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Why is everyone mad at PRS

It's repetitive in competitions for everything. You have most of the top of the field who are happy in thier place in life.

They help the sport, give out advise and encourage beginners.

Then there is a class of miserable wannabes that act like snobs to everyone unless a potential sponsor is standing there and they put on a clown show.

Then a mix of delusional folks, some that will advance and some there just for fun trying to avoid the miserable folks.

It never changes.

You have a range owner that would like to host more than one ranked venue but is forced to choose.

And people wonder why outlaw tournaments are gaining popularity?

No muss no fuss.
This makes no sense. What they are doing is working, as evidenced by well-attended matches.
Its no difference than the Mob extorting business owners.

Classic American Crony Capitalism. The big dogs use their power to crush any and all competition, The government does not enforce the anti-trust/anti-monopoly laws already on the books. Threaten vendors, suppliers and venues who are willing to do business with any any all competition. Any red blooded American should be fucking livid this going on. Its how Obliarchies are created and sustained.

Now lets pretend that Shannon and Co. actually care about the shooting sports, 2A, ect. Do you think their practices are in the best interest of the community?

There is a huge difference between mid west/ east coast and west coast matches. The population and the distances are much more dense. In washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, NV you are LUCKY if your 1 day match is only 3 hours away. Many travel 5-6+ hours to shoot 1 day/club match. These are the people getting fucked hardest by the PRS/NRL drama. Less matches for us means more driving and less shooting. It will get to a point where there will not be enough sustained shooters to even have matches. PRS22 match last sunday, right outside a major metro city had 8 people show up. 8.
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This makes no sense. What they are doing is working, as evidenced by well-attended matches.
You are not making any effort to see this from any other perspective other than your own. You are free to have your opinion but until you open your mind to understand different perspectives you are only seeing the view through your own peephole. There IS a problem, as evidenced by this thread and the many competing organizations that have sprung up in just the last 2-3 years.
You are not making any effort to see this from any other perspective other than your own. You are free to have your opinion but until you open your mind to understand different perspectives you are only seeing the view through your own peephole. There IS a problem, as evidenced by this thread and the many competing organizations that have sprung up in just the last 2-3 years.

What are the new competing organizations have proven to be viable at a national scale? NRL? Guardian? Competition Dynamics? The number of NRL and Guardian matches have gone down the last few years, and CD is holding steady. Right now PRS is really the only game in town to compete at national level, whether you agree with that or not.

Guardian has added, they are doing 5 next year,

CD has always been Nomad and does their typical numbers

NRL is transitioning to the Hunter Series, as well they do the 22, their Centerfire is dead, but out west we have added Regional Series, like the Western Precision Rifle Series which handles several states, you have the Border Wars, the Best of the West, etc, they just went regional because people don't need to travel

The SE is a closed Cell, they do well because it is tightly packed in one area, the same people can drive to multiple events within the same amount of time.

These series are regional more than National, The Numbers are absolutely PUBLIC and last year only 605 people from both the NRL and PRS shot the minimum 3 events, the number grows if you count a single instance of someone attending.

The numbers are NOT Strong, it's a lot of Smoke and Mirrors with the same people shooting 10 events, vs multiple people shooting at least 3. It's a numbers game, the more you shoot, the better your chances of qualifying are.

Speaking of Qualifying, why is it, so many NON QUALIFIERS are invited to shoot the AG Cup or the Finale, only a fraction of the shooters actually qualified, the rest were invites. In fact, you can shoot 3 AG Cup qualifiers and come in Dead Last for each one and still qualify for the event because the numbers are not up to par.

We have less quality events and more local and one day events.
What are the new competing organizations have proven to be viable at a national scale? NRL? Guardian? Competition Dynamics? The number of NRL and Guardian matches have gone down the last few years, and CD is holding steady. Right now PRS is really the only game in town to compete at national level, whether you agree with that or not.
Here's the disconnect. I'm obviously not speaking about national level stuff. The grassroots has long tired of the drama and elitism coming from the PRS. How many competitors are there qualifying for the Finale? Hint, they are the same ones for the last 5 years and probably for the next 5...
If we are talking about actually growing the sport and appealing to the masses, then we are talking about the club and regional organizations. Without new opportunities new blood isn't able to appear.
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It would be one thing if the PRS actually used their size, sponsor influence and money to support the local match directors and help grow the sport. People would have a whole lot less to bitch about if they were atleast trying to make progress and supporting the MDs. PRS doesn't care about their 1 day matches or the MD's who are the backbone of the sport. They don't care about getting more women and kids into the sport which is what we need to grow.

Instead, your fees go to improvements for K&M and growing Shannons bank account. All that sponsor money and fees certainly is not making it back to the venues or MD's. Where is it going?

PRS is not interested in expanding more matches in my region. Border Wars outnumbers PRS matches 5:1 or more. Now there is talk that is going away. Hell there is more RTC matches in my state than PRS matches next year. Is PRS going to invest the time and money to replace those lost matches? But they sure as fuck have no problem strong arming those MD's over that 1 or 2 PRS matches a year they "allow" the MD to pay them for the privilege of hosting.

Anyone saying there is not a problem quite frankly does not know what the fuck they are talking about and should go back to the kids table.
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Found out a long time ago, shooting sports live and die on professional shooters, shooting sponsors stuff. (As in most other equipment related sports.). The sponsors build whatever their pros want and expect us to jump all over the product because the ”cool kids” use it.

So to answer your question it is probably because they are shooting the firearms they are sponsored to shoot. However, do note that Doug Koenig is shooting the sponsored RPR with decent success. Ruger built and is offering a custom shop RPR apparently to assist Doug.

The reality, if you are depending on equipment to make your living, nothing is too expensive. And yes, even a few thousandths better accuracy might make the difference between five thousand and twenty thousand dollars.

Good point though.

Nobody is making a living out of prize money in this or any other shooting sport
Qualifiers to get into a national championship?


What successful shooting sport does that? LOL: NONE. The successful ones have open championships. Pay your money and take your chances.
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How many 2 Day NRL/PRS matches has Keoing won with his Ruger? How many has Horner won? Being permanent mid pack and paid to shoot? They are winning the special olympics. Guys shooting open with zero sponsors, not getting paid to practice/shoot and probably a whole let less experience in competitive shooting are whooping their asses every match.

I know what its costs to shoot, travel, compete........because I actually pay for it myself. No one is sponsoring me or helping with costs. That is why I buy the gear I buy, because I know when i drop a point, its ME and not my equipment. That doubt doesn't linger around.

You are still missing the point. If they could win with these guns, then Ruger or Sig or Beretta would peel off some of the MILLIONS they spend a year in advertising and pay a Millard, Zane, King, Vibbert, ect to shoot a cucked rifle. They all have been trying to gain market share in this segment and I can't think of a better advertisement than having someone win a National Title with a cheap $1500 gun against a field of $5K setups. Do you really think they would turn down 25-50-100k+ Per year to shoot one of those productions guns knowing they could win? Or maybe, just maybe, they know and the companies know that they are not competitive. That would sell WAY more rifles and have a much greater ROI than giving Shannon 50K a year to have your name on a banner. Why isn't it happening? Why did PRS break their own rules to let a guy with production with a gun no normal person could even buy? Maybe it was because that gun had more of the custom features and expensive components that cannot consistently be made into a gun that costs $1500 or 2K or whatever.

Koenig is a paid shooter because of his success outside of PRS. He’s not winning matches because he isn’t good enough to win matches.

There isn’t enough market to pay a dedicated PRS shooter a salary. That’s why they aren’t paying Vibbert or the like too shoot an RPR.

Also, they aren’t paying PRS as much as people think for the title series name.

Like most, you are seriously inflating the value of this extremely small niche bolt rifle market.
Qualifiers to get into a national championship?


What successful shooting sport does that? LOL: NONE. The successful ones have open championships. Pay your money and take your chances.

In the past USPSA has limited Nationals to only a handful of shooters per division, per region based on match placement. IPSC also requires qualification scores that are governed by national bodies, including IPSC world shoot, IPSC rifle world shoot, etc.
Again, nothing is stopping the MD from hosting an unaffiliated 1 or 2-day match on their own without PRS support.

Unaffiliated matches have shit attendance in this region because there is no reach. No media, No points, No reason for people to drive 3-6 Hours to shoot for nothing. A 1 day match can cost $400-700 to shoot for some people. Gas, Food, Hotels, FLights, rental cars, ect. Some bring their big ass RV or travel trailer getting 8mpg.

Why is it ok to have unaffiliated matches but not NRL matches?

Its like a bitch who won't fuck you but is activley cockblocking every other piece of pussy. Either fuck, or get out of the way.
Also, Not everyone is Altus with a massive customer base and a concentrated population center where they can break off and do their own thing.

There is not the density of shooters for some rando unafiliated match. Even the greatest MD's need reasons for people to show up, be it a charity, part of a points race, ect. They need X shooters to show up or they lose money and people will stop coming. Higher attendance = People wanting to shoot those events more. If a match sells out its going to be more desirable than one that has 20 people show up just for the fact that humans are built that way. They gravitate towards what everyone else is doing.
Production Rifles are the biggest scam on the planet,

First off you immediate gave a minimum fee for entry, you told the entire shooting community if you have invested $5k don't show up, so nobody is gonna do that, second, they have no clue how to manage "production" level shooters, they only care about the PROS, which is clear, in the past, many of those sub categories don't even get trophies and I know one of the previous winners had to ask them at the finale if they wanted his picture, they completely ignored him and ran right to the Open Guys.

The biggest mistake they have made is in these lower classifications, they have no clue how to run a series beyond supporting their own. Every thing is an after thought and not a very good one
Also, Not everyone is Altus with a massive customer base and a concentrated population center where they can break off and do their own thing.

There is not the density of shooters for some rando unafiliated match. Even the greatest MD's need reasons for people to show up, be it a charity, part of a points race, ect. They need X shooters to show up or they lose money and people will stop coming. Higher attendance = People wanting to shoot those events more. If a match sells out its going to be more desirable than one that has 20 people show up just for the fact that humans are built that way. They gravitate towards what everyone else is doing.

This is just the free market at work. If an unaffiliated match can't draw shooters, then perhaps it shouldn't exist.
It's NOT the free market at work, When you have people artificially skewing the attendance through a variety of bullshit tactics you are not playing a truly free market game

As well, you have Geography at play, some areas are easier to attend than others, have more shooters in close proximity, not everyone is traveling as they used too

As well, you have marketing, you have Match A with all the PRS resources in the world, and Match B with very little resources you will get more people at the more talk about the event

They tried it with me, more than once when the SHC was unaffiliated they stuck 4 matches around my event, they boxed us in so we were surrounded by events. We still sell out because of the history, but a new up-and-coming match may never get off the ground.

This Free Market Bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT, they manipulate the field. They actively participate to suppress competing events, that is not the free market at play.
I’d love to see someone show any real empirical data that an MPA, GAP, Ruger….etc “production” rifle performs less than a custom rifle.

Spoiler alert: I’ve tested it and they don’t.

The one thing I'll say is, RPRs feed and cycle like a can of shit. Once the round is in the chamber, all is the same. But that delivery tho. Smh


Point taken for sure.
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This is just the free market at work. If an unaffiliated match can't draw shooters, then perhaps it shouldn't exist.
Fuck off. Take the PRS cock out of your mouth.

Its not the the Free Market when you ACTIVELY suppress competition and break existing laws to do so. We have Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws on the books for good reasons. Our ancestors understood that Capitalism and the free market has to have rules we all play buy otherwise it devolves into simple democracy which is nothing but two wolves and a sheep voting whats for dinner.

The sad truth is, the PRS should not only not be fucking with other leagues but helping them. More shooters = More money for them in the long run. We need to grow as a sport and most shooters dont care what leagues they are shooting. Hell, half the guys on the NRL Board and their Regional directors shoot PRS matches. I have never heard Travis say dispariging or negative things about the PRS in Public. You ever see Shannon or his cohort shooting NRL matches or any other leagues?

PRS and Shannon are greedy short sighted fucks who would rather have the whole of a $1M dollar industry than Half or a 1/3 of a $500M industry. I see this all the time in business with Arrogant/greedy/selfish people who are not smart enough to see the big picture. Penny Wise, Pound foolish. The dumb fucks don't understand they hurting themselves just as much as everyone else.

The reality is we are all interwined and it is in ALL of our interests to promote more matches, more leagues, more events and growing the sport. When you are one of the faces of the Sport, being a good Ambassador does not hurt either.
Fuck off. Take the PRS cock out of your mouth.

Its not the the Free Market when you ACTIVELY suppress competition and break existing laws to do so. We have Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws on the books for good reasons. Our ancestors understood that Capitalism and the free market has to have rules we all play buy otherwise it devolves into simple democracy which is nothing but two wolves and a sheep voting whats for dinner.

The sad truth is, the PRS should not only not be fucking with other leagues but helping them. More shooters = More money for them in the long run. We need to grow as a sport and most shooters dont care what leagues they are shooting. Hell, half the guys on the NRL Board and their Regional directors shoot PRS matches. I have never heard Travis say dispariging or negative things about the PRS in Public. You ever see Shannon or his cohort shooting NRL matches or any other leagues?

PRS and Shannon are greedy short sighted fucks who would rather have the whole of a $1M dollar industry than Half or a 1/3 of a $500M industry. I see this all the time in business with Arrogant/greedy/selfish people who are not smart enough to see the big picture. Penny Wise, Pound foolish. The dumb fucks don't understand they hurting themselves just as much as everyone else.

The reality is we are all interwined and it is in ALL of our interests to promote more matches, more leagues, more events and growing the sport. When you are one of the faces of the Sport, being a good Ambassador does not hurt either.

I think you need to go back to law school if you think antitrust laws are remotely applicable in this case.
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The one thing I'll say is, RPRs feed and cycle like a can of shit. Once the round is in the chamber, all is the same. But that delivery tho. Smh


Point taken for sure.

Ya, for sure. That’s where the person preferences and stuff come in. You can get an RPR feeding if there’s and issue. But you can’t change the way it feels overall.

I run a lone peak and a ruckus because I prefer their feel over an impact.

There is an argument to be made that the more comfortable you are or the more you like your equipment the better you will perform. And I’d agree with it.

But if it was just as simple as giving Allison Zane $100k/yr to shoot a rifle and that would generate substantial sales……she’d have one of our rifles last week.
I think you need to go back to law school if you think antitrust laws are remotely applicable in this case.

Honestly, if it were able to be proved that X league was telling MD’s if they put on a match with Y league……

Then Y league would have a civil case against X league for hindering their ability to generate revenue through advertising. There is case law supporting this.

However, it wouldn’t be criminal, and only Y league would be able to claim damages. Not the MD’s.
Honestly, if it were able to be proved that X league was telling MD’s if they put on a match with Y league……

Then Y league would have a civil case against X league for hindering their ability to generate revenue through advertising. There is case law supporting this.

However, it wouldn’t be criminal, and only Y league would be able to claim damages. Not the MD’s.

Tortious interference might be applicable, but it's definitely not antitrust.
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Thanks for the clarification Councilor. The point is still relevant : It is not a free market and it is being manipulated in a way that is not only most likely illegal, but goes against the best interest of many of us.

Maybe some of these MD's have emails and/or recorded conversations proving such. And wouldn't you know....TN is a single party consent state. Interesting.

So will you at least admit that or going to pull at some other non pertinent thread instead of admitting you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about?
Honestly, moving forward the Match Director and Matches part is a dead issue,

With the NRL backing off centerfire it's a moot point in a lot of ways, the damage has been done and we are less for it.

What is moving forward is the changes in match styles, the variety is coming into play you just have to travel to experience it.

The Matches out West are definitely better, but fewer and further between, but still better matches
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Honestly, if it were able to be proved that X league was telling MD’s if they put on a match with Y league……

Then Y league would have a civil case against X league for hindering their ability to generate revenue through advertising. There is case law supporting this.

However, it wouldn’t be criminal, and only Y league would be able to claim damages. Not the MD’s.
Depending on the state the MD's may able to be a claimant if they can show damages. And if its shown they are malicious or reckless, punitive damages could be treble.

I knew those business law classes would come in handy someday.
Honestly, moving forward the Match Director and Matches part is a dead issue,

With the NRL backing off centerfire it's a moot point in a lot of ways, the damage has been done and we are less for it.

What is moving forward is the changes in match styles, the variety is coming into play you just have to travel to experience it.

The Matches out West are definitely better, but fewer and further between, but still better matches

Do you think there is any traction for growth with the RTC matches? We have a good number of them this year and maybe that could fill some of the void left by NRL Bolt series. There are a total of 2, 2 day PRS matches in al of ID, WA and OR next year. RTC alone has 6. 2 day matches in WA.
In the past USPSA has limited Nationals to only a handful of shooters per division, per region based on match placement. Who cares about IPSC

That's not entirely correct

Some people automatically get invited to nationals based on their finish at the previous year nationals and area matches. Those are the minority.

The majority get in either by requesting an activity slot from the section coordinator and when general entry opens up for any remaining slots.

It is not strictly an invitational or qualifier.
I think the RTC model is a very good one, the ability to host an individual event that is also Team Friendly is a plus

The RTC matches do very well and part of that was the MD Summit they had. There was similar drama, personality conflicts, and shooter/MD infighting taking place for a few years. So to settle it they all sat down, broke bread and settled their differences. The effects were a Net Positive across the board.

I honestly don't think the National level is really the way to go, it's too limiting. I think the regional stuff is smarter in the long run. Once established you can then create a National level match for the regions. Something with a bit more options for neutral ground. If they go people traveling again, and getting out of their regions you see change, but since everyone is cemented into their region, the next best bet would be a single Finale.

Work the regions, then have the regional finale, which would lead to a National Final that combines all the regions.

The only issue currently is the COF, with those changing out west and stale back East and South, you'd have to find a new test which is a great thing, but we are not there, and with people not wanting to share, it would never happen.
How about all the ranges get togeather and run a match for one day and the other range run the next on top of every prs event.

Target noobs, families, middle of the pack shooters, local charities.

Make it the best one day blow out you can.

Making a profit would not be the point of the event.

Think that would get thier attention eventualy?
How about all the ranges get togeather and run a match for one day and the other range run the next on top of every prs event.

Target noobs, families, middle of the pack shooters, local charities.

Make it the best one day blow out you can.

Making a profit would not be the point of the event.

Think that would get thier attention eventualy?

That would be great. I’d fully support it. Question is how long that could be sustained to make a real difference.
No really the point is to get rid of Dick Tators that are arrogant enough to tell a location what they can do next week if they want them to show up.

Pay them to show up? Lol

You want matches that don’t draw shooters to continue to exist? To do what, purposefully lose money? Sounds pretty socialist to me.

No that's called competition.
Well you have to have a viable event and get the word out.

If a couple of ranges collaborated it would work better. Pool resources.

Either split the weekend or another event if prs did a multiple.

Not everyone cares about national events or national rankings.
You want matches that don’t draw shooters to continue to exist? To do what, purposefully lose money? Sounds pretty socialist to me.
Are you really this dense/out of touch with reality or trolling at this point? Hard to tell because you have not made one salient point in this entire thread.

Matches draw shooters fine. Look at Border Wars and RTC, along with other small affiliations like guardian. We get anywhere from 45-60 people at every local 1 day match and that is with people driving 3-5 hours to shoot. 2 days are drawing at least 100 people. Things are spread out and not everyone goes to every match since the cost and times are significant. Some people pick and choose what matches to shoot to earn points and some with more time and money just shoot them all.

Last NRL 2 day I shot in the middle of nowhere had 96 people registered and 90 showed up to shoot. Range is in the middle of nowhere atleast an hour away from Spokane.

Look at the PRS 2 day match in California a few months ago. AG Cup Qualifier. Had a grand total of 69 people show up. Most of those shooters were the same ones showing up to NRL 2 day a few states up weeks earlier.

So its not like PRS is beating anyone outside of their little sphere of influence. NRL and other matches have just as good turnout if not better. The difference is there is 10 times as many people in a much smaller area where the majority of PRS events are held. You can't compare that to the west.

NRL Border Wars have the same or more shooters than PRS 1 day matches, many at the same location (Until this year where they have to choose).

PRS does not put any effort at all into growing this sport or investing in the West. But they have no problem putting up roadblocks and actively working to suppress any other league for filling this void.

They are like greedy little kids who don't want to play with the toys, but put their full effort into keeping the other kids from playing.

If you are an MD you are in a shit spot. One one hand you have A league that may end up being the only one out there if they prevail; but treats you like shit. On the other you have B League that may go away due to the other league trying to kill. B League treats you better, puts on better events and supports you more as a MD, while taking less of your hard earned money. They send out Media folks to help promote your events to get some traction with social media. But if you try to go with B league, you could get frozen out of A. So you have sophies choice now because at the end of the day, you need some sort of sanctioned body to draw enough people to make putting the matches on worth it. Do you choose the shity but more predictable league or the one who does everything better but at a higher risk of getting frozen out of the big one.

The Blueprint for running matches and leagues in North Carolina or Kentucky or Ohio does not work for Running them in the West. Its apples to oranges.

If you listen to Lowlights podcasts he says this shit more than once. He spelled it out in words for those who are slow in this thread. People who live and shoot out here, Are saying the same shit.

So what the fuck are you talking about?
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A long story that needs to be repeated.

Backstory. I have been involved in four competitive sports in my long life. Shooting, water skiing, cycling (because skiing primarily fell apart and I needed a physical activity) and training and exhibiting Flat shod Tennessee Walking horses. (If you can call working with horses a sport). Water skiing is the most relevant though IHMSA really embodied everything that is good and bad about the competitive shooting sports.

Due to our son’s talent and tournament prowess, we spent a good part of his youth traveling to and participating in skiing. He got to ski with some of the best skiers in the world. (It shocked our neighbors when we would attend Pro tournaments and the world class skiers they had only read about in magazines and seen on tv would come up and speak to us asking how we were and trade jokes with our teenage son). I digress, What we learned…

At the Pro-Tour, rules were only loosely followed when it would help the skiers preform better. It made the skiers look good and made for great spectator viewing. Class C and Class E (record setting tournaments) were run rather tightly, but when it really counted the most, the point was

For the skiers to do well. Everyone was treated the same. But the point is for everyone to do well. That’s were this really needs to be headed. Matches that challenge, forward growth but were everyone can shoot well.

Setting up for the super talented or setting up for the bumbling amateurs is not impossible. But having the same set of targets / ranges for both, never works, never has and never will! Providing for both (and possibly in the middle can be done, takes more effort but the key word is

Matches are needed were everyone can shoot well, where they can grow and enjoy. Then and only then can the bickering end, because it simply won’t be worth it. Shooting has to count for both because sooner or later, one or the other will get disgusted and drop out.

With multiple organizations, rather than trying to compete head to head, Someone will have to step up and take over for the beginners. Sort of a baseball type farm system. it might be considered a big step down, but, it will be a big step up for the longevity of shooting precision rifles.

Digressing. Lost a timer once at a match I was running. So, I hand timed it and called out the start and finish time of the round. As Jenny West quickly torted, “Will, I don’t thing announcing ‘Shoot at Will’ is a good way to start the round.” In this venue, you may feel free to “Shoot at Will.”

Jenny West bless her sweet heart, may GOD forgive her for her one very, very bad night.
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Fudd-class has separators, such as distance, and classes. One of my locals won't allow new shooters unless they have "progressed". First they have to shoot a 400y day, and not suck. Basically post a half decent score, all impacts hitting an no destroying the frames, etc.

I see too many people here talking about PRS events and pro / prod shooters. Anyone at a national level match in prod is clearly gaming the rules.
A genuinely new shooter, who rolls up and competes is gonna have a fun, but bad day.

You don't go and buy a NASCAR team and start driving. You work your way up with your CAM licence, thru the ranks, and qualify. Yes you can buy a team and race, but unless you actually have skill, it's gonna suck.

Even the skiing analogy from above is the same. Different classes of skiers.

Club matches are for just that, clubs. Learning the ropes (or baracades), how to use gear, read wind, trial new techniques, etc. If a club wants to run a match how they want, then no governing body should limit that, they should be BEGGING to be affiliated, rather than denying affiliation if they get butt-hurt by another org.

You win people and clubs over by making it easy and friendly, not by limiting imposing all sorts of shitty conditions and rules.
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I can only afford to shoot 1 maybe 2 PRS or NRL 2 day matches per year. So I shot WYCOprl.com. They are an "Outlaw" league with monthly 1 day matches from April to October. There are currently 4 venues, and there is a match at one of the venues every weekend throughout the season. Think of it like a circuit. I shot 14 matches including their Finale and had a ton of fun. Entry fees were reasonable, there are 3 shooting classes based on qualifying scores, and they operate alongside Western Precision Rifle. Attendance seemed to grow at every match in the inaugural season, and hopefully it continues moving forward.
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I can't afford to shoot 1 maybe 2 PRS or NRL 2 day matches per year. So I shot WYCOprl.com. They are an "Outlaw" league with monthly 1 day matches from April to October. There are currently 4 venues, and there is a match at one of the venues every weekend throughout the season. Think of it like a circuit. I shot 14 matches including their Finale and had a ton of fun. Entry fees were reasonable, there are 3 shooting classes based on qualifying scores, and they operate alongside Western Precision Rifle. Attendance seemed to grow at every match in the inaugural season, and hopefully it continues moving forward.
LV Prevision will be along shortly to tell you how much better it will be when the PRS shuts down your series of monthly matches (via anti-competitive strong arming) and replaces it with a single 2 day match.
The PRS matches I have attended have easily been the strangest examples of groupthink I've ever been around in my adult life.

It's like watching a strange social experiment in real time. No one dares point out any issues or flaws knowing they will be immediately attacked and called a pussy in response, so they just keep going along with the grift.
I can't afford to shoot 1 maybe 2 PRS or NRL 2 day matches per year. So I shot WYCOprl.com. They are an "Outlaw" league with monthly 1 day matches from April to October. There are currently 4 venues, and there is a match at one of the venues every weekend throughout the season. Think of it like a circuit. I shot 14 matches including their Finale and had a ton of fun. Entry fees were reasonable, there are 3 shooting classes based on qualifying scores, and they operate alongside Western Precision Rifle. Attendance seemed to grow at every match in the inaugural season, and hopefully it continues moving forward.

That’s good to see the free market at work. Setting up unaffiliated matches also doesn’t stop PRS from hosting multiple matches in Wyoming either. The shooters will decide which one to support by voting with their wallets.
When was the last time PRS held a match (not ELR) IN Wyoming? I just looked at the calendar and the nearest upcoming match from Cheyenne is in Utah.

And you're right, people will vote with their wallets. I don't think it will go the way you want it to though.
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The other key out west is who wants to be affiliated to the PRS

Most MD out west want nothing to do with them hence the move to outlaw regions and not attachment to a national organization. You don’t need to water down your efforts paying for a label.

A lot of the shooters out here have been groomed by the Competition Dynamics events which absolutely run counter to the PRS style of management
There’s too much bickering. Let’s lighten up the mood a little bit (these photos aren’t mine).