Wipe out bore cleaner

Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I think it works pretty well. If I clean a bore, then try wipe out a bunch more crud comes out. The only drawback is the "1 hour" wait. Usually this is not a problem (I usually let it sit overnight anyway), but if you're shooting a lot on the same day then something like shooter's choice might work better for immediate results.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I use the wipeout as well as the accelerator but still leave it overnight if possible. Patches come out deep blue so I think it works well. I have yet to clean it after with another cleaner to see if wipeout got it all.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

For my first post here, I will chime in on a positive note - I have had good luck with Wipeout as well. To be fair, I am not nearly at a stage of competence where I am hugely dogmatic about solvents... Also, I have not used the accelerator but intend to try it one of these days.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

This is my "go to" bore cleaner, although I use the hell out of other stuff that attacks specific things.

I primarily use it for barrel soak - 24 hours or more for a fairly dirty bore.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

+1 on the Wipe Out Patch Out, Accelerator and also the new Carb Out.

Word of caution though.....try to get this stuff in the non-pressurized squeezy bottles.

All the Wipe Out products I've had in spray cans were either massively over-pressurized or had faulty valves so you always got a shed load more than you needed.

First Carb Out I got went off like a Japanese power station showering shit and misery all over the wife's dining room table.

She'll have me working it off for years to come - could be a good time for you all to buy shares in Jimmy Choo
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Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

Wipe Out is good and Patch Out is better. Wipe Out has too much pressure and the product has a lot of waste in application. Both are fantastic cleaners of carbon and copper fouling.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I tried it for the first time this week and it was absolutely amazing. Did a WAY better job than any other solvent I've tried and blue was literally dripping out my muzzle-break. The only bad part is like the other guys said, theres ALOT of waste trying to get it to fill the entire bore. I had to use a straw but figured it out.
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Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

Wipe-Out tip of the week - the straw they give you to put in the muzzle end?

Jam it all the way into the dispenser cap until it stops. This prevents it from coming out around the straw too. Less waste!
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I know I'm sort of necroposting here, but ...

Brand new bartlein barrel; worked up a "best load" for accuracy; shot it lots; cleaned with wipe out (which I love) and now that load isn't so great anymore. POI moved huge, groups are spread way out. Gonna redo the load development. I guess the lesson I learned is shoot a few to get scope on paper, clean, then do load dev'.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

When I do clean my rifle, I use Wipe Out and it works great. It's been a while so I might even clean the TRG after the next time out. Then again, I might not, it isn't even showing any signs of accuracy loss.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I too use the Wipe Out Patch Out stuff, and I can't say enough good about this stuff. There are a ton of products out there that I haven't used that I can't comment on, but I've also used several cleaning products and Wipe Out's Patch Out is by far the best of the products that I've used. I love this stuff.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

+1 for the non-aerosol version (Wipe Out-Patch Out, see specs here... http://www.sharpshootr.com/patchout.htm ). This stuff removes any/all copper fouling like I never saw before! I use it on all my guns now. Originally recommended to me by a gas-piston rifle shooter, as I was using another aerosol product and it is not recommended to get any of this type of cleaner into the gas-tube/gas-piston area.

The guy that recommended it to me originally said "Go ahead and buy a can, and if you don't like it I'll buy it off of you for what you paid for it!". I figured if he thought so highly of this stuff it was worth a try, plus his offer was too good to refuse. That was a few years ago and I have been using it ever since and never looked back. All the other products I have tried over the years has been nothing but junk compared to this
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Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

Trying some this week as a matter of fact on a dirty .300 Magnum. I cleaned the barrel earlier with Sweets 7.62 and was shocked to see the amount of green patches that were coming out of the bore using Wipe out.

Good luck

Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

WipeOut was my favorite until it started doing this.


I kept getting brown patches so I thought I had a carbon problem. I let it soak overnight and I got a ton of brown out but it never would quit. That's when I noticed this rust. WipeOut by itself still works good on copper and doesn't cause the rust near as fast. WipeOut with Accelerator attacks even faster. The rifles most affected are Remington 700P, SPS, MLR, VTR series rifles with the factory parkerizing. Regular blued guns not near so bad. We are also observing rust staining on stainless guns if they are stored with any trace of WipeOut in them. I contacted Sharp Shoot R Precision Products by email and phone. E-mail was ignored and over the phone they said it would not harm my guns. They said this was carbon I was seeing. Shortly after out contact they released a new formula for the Accelerator. I used to recommend it to everyone and those people were the ones telling me they were getting rust on their bolts. One guy's Bat action customs were pitted in only a month after using it. I have since changed up out cleaning methods and the star of the show is Bore Tech Eliminator products but I still recommend protecting all surfaces after cleaning with a thin coat of Rem Oil or Tri-Flow.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hired Gun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">WipeOut was my favorite until it started doing this.


I kept getting brown patches so I thought I had a carbon problem. I let it soak overnight and I got a ton of brown out but it never would quit. That's when I noticed this rust. WipeOut by itself still works good on copper and doesn't cause the rust near as fast. WipeOut with Accelerator attacks even faster. The rifles most affected are Remington 700P, SPS, MLR, VTR series rifles with the factory parkerizing. Regular blued guns not near so bad. We are also observing rust staining on stainless guns if they are stored with any trace of WipeOut in them. I contacted Sharp Shoot R Precision Products by email and phone. E-mail was ignored and over the phone they said it would not harm my guns. They said this was carbon I was seeing. Shortly after out contact they released a new formula for the Accelerator. I used to recommend it to everyone and those people were the ones telling me they were getting rust on their bolts. One guy's Bat action customs were pitted in only a month after using it. I have since changed up out cleaning methods and the star of the show is Bore Tech Eliminator products but I still recommend protecting all surfaces after cleaning with a thin coat of Rem Oil or Tri-Flow. </div></div>

Jeeeze, I've been using Wipe Out for about a year now along with Carb Out and I just checked the rifle out and didn't find any rust. A little crud I missed from after the last cleaning but no rust. Pheeewww. I've never used the accelerator. So do you think it was the accelerator that caused this? Or do you think it was just the Wipe Out by itself? I like the stuff as it has cleaned the rifle as never before with little to no effort and would like to continue using this stuff. Also I may not be getting any signs of rust as I put about 100 rounds down the barrel every week. I'm on my second barrel as well.
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Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

At the time that picture was taken was when that rifle was brand new first trip to the range. No the rust wasn't there before as it was borescoped before it was ever fired. I had to use some oversize copper brushes to get the rust out of the action and a bit of 320 to polish the chamber back up. It doesn't seem near so mean to other rifles than the ones I've noted so far. I have been using it for about 10 years and whenever I noticed rust on my stainless Weatherby bolts or inside their blued actions I always dismissed it as I must have missed some moisture somewhere. I store in a 75 degree safe with the humidity at about 20%-30% depending on the season. There is a golden rod in there. I would have thought that would be enough but the only way I have found to completly avoid rust is to wipe down with a very light oil. Bore Tech Eliminator can be stored in the bore for weeks and no problems with rust. The bad rust you see here was never seen until I bought this MLR 338 Lapua and once we found this I started doing some checking and found it was eating the parkerized Remingtons the worst. So it has been eating my personal Weatherby bolts and the aftermarket stainless actions if not completely removed and oiled for protection.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: *Straight Shooter*</div><div class="ubbcode-body">WipeOut was my favorite until it started doing this.


I kept getting brown patches so I thought I had a carbon problem. I let it soak overnight and I got a ton of brown out but it never would quit. That's when I noticed this rust. WipeOut by itself still works good on copper and doesn't cause the rust near as fast. WipeOut with Accelerator attacks even faster. The rifles most affected are Remington 700P, SPS, MLR, VTR series rifles with the factory parkerizing. Regular blued guns not near so bad. We are also observing rust staining on stainless guns if they are stored with any trace of WipeOut in them. I contacted Sharp Shoot R Precision Products by email and phone. E-mail was ignored and over the phone they said it would not harm my guns. They said this was carbon I was seeing. Shortly after out contact they released a new formula for the Accelerator. I used to recommend it to everyone and those people were the ones telling me they were getting rust on their bolts. One guy's Bat action customs were pitted in only a month after using it. I have since changed up out cleaning methods and the star of the show is Bore Tech Eliminator products but I still recommend protecting all surfaces after cleaning with a thin coat of Rem Oil or Tri-Flow. </div></div>

I noticed this problem with Wipe Out, especially noticeable on stainless rifles. It drove me nuts, thinking I was getting rust in the barrel and never getting it out -- no matter how many times I cleaned the bore with Wipe Out, I never could get a patch through that didn't have at least a little of this "rust" that you see above, even out of a brand new rifle.


Then I finally figured out it wasn't "rust" at all, but residue from the red straws that come with the can to spray Wipe Out into the bore!

I figured this out by spraying some Wipe Out in a glass jar through the factory-supplied red straw (I wanted to use it like Patch Out in a AR) and noticed that the Wipe Out in the jar contained small amounts of this red material straight our of the can! Apparently, the red straw was shedding this material as the Wipe Out flowed through it. I changed to a clear straw and this red residue disappeared!
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I've had some of the reddish brown continue to come out on patches, but have always used wipeout to remove carbon. I'll try Butch's for the carbon and wipeout for the copper next time.

One thing I've noted is that the rifles I have treated with Dyna Bore Coat (formerly Ultra Bore Coat) don't show the reddish brown at all...
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I am sure that if you talk with any of the chemical manufactures directly they will tell you not to leave any of their products in any part of your gun for more than a few minutes.

Because they all have a little water in them even though it is not there when the cleaners are manufactured but it has the possibility to form due to age storage ect.

Therefore rust will form quickly. If someone tells you that there product can be left in the barrel for hours or days do not believe them.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I have been using Wipe-Out for several years now and have never had an issue with rust due to leaving it in the bore overnight. I have both stainless and CM barrels/ actions. I use Butch's to clean out the carbon, then Wipe-Out Accelerator followed by Wipe-Out. I have found that foaming from the muzzle or using the supplied straw from the chamber will usually result in a mess, so I have started using these:
To start, you will need some 1/4" tubing and some 3/8" tubing which can be found a any home improvement store in the plumbing section. Cut the tubing to length. What works for me has been about 1-2" of the 3/8" and 6-8" of the 1/4". Now stick the 1/4" into the short 3/8".


Second you will need to take a case and drill out the primer and primer pocket using a 1/4" bit. You will need to clamp the case in a vise, but be sure to grab the base area of the case. This will need to go all the way through the base of the case so the tubing will reach the neck of the case. Insert the tubing into the case and this is what you should have.

Attach your applicator to the bottle of Wipe-Out.

Now you should be able to get to work. Be sure to shake the Wipe-Out as it states in the directions. Insert the applicator into chamber from the ejection port. With a little forward pressure on the applicator I will fill the bore with the Wipe-Out while plugging the muzzle with a finger. Once the bore is filled, I will release the finger from the muzzle and wait until the foam is finished "expanding." This is when you can remove the applicator from the chamber. If done properly, there won't be a mess in the action and there will be little waste. I'd also suggest having a bucket or trash can under the muzzle to catch the waste. I would like to say I came up with this on my own, but I didn't. I picked it up from a Benchrest guy at my Rifle club.
Hopefully someone will find this helpful! I would also advise not using the kitchen counter for cleaning, this was done for picture only.

Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I use Gunslick foaming bore cleaner, it's what my local gunshop had in stock. It works pretty darn well, it comes with a large tube that fits into the chamber end and seals the chamber.

After using it and running a dry patch through the bore, I always run a wet patch or two of #9 followed by several dry patches to clean out residue.
I tried wipeout and it worked to great so I tried it again then had a friend who's a gunsmith who is meticulous try the overnight test. The gunsmith said his patches came out with a little carbon which surprised him. Another said his patches came out black. I have been using it ever since and shoot more than a little. The fact that you no longer have to run brushes through the bore is a money saver. Chamber cleanup to.
Re: Wipe out bore cleaner

I have been using Wipe-Out for several years now and have never had an issue with rust due to leaving it in the bore overnight. I have both stainless and CM barrels/ actions. I use Butch's to clean out the carbon, then Wipe-Out Accelerator followed by Wipe-Out. I have found that foaming from the muzzle or using the supplied straw from the chamber will usually result in a mess, so I have started using these:
To start, you will need some 1/4" tubing and some 3/8" tubing which can be found a any home improvement store in the plumbing section. Cut the tubing to length. What works for me has been about 1-2" of the 3/8" and 6-8" of the 1/4". Now stick the 1/4" into the short 3/8".


Second you will need to take a case and drill out the primer and primer pocket using a 1/4" bit. You will need to clamp the case in a vise, but be sure to grab the base area of the case. This will need to go all the way through the base of the case so the tubing will reach the neck of the case. Insert the tubing into the case and this is what you should have.

Attach your applicator to the bottle of Wipe-Out.

Now you should be able to get to work. Be sure to shake the Wipe-Out as it states in the directions. Insert the applicator into chamber from the ejection port. With a little forward pressure on the applicator I will fill the bore with the Wipe-Out while plugging the muzzle with a finger. Once the bore is filled, I will release the finger from the muzzle and wait until the foam is finished "expanding." This is when you can remove the applicator from the chamber. If done properly, there won't be a mess in the action and there will be little waste. I'd also suggest having a bucket or trash can under the muzzle to catch the waste. I would like to say I came up with this on my own, but I didn't. I picked it up from a Benchrest guy at my Rifle club.
Hopefully someone will find this helpful! I would also advise not using the kitchen counter for cleaning, this was done for picture only.

Now that is pretty good. My only difference was to take a tubing cutter to the primer end of the case and catch the fluid for other types os cleanings in the future.
I use and like Patch-out and Accelerator. I don’t see the need to use the foaming aerosol but I’m willing to be convinced.

I also like Bore Tech’s similar products as they also work very well.
I know this is an old subject, but does anyone have any issues using Wipe Out when it's pretty old? I've got a bottle I found that's about 7-8 years old. I like the stuff so I'll get some more, just wondering if it goes bad after a while and if I can use the old one.
So fascinating the differing opinions on how to clean a barrel.

Frank Green per his website likes to use solvent only, with a brush only rarely when the carbon ring near the throat won't come off with chemical only.

Bryan Litz likes bore scrubbing paste and said in a youtube video that he found it doesn't negatively affect accuracy.

Frank knows more about barrels for sure, but I'm sure Litz would notice if accuracy fell off on his rifles.

I use both CLR & MP7 for light cleaning non-barrel stuff. Is one better than the other? Both seem to do the job fine for me but I'm wondering if anyone else sees a difference.