I'm taking a 5 day LR training class (100 - 900 yards). Ive been before and know over the course of the day the temperature will change almost 40 degrees. This has an effect on D.A. From the DOPE I have from the previous class, the day will start around 2300 and go to 4000 feet. My question is how much does this really change the potential ballistics for a 308 at these distances? Sure, if I was shooting 1 mile plus I'd be concerned but how much of an impact in terms of inches shift will a bullet move if shot at 2000 DA and 4000 DA? I'm trying to decide if I have to be maniacally obsessive about recording every string and it's DA because if I shoot a distance at 8 am with one DA then at 4 PM with a 1500 ft DA shift, my bullet will be way off.
Thanks for your insight.
Thanks for your insight.