doubt we will. But on guns, we are currently experiencing better laws right now than in the early 90s. And, arguably, slightly better sentiment.

I do agree about the slippery slope on a lot of the social issues, whether by government or mandated by the thought police. You are right there, and I was not.
Now even State Farm commercials are virtue signaling....why? All these companies falling over each one to see who can lead in the "woke" race. Hopefully that race will put them in bankruptcy. Just treat every person by golden rule and we would be way over this.

Here's one to ponder. Martina Navratilova was one of biggest gay rights people for a long time. Openly lesbian forever. When she came out and called BS on transgender men playing women's sports she got slammed, expelled as a "normal gay" whatever the hell that means.

To answer the OP's post. "MODERATE" Republicans should not be called Republicans. They should be called "old school democrats." It's one thing to compromise but not lose your core values, and another to just compromise to get a bill through and being scared of the press - aka being scared to do the right thing or to never have believed in the right thing at all (which is what I suspect most "moderate" repubics of doing). Instead they make promises they never intend to keep, they "compromise" in the name of "keeping the government open" and "reaching across the aisle" because it makes for good headlines. EVERY ONE of these MOFOs need to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...the one with Jimmy Stewart. Then they may learn what PRINCIPLE is.

Moderates have no principle...by definition...they sway to make compromise and step across. Do they actually attempt to sell their ideas or are they (as it seems) always willing to give in? Because that's exactly what they do, they give in. Demo-commies don't give in one bit and are winning. Moderates, once exposed, never have my vote in a primary...and never will. We are at this point in history BECAUSE of moderates who wouldn't defend Trump, allowed state governments to run over the state legislatures, etc, etc. Moderates are, for almost all practical purposes, disingenuous to the core - they have no true principle.
I don't think this is wrong. There is no virtue in having no point of view, or no principles, and there is no virtue in not standing for what you believe. But really we haven't lost the ability to be wishy washy, or change our minds. That sort of lack of principles is alive and well, which is why we see so many swings in government. In other words, we have retained all the worst sorts of moderation, while we have lost the personal moderation that is a virtue which sustains a country. Said differently, we don't always know what we want, but we are always sure that the guy we are voting against, and his voters, are traitorous kiddie touchers who are fixing to sell our country down the road to the highest bidder. We even retain that certitude if we have just switched sides and are now voting for the guy we so reviled last time.

And I think Navratilova is now known as a TERF. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. JK Rowling as well.
My entire life I have considered myself a Republican...but more importantly a MODERATE Republican. As such there was always the ability to find common ground and allow logic to drive decisions. Most importantly, it was always possible to reach across the aisle to MODERATE Democrats and get things done for the common good.

I guess I missed the memo! When did moderate become a bad word and they pulled all the aisle seats?
I didn't join SH to talk politics but in this case the question deserves a response.

Let's do a parallel comparison. Say a person is a church going religious person and really believes in it. Their particular flavor says no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. Now say that person starts hanging out with people that are not at all abiding by those principles. Then in order to 'fit in' the guy starts to say 'if I just smoke one cigarette it's not going to kill me'. Then a year or two later he says 'just one beer won't get me sent to hell'...and he keeps on this path all in the name of 'compromise'.

Then another 5 years goes by and he says 'it's just weed...'and proceeds to get high with his buddies.

Politically the same thing is happening except it's not religion or religious rules. It's the Constitution and basic principles.

The guy in my example above is in ways acting like a 'moderate' because he doesn't want to be considered a religious zealot by his friends. But throughout that process who made the changes? That guy or his friends? Same exact thing is happening with politics. We have a ton of 'Conservatives' or 'Republicans' that are constantly badgered to 'compromise' and called names when they don't. So what we wind up with is a line of 'the middle ground' that constantly moves over.

The question is, when do you stop?

Another question is when do your friends start compromising in your direction instead of theirs?
Compromise and unify = see it our way or we'll fuck up your life..
Next time some commie/liberal/progressive whatever the fuck uses those words. Ask them where were they for the last four years.
Fuck your moderate bullshit.
it isn't progressive or "liberal" anymore. it is literally good vs evil.

baby killing is evil. we aren't talking about saving the mother's life or teen moms anymore. it is outright infanticide on a huge scale.
abortion has replaced personal responsibility.
this is not a question of liberal or conservative, or the right for a woman to control her body, but a question of right and wrong.

forcing poor black kids into public school failure factories and protecting crap teachers and unions is evil, not progressive.
fighting to end school choice is not protecting public schools, it is dooming poor kids to a life of poverty. pure evil.

protecting immigrant criminals, rapists and gang members is not progressive or liberal, it is evil.

allowing human trafficking, sex trafficking and the trafficking of addictive and deadly narcotics across the border is not woke, it is evil.

exploiting cheap immigrant labor and allowing them to flood in and drive up housing costs for the already poor americans is evil.

cancelling an operation to catch and deport convicted sex offenders is not enlightened, it is evil.

literally everything the left now stands for is not progressive, it is outright evil.
y entire life I have considered myself a Republican...but more importantly a MODERATE Republican. As such there was always the ability to find common ground and allow logic to drive decisions. Most importantly, it was always possible to reach across the aisle to MODERATE Democrats and get things done for the common good.

I guess I missed the memo! When did moderate become a bad word and they pulled all the aisle seats?
Here in CA the Republican party has "moderated" its self out of existence. There is no such thing as "reach across the aisle " when commies run things.

The last thirty years have seen the best expansion of gun rights of any period.
Where? In the last 30 years where I live we have assault weapon bans, magazine bans, "approved handgun list", background check to buy ammo and more restrictions on the way.
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consider sanctuary city policies. protect innocent immigrants from deportation, right?
a moderate might be ok with this, but that isn't what sanctuary policies do. they only protect criminals.
i live in a place with these policies, and they don't protect my neighbor that came 15 years ago "to visit disneyland" and has been working at a tortilla factory ever since. they protect somebody that raped my tortilla making neighbor so they are free to come back and rape somebody else.
Can someone explain the difference between a moderate republican and a moderate Democrat? Neither seem to have real convictions about anything.
this is jmo and off the top of my own head, a "moderate republican" might be okay with abortion, but not late term abortion.
a moderate democrat might be ok with government funded abortion, but only if white people pay for them because it is their fault.
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I was/am a "Moderate" Conservative. However given the tectonic shift/lurch of the Democratic party, anything to the right of Ten Kennedy is "Extremest" (according to them).

Trump was/is a "Moderate" republican.
Long Ago there used to be "Liberal" Republicans (aka "Rockefeller Republicans")
In 2000 before all the whaaaaargarbl a lot of people couldn't tell much of a difference between Bush and Gore. 20 years later its a continental divide.

But since I am now a domestic terrorist/white supremacist, I have no interest in "compromise" What has "the left" ever given us in terms of compromise? (Agree with us and we'll stop smearing you for 20 minutes--we PINKY SWEAR THIS TIME!)

Moderate doesn't mean "someone who compromises" just because the media says so. It means "someone in the middle"

There are republicans more to the left of me. There are some to the right.

The entire democrat party is somewhere over in left field doing their best to destory me and my way of life.

When they apologize for 40 years of graft corruption and smears, we can talk (hey thats as far back as I can remember). Until then---pound sand.

Example (read the whole thing before you panties explode):
I would be ok with a Universal Background Check system that does ONLY the following:
(1) Verifies via Driver's Liscense that a person is not prohibited from owning a weapon.
(2) Is Free.
(3) Available to anyone via phone/internet 24/7

However, for me to agree I want something in return--one of these:
(1) Silencers off NFA
(2) Universal CC reciprocity
(3) Undo MG ban

That's called compromise. Unless I get one of those three. Pound Sand on ANYTHING gun related.
I was/am a "Moderate" Conservative. However given the tectonic shift/lurch of the Democratic party, anything to the right of Ten Kennedy is "Extremest" (according to them).

Trump was/is a "Moderate" republican.
Long Ago there used to be "Liberal" Republicans (aka "Rockefeller Republicans")
In 2000 before all the whaaaaargarbl a lot of people couldn't tell much of a difference between Bush and Gore. 20 years later its a continental divide.

But since I am now a domestic terrorist/white supremacist, I have no interest in "compromise" What has "the left" ever given us in terms of compromise? (Agree with us and we'll stop smearing you for 20 minutes--we PINKY SWEAR THIS TIME!)

Moderate doesn't mean "someone who compromises" just because the media says so. It means "someone in the middle"

There are republicans more to the left of me. There are some to the right.

The entire democrat party is somewhere over in left field doing their best to destory me and my way of life.

When they apologize for 40 years of graft corruption and smears, we can talk (hey thats as far back as I can remember). Until then---pound sand.

Example (read the whole thing before you panties explode):
I would be ok with a Universal Background Check system that does ONLY the following:
(1) Verifies via Driver's Liscense that a person is not prohibited from owning a weapon.
(2) Is Free.
(3) Available to anyone via phone/internet 24/7

However, for me to agree I want something in return--one of these:
(1) Silencers off NFA
(2) Universal CC reciprocity
(3) Undo MG ban

That's called compromise. Unless I get one of those three. Pound Sand on ANYTHING gun related.
Wait a minute - “moderate does not mean compromise because the media says so”, “moderate means in the middle” and you claim to be a moderate republican. You then outline a compromise on gun control. You seem to contradict your post.
Wait a minute - “moderate does not mean compromise because the media says so”, “moderate means in the middle” and you claim to be a moderate republican. You then outline a compromise on gun control. You seem to contradict your post.
Anyone can compromise. (And maybe thats why "moderate" became a bad word because they were essentially giving away the farm and getting jack in return--most "moderate" republicans are in fact LIBERAL republicans and moderate Democrats were Conservative Democrats))


Today's media "moderate" means "Agree with our views"

I don't. In today's world--a "Compromise on Gun Control" would be Universal Background Checks. I'd never agree to that unless I got something Valuable in return. We know that ain't happening (Again compromise means GIVE US WHAT WE WANT AND LIKE IT), so I won't agree to the background checks. Its a dead issue.
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Anyone can compromise.


Today's media "moderate" means "Agree with our views"

I don't
And the reason we are in this current shit show is because of compromise. That is what “moderates” fail to see. While some things are more flexible than others nothing outlines in the Constitution should be compromised on, ever. Compromise on education has led to the dirge of morons that are on welfare, demanding $15 minimum wage or GBI. Very few people, other than politicians, win with compromise.
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if you compromise on your basic principles, you're not a moderate, you're a sellout.

as a "moderate conservative", i support entitlement programs and even higher benefits, but with more strings attached and serious barriers to fraud and abuse, including drug testing (as long as drug testing is done for employment eligibility).
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And the reason we are in this current shit show is because of compromise. That is what “moderates” fail to see. While some things are more flexible than others nothing outlines in the Constitution should be compromised on, ever. Compromise on education has led to the dirge of morons that are on welfare, demanding $15 minimum wage or GBI. Very few people, other than politicians, win with compromise.
No argument there.

I'm probably also quite a bit more reflective on what a "moderate" republican is. A "moderate" republican is a Mainstream republican. "Moderate" republicans or conservatives make up probably 60% of the party (Like I said--Trump is a moderate republican--probably a little left of me on some issues).

However, according to popular media I would be a "Extreme Conservative" or hardcore-right winger.

Its just a label.

What the media calls a "Moderate Republican" is in fact a "Liberal Republican".
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No argument there.

I'm probably also quite a bit more reflective on what a "moderate" republican is. A "moderate" republican is a Mainstream republican. "Moderate" republicans or conservatives make up probably 60% of the party (Like I said--Trump is a moderate republican--probably a little left of me on some issues).

However, according to popular media I would be a "Extreme Conservative" or hardcore-right winger.

Its just a label.

What the media calls a "Moderate Republican" is in fact a "Liberal Republican".
I agree on all points and I do not see any difference on liberal republican and moderate Democrat.
I agree on all points and I do not see any difference on liberal republican and moderate Democrat.
I'm sure there are, but given the path we are heading--allying with anything the Dem party is doing is very......concerning. "Mainstream" Moderate Democrats are pretty far to the left and have 0 to offer that interests me. And I try to be a reasonable guy. I don't know of a single bill proposed by congressional D leadership that I would/could support (or perhaps more to the point, that I do not actively oppose).
Reality check. Twenty eight years ago we were about to have the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban, and the majority of states were no issue on concealed carry. Few were shall issue. The going precedent at the SC was that the second was a group right. I am not saying you are wrong culturally, but politically you are. The last thirty years have seen the best expansion of gun rights of any period.

So.....you celebrate when the IRS sends you a tax refund I reckon. Free money!!

"Expansion of gun rights". They gave us more rights!!

So.....you celebrate when the IRS sends you a tax refund I reckon. Free money!!

"Expansion of gun rights". They gave us more rights!!

I've never gotten a tax refund.

I don't know what you want to call it. Our gun rights are less infringed upon now than they were 25 years ago? Whatever, I am not in favor of any gun laws, I am just pointing out what it true about the current state of the law.
Here in CA the Republican party has "moderated" its self out of existence. There is no such thing as "reach across the aisle " when commies run things.

Where? In the last 30 years where I live we have assault weapon bans, magazine bans, "approved handgun list", background check to buy ammo and more restrictions on the way.
I think you answered that for yourself.
So.....you celebrate when the IRS sends you a tax refund I reckon. Free interest loan to the government!!

"Expansion of gun rights". They gave us more rights!!


Irony--you underpay get penalized. You overpay--you get penalized. 0 returns on your investment.

Its win win for someone and it ain't me.

Choid is right we are better off than 30 years ago for guns, but there are a TON of other things that are not so well.
Welfare State?
CA/NJ/NY have "gone plaid" on Gun Control despite two major court victories (Heller, Chicago).
Just to name a few....
I would have bet big money, that would be your reply. Litterally as I typed it out, knew that would be your reply.
So you decide to pick nits rather than reality hat our agreement on gun laws is 100%?

I’ve always underestimated. I don’t like the government having my money.

Irony--you underpay get penalized. You overpay--you get penalized. 0 returns on your investment.

Its win win for someone and it ain't me.

Choid is right we are better off than 30 years ago for guns, but there are a TON of other things that are not so well.
Welfare State?
CA/NJ/NY have "gone plaid" on Gun Control despite two major court victories (Heller, Chicago).
Just to name a few....

Satire....you savvy?

No. Choad is wrong, as usual. We now have 2 or 3 generations dumb enough to think their government has given them more rights. Generations who have been socially conditioned, to imagine that the government has the power to grant or reduce 2A. Generations who have forgotten, or never knew, that their government has no powers beyond what is enumerated in the BOR and the COTUS.

Simple slight of hand tricks, by grifters and hustlers.
"We can conceal carry now!" Indeed, if you get a permission slip, you certainly can. You know what is truly evil? The moderates, who have convinced people, they had to ask permission in the first place.
There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see.
Satire....you savvy?

No. Choad is wrong, as usual. We now have 2 or 3 generations dumb enough to think their government has given them more rights. Generations who have been socially conditioned, to imagine that the government has the power to grant or reduce 2A. Generations who have forgotten, or never knew, that their government has no powers beyond what is enumerated in the BOR and the COTUS.

Simple slight of hand tricks, by grifters and hustlers.
"We can conceal carry now!" Indeed, if you get a permission slip, you certainly can. You know what is truly evil? The moderates, who have convinced people, they had to ask permission in the first place.
There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see.
Take the long view padawaan.

Chip away at it. Getting permission is better than refused permission. Restoring the right is the end goal. Just because we aren't at the end of the path doesn't mean things have not improved.

Even the broken VCR is right twice a day...
Take the long view padawaan.

Chip away at it. Getting permission is better than refused permission. Restoring the right is the end goal. Just because we aren't at the end of the path doesn't mean things have not improved.

Even the broken VCR is right twice a day...

Missed the point. Thanks for playing.
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