Why such a stigma with California gun owners??

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The hate is ridiculous seeing us local Californians agree with your disdain for the state and its politics and obviously their stupid gun control. That's the part that is SILLY. we are on the same team! We just happen to be on the frontlines and you are not.

Hate the liberals and the BS but don't hate us. Why not support us? What do you and the gun loving and appreciating community gain from alienating us and distancing yourselves from us. Why not try sticking together and helping us? You have nothing to lose by helping us fight the good fight. As you well know, if it happens here it is surely going to try and makes its way to you! So join hands with us and help us fight back the stupidity and liberals. We could benefit from the support and help.

Ripping on us and refusing to do business with us is cowardly and detrimental to you and the community and the country.

I am tired of the "hate" and people telling me how much it sucks here. Guess what i choose to live here because I love it. I like the weather. I like the people. I love the beach, the mountains, the lakes, rivers and desert. Guess what I have lived in the east... People are nicer here. Taxes are higher and the gun laws more restrictive. I will take it happily. I do not like the cold, humidity or the snow. I don't like smokers and obesity. I like having teeth too. but to each his own. We each have our opinions, so what. It does not good for the cause to dismiss us because we happen to live in Kalifornia

We are very conservative here. Hell we gave you Ronaldus Magnus.

I am calling for love and support. Help us. We are on the front lines, you are not.

rant/vent over.

Well said. Hear hear.
So...you willingly accept the lack of liberties, but you still want to bitch about it.

Not "bitch." Actively campaign and debate and engage people that have been brainwashed by the mass media. Write letters to my representatives, vote CAREFULLY, be politically active, and FIGHT. Educate the youth about firearms through Appleseed programs, be active in the NRA and CGSSA, spread the love of firearms and liberty.

I guess you're the type to quietly take it, or the type WHO RUNS AWAY.

I am neither. I will stand and fight.

To everyone who left California due to it being "too liberal" or for gun laws, I leave you this quote:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams
So...you willingly accept the lack of liberties, but you still want to bitch about it.
No we don't accept the lack of liberties. We accepted the fact that we will stand up and fight! Not turn and take the easy road.
Yes we can bitch, we can express how much is sucks but we "embrace the suck." I find it funny that by living here people assume that accept a lack of liberty, love to pay a lot more in taxes, etc.. This state at one time was a major Republican party state. With the Liberal agenda we were quickly changed... which goes to show my thesis on how the illegals have changed our state. Not that I am racists, just follow the law.

Maybe everyone should wake up and realize what will happen if we continue down this road of bot closing the border and running away from fighting the idiot liberals.

CA has some 11.5 million gun owners, I am not a Scholar but I bet that is more then some whole states that have less gun control. So the bad stigma is there.
I hate the stupid laws, but I know that my vote counts and my weather is better then yours, lol. my brother and I always joked about this, why move when people from all over the world come to vacation to our home town... that is saying something.

Kalifornia gun owner=Iraqi Christian. Not smart enough to see the writing on the wall, or too ambivalent to do anything about it. Enjoy those beaches, looks like there is plenty of sand to stick heads. Montana sucks, don't come here. Tell your friends. This message brought to you by freedom, "it tastes good".
"I'm here to fight" but the responses always mention their awesome jobs and weather. Oh, and the rest of us don't have teeth, no elitism there. Just admit it, you like your comfortable life and living under your draconian regulations is a price you are willing to pay, the weather is more important than those rights. If 11 million California gun owners voted with their feet the morons in charge might be forced to listen; until then they are going to enjoy and take advantage of your tax dollars and productivity while using your money against you.

I expect we will all get a taste of CA before it is all said and done and then it will be fights on, wherever you are. To avoid that it would be helpful for people to take a stand where it is starting, and taking a stand doesn't mean capitulating and then complaining. Sort of like the guys who registered in CN...luckily about 85% of the owners there did NOT comply and because of those non compliant citizens the law is not really being enforced and there is an uneasy stalemate at the moment. What I am saying is that every compliance with un-Constitutional laws serves to legitimize them and make them accepted, moving the goalposts a little at a time. That has happened so much in CA I really believe most people there are like Manchurian candidates that simply ignore the lunacy around them for the sake of their sanity. If you are living that way you are "fighting back" by enabling your own oppression with your productivity. The CA snipers hide members probably contribute three times more to their communities than their neighbors. You are being used.

I realize it is easy for me to throw stones from the cheap seats of a free state, but I have also given up comfort and put more than good weather or money all on the line a number of times out of principle before too, and on leaving the AF I knew I was going to a free state. If I could find a way for you to win from inside the wire I would, but in reality you are like the POW who helps maintain the camp walls as you appeal to the commandant for relief. I wish it were otherwise, and indeed hope I am dead wrong.
i hate to say it, but the fight is lost. You arent going to get those things back. No support from me, or anyone else here will get you anything back in the state of CA. Now its time to do what every free man must do when faced with such decisions, depart. This country has had two wars when we tried to have peaceful seperation. The aggressor never gives up its power willfully. In this war, you can absolutely leave peacefully and let them live in the hell they have asked for. One less tax payer to fund thier insanity. Thats the only way CA will every change.
No we don't accept the lack of liberties. We accepted the fact that we will stand up and fight! Not turn and take the easy road.
Yes we can bitch, we can express how much is sucks but we "embrace the suck." I find it funny that by living here people assume that accept a lack of liberty, love to pay a lot more in taxes, etc.. This state at one time was a major Republican party state. With the Liberal agenda we were quickly changed... which goes to show my thesis on how the illegals have changed our state. Not that I am racists, just follow the law.

Maybe everyone should wake up and realize what will happen if we continue down this road of bot closing the border and running away from fighting the idiot liberals.

CA has some 11.5 million gun owners, I am not a Scholar but I bet that is more then some whole states that have less gun control. So the bad stigma is there.
I hate the stupid laws, but I know that my vote counts and my weather is better then yours, lol. my brother and I always joked about this, why move when people from all over the world come to vacation to our home town... that is saying something.


i heard vietnam had pretty sunsets also...
Kalifornia gun owner=Iraqi Christian. Not smart enough to see the writing on the wall, or too ambivalent to do anything about it. Enjoy those beaches, looks like there is plenty of sand to stick heads. Montana sucks, don't come here. Tell your friends. This message brought to you by freedom, "it tastes good".

It has nothing to do with "intelligence." Maybe we cannot so easily pick up and move, maybe we have other responsibilities that keep us here. The worst part about it is that as a gun owner and lover of liberty in California, you are vilified by both liberal progressive nutjobs and red-state folks with their holier than thou, "I'm better than you" bad attitudes.

"I'm here to fight" but the responses always mention their awesome jobs and weather. Oh, and the rest of us don't have teeth, no elitism there. Just admit it, you like your comfortable life and living under your draconian regulations is a price you are willing to pay, the weather is more important than those rights. If 11 million California gun owners voted with their feet the morons in charge might be forced to listen; until then they are going to enjoy and take advantage of your tax dollars and productivity while using your money against you.

I did not brag about my "awesome job" or the "great weather." I am here because my family is here, and my elderly parents are too old and sick to move anywhere, nor do they want to.

If it was just me, I would have left long ago.

But you see, some of us have responsibilities to others, and I will make the sacrifice for my family, no questions asked. And since I am here, I will stand up for what I believe in.

I think you can understand where I am coming from. I love my folks, and they deserve to be taken care of in their old age, PERIOD. Just trying to share my perspective on it.

(And yes, Los Angeles was a MUCH MUCH, MUCH nicer place 40 years ago.)
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Stay and fight in California? Yeah, we will see how that works out when you upset the wrong official and they "Ruby Ridge" your ass!
California is a lost cause. I wish the state would fall into the ocean next major earthquake and give Nevada beach front property.
Stay and fight in California? Yeah, we will see how that works out when you upset the wrong official and they "Ruby Ridge" your ass!
California is a lost cause. I wish the state would fall into the ocean next major earthquake and give Nevada beach front property.

That's the spirit! Very helpful. Lets draw the front line closer to your home. Good strategy. Don't ask for help in the future if you need it. Heck Colorado is the new cancer... enjoy it as it spreads and eventually metastasizes to your state.

remember the golden rule.
my brother and I always joked about this, why move when people from all over the world come to vacation to our home town... that is saying something.

People from all over the world go to Paris for vacation. Something else California has in common with France.

"I'm here to fight" but the responses always mention their awesome jobs and weather.

...and owning 30 round magazines just isn't that important (as stated above).
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

Great quote! What's the source?
Kalifornia gun owner=Iraqi Christian. Not smart enough to see the writing on the wall, or too ambivalent to do anything about it. Enjoy those beaches, looks like there is plenty of sand to stick heads. Montana sucks, don't come here. Tell your friends. This message brought to you by freedom, "it tastes good".
Lol. Smart enough? That's funny. I love Montana and have nothing bad to say about it. .. just that your comparison is pretty stupid like your comment. I will enjoy those beaches and great weather. and she'd some light on me or the rest of of the stupid Californians about how Iraq is compared to us?... explain that
I don't want to high jack the thread but here's a good question/statement... are we all not on the same team when it comes to gun ownership? Don't we all want less restrictions and freedoms? So why being an ass about those that choose to live in CA? I think anyone that has NFL should know how to play a team sport...
Lol. Smart enough? That's funny. I love Montana and have nothing bad to say about it. .. just that your comparison is pretty stupid like your comment. I will enjoy those beaches and great weather. and she'd some light on me or the rest of of the stupid Californians about how Iraq is compared to us?... explain that
To be clear I said Christians in Iraq. Good people surrounded by teeming hoardes of people who want them gone. By the time they realize all is lost they're hearded together at the top of a mountain waiting to get extinguished or starve. Someone pointed out that there are in excess of 11 million gun owners there. You're either outnumbered or ineffective. Either way you let that happen in your state. Fine. But that Kalifornication is spreading, and many of the rest of us dont care for it. Get out while you can. The sunsets and beaches aren't worth it.
Conditioned? Or law abiding.

The point is that the perception is wrong and needs to be changed. That is why i advocate a more supportive position towards us. You don't have to like California but like us fellow americans who want the same gun rights others enjoy. You think I like having to leave my can in Utah or my SBR? Like I asked earlier... what good does the hate and mud slinging do for gun rights for everyone? NOTHING.

Remember the Golden Rule. California is not totally lost... yet. Sure the ship may appear or feel like it is sinking but one can have HOPE and CHANGE can't he?
The real problem with those from CA (obviously the majority, super majority at that) isn't just how they run their state, but that CA sends so many flaming, low life pieces of shit to DC. Not being content to embrace Karl Marx as their inspiration in CA alone, they continually try to export to all other states their BS! Where does the extreme dislike of CA come from? Answer: not from the weird crap that is so loved in CA, but rather their desire to export this shit to everyone else. It is interesting to note, historically commie countries, have always tried to enlarge their sphere of influence, or outright domination of others, forcing commie idea's on all they could (usually at the point of a bayonet). As the commie agenda has never been well received by a country who has a history of education, and who has a well educated population. Commie rule has only flourished in countries where the population was illiterate. Once in charge the commies generally kill or "Re-educated" those that were literate/educated prior to the "revolution". CA's continued attempt to spread their BS to the other states, is eerily similar. And their "education" system, continues to dumb down their population. I remember Jay-Walking (when Jay Leno was the Tonight Show host) these segments were all shot in CA. Recently, the CA Supreme Court ruled that illegal aliens could practice law in CA!! It is not a matter of if, but when, CA will start to crumble on the state level-and it will be begging DC for a "bail out" on the backs of the other 49 states. In fact, a number of towns in CA are already, Bankrupt, or close to it In 1939 there were a number of Jews that could see the writing on the wall-they left Nazi Germany, and there were far too many (one would have been too many) that had "reasons" for staying. Am I comparing the two as equal? Hell No. But is there a lesson that can be learned from History? Hell yes, but You first must study history-something not being done (to any real degree) in the CA public schools. The figure of 11 million gun owners has been put out, based on what? I sure hope it isn't a CA State Govt. list! You know the kind, the type with: your name, age, address, type weapons, number of weapons owned etc. If the State gov. is collecting this data, may I again suggest a little history lesson, find out what happens when governments have these list......
Conditioned? Or law abiding.

The point is that the perception is wrong and needs to be changed. That is why i advocate a more supportive position towards us. You don't have to like California but like us fellow americans who want the same gun rights others enjoy. You think I like having to leave my can in Utah or my SBR? Like I asked earlier... what good does the hate and mud slinging do for gun rights for everyone? NOTHING.

Remember the Golden Rule. California is not totally lost... yet. Sure the ship may appear or feel like it is sinking but one can have HOPE and CHANGE can't he?
A friend who flew fighters said: "There is a point when the wise pilot pulls the ejection seat and that is when the presence of the pilot in the plane no longer makes a difference".

You are abiding laws that end in a smoking hole - to use the aviation analogy. You are supporting with your taxes a system that tries to eliminate or criminalize you. Dianne F. & Co are never going to stop and they are not going to give one inch back just because CA gun owners disagree with what has been successfully crammed up their rear ends for decades. Even if the rest of the country turns back to the path of sanity, CA will see this as a motivation to add to their insanity for balance.

(Ironically, Ms. F. only exists on this planet because her ancestors got out of Europe while they still could. Unfortunately, she did not learn the right lesson from the subsequent events over there and decided to join the side of the oppressors in her country).
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Not "bitch." Actively campaign and debate and engage people that have been brainwashed by the mass media. Write letters to my representatives, vote CAREFULLY, be politically active, and FIGHT. Educate the youth about firearms through Appleseed programs, be active in the NRA and CGSSA, spread the love of firearms and liberty.

I guess you're the type to quietly take it, or the type WHO RUNS AWAY.

I am neither. I will stand and fight.

To everyone who left California due to it being "too liberal" or for gun laws, I leave you this quote:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

He was talking about states like yours.It looks like people are leaving your great state as fast as they can.
That's the spirit! Very helpful. Lets draw the front line closer to your home. Good strategy. Don't ask for help in the future if you need it. Heck Colorado is the new cancer... enjoy it as it spreads and eventually metastasizes to your state.

remember the golden rule.

And when that happens, I'll move to Alaska. I can't do nothing for you. If you don't police yourselves, why should I have to pull your weight? California and New York gun owners are like the kid in your group in science class who doesn't do shit. I'm not going to bend over backwards for a state that doesn't pull it's own weight. As I've said before, vote with your wallet. Move if it's that big of a deal, because obviously what you are doing isn't working. Your state is a cancer and a threat on the liberties which we are fighting for. Don't you blame me for not helping because you all aren't successful. You wanna live in beautiful communism? Fine, but don't bitch about the consequences of that when you are a grown man and made your choice. Money? Family? Health? Vanity?
If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way. Obviously your 2nd amendment right isn't that important if you choose to live there...
Doc, in a unique and Snipers-Hide-kind-of-way we are trying to be supportive. We are trying to tell you that despite the peaceful and beautiful places that I think many of SH's California members live you are surrounded by your enemies. It's not just the anti-gunners. It's also the liberals, progressives, elitists, gangsters, narco/human trafficers, the illegals, the tax-and-spend politicians, the hordes below the poverty line that want for free what people like you have earned, and the special interests. They're to blame here. But when educated, professional, people, that will very likely be successful no matter where they reside, continue to choose to support that shitty system with their presence, their tax money, and their spending, to keep the great weather, affluence, beaches, whatever, you got to expect that it isn't going to sit well with lots of others. I just had a conversation today with my LGS about selling a firearm to a buddy down there in the PRK via a California FFL. My LGS said even if he stripped out the evil full capacity magazines, he would still have to jump through Cali hoops. Why would he? And as for those companies that refuse to sell firearms to FFL's in Cali because of how burdensome Kali's laws are, man that seems like pure market forces to me. As for companies like Barrett, and others that refuse to sell their products to LEO's that they can't sell to a state's residents, that seems like market forces and some level of support.. What I'm trying to say is that from the outside, many gun owners see you all getting herded into the Warsaw Ghetto of gun owners, and that you all won't leave because you like the weather so much. That just doesn't make people like me feel like I have much in common with you, despite the fact that over a beer, we might become fast friends. If there are 11 million gunowners in Kali, and all 11M of you allowed those bullshit laws and those bullshit politicians to foist those laws on you, there's not much the rest of us can do. Except yell at the top of our voices get-the-f#$k out! As quick as you can!
That's the spirit. Have you ever been to DC to fight for your rights? Doubtful. But I have on numerous occasions. You sound like a pussy and coward.

Yes I have been to DC, and I've also written / called my representive government on numerous occasions.
Pussy and a coward? You sound like an adult, a real mature person who in a last ditch effort, or out of pure frustration over the loss of an argument, resorts to name calling. Bravo sir. You may be a doctor, but it is clear that your talents have taken you far beyond where you character has developed.
I will say that, while you may be offended to be lumped into the liberal category, name-calling and acting like a spoiled brat sure does say a lot about which affiliation I would place you in.
You shame yourself and those who are in your company.
That's the spirit. Have you ever been to DC to fight for your rights? Doubtful. But I have on numerous occasions. You sound like a pussy and coward.
Wow! From a guy that is too scared to leave CA! Attacking nesikabay with that kind of BS is typical of a liberal-when you can not counter with Facts, nor want to address Facts, pull that kind of crap. This type of behavior may be (and I'm sure it is in liberal land) common and considered normal in CA, in the rest of the world, when you fail to address facts-you looooooose. My take is, if you are afraid to address facts, you are ignorant, or are the pussy and a coward.
If there are 11 million gun owners in CA (still don't know where this magic number came from), most of them do not vote, or if they do vote, they vote as liberal, low life pieces of shit. How can I say this, what are my facts? Glad you asked! The very recent 2014 voter turn-out in CA, was LESS THAN 11 MILLION!!!!!!! Let's look at this a little further, as we know millions of gun owners in commiefornia don't even bother to vote (otherwise there would be at least 11 million total votes cast-even if no one else in the entire state voted), and based on the results, either the super majority of gun owners in CA are to stupid to vote, or those that do often vote for fellow liberal commies. These are numbers easily seen by all, on the Sec of State CA's own web site!!!! When fools (useful idiots) argue that the CA gun owners are a proud group of those trying to change things......they are full of shit! Or, to be fair, maybe they are just lazy and can't take time away from the beach to go vote, or they are to stupid to figure out where to vote etc.. In any case, those putting forward the "We're real patriots, hard core Americans" line, are misinformed, or just plain old fashion bullshit artists. They're easy to spot, they just don't like facts-just opinions, with the occasional," I know a couple of guys that..."type crap" to "back up" their BS. They hate hard, checkable facts-commies always do, and always will.
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Which are you? The pot or the kettle...?
Spoken like a true non-voting CA gun owner! As I have pointed out, the cowards fail to address facts, or present their own, maybe it isn't pure cowardice, perhaps it's just they don't have any. In any case, if 90% of all CA gun owners actually voted (not sat around with their thumbs up their buddy's asses) in the last election, and they had voted for pro gun candidates the entire House of Reps in CA would be pro-gun, unless of course, you're using CORE math, or what ever it is they "teach" in CA schools. Sorry, but your lack of facts, or even an attempt to dispute the facts demonstrates what you are.
This...coming from a person who barely spell half the time, and then chalk it up to being from Texas. smh...
In your above sentence, did you mean to say, "who can barely spell half the time", or something else that didn't demonstrate your poor command of the English language? Were you smoking crack, when you posted, or are you a product of the CA school system? Now, talk about the pot or the kettle.........!!!
The sad truth is most firearms owners are anti-gun. It seems to be as long as I have mine….

In my own family there is two that I know of. My grandpa thinks we do not need detachable magazines.

My uncle thinks we should not have any fully automatic firearms.

Just a quick look at any of the bench rest web pages you can see they can hardly contain their hatred of anything that is not BR.

We need to stick together or we will hang alone.
Spoken like a true non-voting CA gun owner! As I have pointed out, the cowards fail to address facts, or present their own, maybe it isn't pure cowardice, perhaps it's just they don't have any. In any case, if 90% of all CA gun owners actually voted (not sat around with their thumbs up their buddy's asses) in the last election, and they had voted for pro gun candidates the entire House of Reps in CA would be pro-gun, unless of course, you're using CORE math, or what ever it is they "teach" in CA schools. Sorry, but your lack of facts, or even an attempt to dispute the facts demonstrates what you are.

LOL! That one really had me laughing.

Hey, Sunshine, read a few posts up...I'm from Texas. Apparently reading comprehension is an issue for you.

My, my, my...all this righteous indignation. Well golly gee, you think these folks were liberals or, wait, members of the other herd of sheep. Blindly be led around by their noses, spewing just as much hate and discontent, blindly, as the other side they profess to be the ills of all our problems.

"Here in Cali" (figured I'd speak like everyone apparently thinks we speak here), we call these folks (liberals and mindless conservatives) "COHO's". You see Sunshine, it doesn't matter what side of the issues you're on; hate is hate and ignorance is ignorance, and some just make a real life long practice of being Constantly Outraged and Habitually Offended (COHO). Those are the folks most sane and intelligent people just tune out.

You, Sunshine, seem to be one of them (as well as a few others).

As to not voting...I see you have access to the ballot box. Oh, you don't? Then how the fuck do you know I vote? I'm sorry Sunshine, you were saying something about having facts?

As to being a coward...that really made me laugh. Having served in two wars (three if you want to break apart OIF from OEF, even though they are the same GWOT), with combat tours in both, I'm pretty confident in saying I don't really think that's a fair accusation or implication. What? You didn't know that about me? Hmmm...who'da thunk?

Oh, and Sunshine, you did get me on missing a "can" in my statement. (You get a point for that one.) :)

Sunshine (aka Pawprint2 the "COHO") 1
MarinePMI 3

Have a nice life Sunshine!

(My, what an angry little man...)

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I am sure everyone has their own "facts" for staying in CA but my wife owns a business here and she is very successful and I don't see us selling it off and moving to some other area and making the kind of money we make here. My only son was born with severe heart defects, has seizure issues and is unable to work, drive, or go to college. Every penny that I squeeze out now will go to support him after I am gone so having the ability to make as much money as possible is important, more so than a debate over the size of magazines I can have in my rifle or why .50 BMG's are no longer available in CA. This is important because I am 4 years into a new house that must be paid on and I am finishing up a terminal degree so for the foreseeable future, I am locked into CA. I retired from the mil and I have lived in many states and each one has positive and negative attributes. Another issue that is not discussed in this thread is that pro gunners, many like me, where not allowed to vote on CA issues. While I moved back here in 94, I did not become a resident of CA until I retired in 2010. I maintained my Wyoming residency as I was not sure where I would eventually end up.

My only argument is that I do not agree with businesses not selling to CA just because they don't like the position that CA has taken on gun control. Punishing the gun owners in CA is not going to help the positions of other states when it comes times to confront their own gun control issues as CA will have as much sympathy for other states as CA has been shown. I tried to purchase a pump .22 from Gander Mountain last year and tracked the model I wanted down in GA and was told they don't sell to CA. Like I said in my earlier post, I see people from other states coming on here asking for help in stopping gun control legislation in their state and these are the same folks that have written off CA and support businesses that refuse to sell anything to CA. While many here would like to think that this is one big United States collection of gun owners, the reality is that each state is on their own and many don't give a crap about what is happening in another state as long as they are not affected. Controls are only going to get worse and if you think it was ruff under Barack, wait until Hillary rolls in. There will be another mad rush to purchase everything you can find and states that think they are "untouchable" are going to start bending to political pressure because once federal funding is tied to gun controls its over.
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LOL! That one really had me laughing.

Hey, Sunshine, read a few posts up...I'm from Texas. Apparently reading comprehension is an issue for you.

My, my, my...all this righteous indignation. Well golly gee, you think these folks were liberals or, wait, members of the other herd of sheep. Blindly be led around by their noses, spewing just as much hate and discontent, blindly, as the other side they profess to be the ills of all our problems.

"Here in Cali" (figured I'd speak like everyone apparently thinks we speak here), we call these folks (liberals and mindless conservatives) "COHO's". You see Sunshine, it doesn't matter what side of the issues you're on; hate is hate and ignorance is ignorance, and some just make a real life long practice of being Constantly Outraged and Habitually Offended (COHO). Those are the folks most sane and intelligent people just tune out.

You, Sunshine, seem to be one of them (as well as a few others).

As to not voting...I see you have access to the ballot box. Oh, you don't? Then how the fuck do you know I vote? I'm sorry Sunshine, you were saying something about having facts?

As to being a coward...that really made me laugh. Having served in two wars (three if you want to break apart OIF from OEF, even though they are the same GWOT), with combat tours in both, I'm pretty confident in saying I don't really think that's a fair accusation or implication. What? You didn't know that about me? Hmmm...who'da thunk?

Oh, and Sunshine, you did get me on missing a "can" in my statement. (You get a point for that one.) :)

Sunshine (aka Pawprint2 the "COHO") 1
MarinePMI 3

Have a nice life Sunshine!

(My, what an angry little man...)


What a buffoon!!! As usual you don't state any facts to dispute those I have put forward-except a personal fact or two: the one about you leaving TX to move to CA because you weren't a "steer", because you fit in better in SF. How many of the 11 million gun owners voted in CA is not in question-as there were even 11 million votes cast in the last election-pull your head out of your ass sweet cheeks, when you can't present facts just run your cocksucker-something you learned in liberal training school no doubt. Coward, hell yes you are-afraid or unable to counter facts with facts, and try to cover up your short comings with your ability to spew bull shit. Sorry, not buying it. Facts are facts, your shit is just that- shit. How about disputing vote totals, etc.? Can't do it, because they are facts-I wonder what Jane Fonda outfit you wear when you "exercise" to her work out tapes. Any way, Sweet Cheeks-stick with your bull shit, stay away from facts-try not to spend all your money in those SF bath houses!! What a "sweet" little CA girlie man you are, but hey you can't help it, you were born that way, right?
You better hope we don’t fall in the ocean or many people will go hungry. Here are some food facts from CA

“California has been the number one food and agricultural producer in the United States for more than 50 consecutive years.

More than half the nation's fruit, nuts, and vegetables come from here.

California is the nation's number one dairy state.

California's leading commodity is milk and cream. Grapes are second.

California's leading export crop is almonds.

Nationally, products exclusively grown (99% or more) in California include almonds, artichokes, dates, figs, kiwifruit, olives, persimmons, pistachios, prunes, raisins, clovers, and walnuts.

From 70 to 80% of all ripe olives are grown in California.

California is the nation's leading producer of strawberries, averaging 1.4 billion pounds of strawberries or 83% of the country's total fresh and frozen strawberry production. Approximately 12% of the crop is exported to Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Japan primarily. The value of the California strawberry crop is approximately $700 million with related employment of more than 48,000 people.

California produces 25% of the nation's onions and 43% of the nation's green onions”.

And that is just food stuffs, imagine what would happen to the tech field...we do serve a purpose, just most outside of CA don't like us :)
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