World Record Shoot

Yeah I followed that previous thread from a distance and really glad to see this coming to fruition! Cant wait to see it on TV....any updates when it will be filmed or aired? I dont FB (if its posted there).

If it hasnt happened....GOOD LUCK!! Pulling for ya!

That video of the 1k off hand shot was awesome. "OK I'm done" LMAO
I am not against pushing the envelope with rifles and I am extremely interested in the results and wish you luck. I just hope this doesn't bring the wrong attention when shown at a national level.
I am all for any shot, any way, hit on any size object is the record. What makes that good IMHO is that it sets a bench for the second attempt. I think a shot hit at 3,000 is incredible. Also since it will be on camera it has to have some "show" to it. I know most here don't like that (I don't either) but it is what sells on our new reality TV based lives that TV watchers thrive on. I am sure everybody here is very firearm savvy and will pick apart movies when they have an EOTECH on backwards, "silencers" :) on revolvers, no recoil pistols, falling brass that you can see the blank crimp, million round "clips" :) , Oh and one of my personal favorites is getting shot in the shoulder and continuing on for HOURS with the pressure of a ripped actresses shirt for a compress. Regardless of success or failure I have to applaud effort.
Have at it SAWMAN, and best of luck. 3000 is a loooong way, i would love a detailed report as most other here would. the cameras will only show so much, the good stuff i would love to hear is how you read the wind that far out, how many different crosswinds did you have to account for and how you averaged them, etc..
"Gneisenau and Scharnhorst were at 69°00'N, 03°10'E steaming at 19 knots on course 330° when smoke was sighted on the eastern horizon at 1546. Steam was raised for full speed, and course altered to close the enemy. By 1636 Gneisenau was making 30.5 knots and Scharnhorst, experiencing boiler trouble, was making 29. Scharnhorst, initially in the leading position, opened fire on Glorious at 1632, range 28600 yards (26150 meters). Gneisenau opened fire at 1646. Gneisenau's slightly superior speed allowed her to slowly overhaul the Scharnhorst during the action, until she had put the Scharnhorst some 22 cables (4850 meters) on her port quarter. The two ships maintained these relative positions until near the end of the engagement, when Gneisenau reduced speed.3

In accordance with instructions from Glorious. Ardent closed the enemy ships flashing a challenge on her searchlight. She was taken under fire by Gneisenau at 1627 and by Scharnhorst at 1630 at a range of about 16000 yards (14600 meters). Ardent withdrew, firing torpedoes, one of which was seen to pass close ahead of the Scharnhorst. Both destroyers made smoke to screen the Glorious. This smoke was effective enough to force the Germans to cease fire from about 1658 to 1720. Ardent made one hit on Scharnhorst with her 4.7-inch guns, but was extensively hit by return fire from the 5.9-inch secondary armament of the battlecruisers, and sank at about 1725.

Glorious received her first hit at 1638 from Scharnhorst's third salvo. The 283mm shell penetrated the flightdeck and burst in the upper hangar starting a large fire.4 Splinters pierced a boiler casing and smoke entered air intakes. This caused a temporary drop in steam pressure from two boilers, but pressure was built up again as the smoke cleared. Further hits were obtained after 1720 as the carrier once again became visible through the smoke of the screening destroyers. At 1656, just before the Germans ceased fire due to screening smoke, a hit on the homing beacon wrecked the bridge, killing the captain and almost all of the bridge personnel. The Executive Officer assumed command of the ship. About 1720 a hit in the center engine room shook the whole ship, which thereafter began to lose speed, develop a starboard list, and commence a slow circle to port. The Germans ceased fire at about 1740, and Glorious sank at about 1810. A track chart of the action, adapted from German sources, is shown on Chart 1."

Scharnhorst third-round hit, at 16.26 miles, with an 11 inch rifled gun. I think that is the current record. ;)
I believe the Long range record should most likely go to Germany's WWI "Paris Gun"
211mm, later rebored to 238mm, @5400fps, forest of Coucy to Paris, 75 miles.

In all seriousness, the new attempt is pretty cool. At over half an inch, is that considered a destructive device, or does it have a sporting purposes exemption?
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"I believe the Long range record should most likely go to Germany's WWI "Paris Gun' "...

On reflection, I suppose the entire city of Paris should be considered a "target"... but were both Coucy, and Paris moving at ~30 mph when the shot was taken? :)

Even if this "record" shot only manages to hit the mountain in the background, I am certain some sort of "first" could be conceived.
The Wikipedia article claims the rotation of the earth had to be accounted for while aiming, (un)fortunately the Kaiser had plenty of Spin-D on tap.

Props to the Scharnhorst for their 16mile hit on a moving target, I assumed Sawman will be shooting, or has shot, at a stationary target, competing in the Paris Gun's class.
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"The Wikipedia article claims the rotation of the earth had to be accounted for while aiming, (un)fortunately the Kaiser had plenty of Spin-D on tap."...

Not only Coriolis, but they had to account for the vacuum of space over a portion of the Paris gun's trajectory. The Germans had developed spin-stabilized gunnery, far beyond anything most people realize, almost one hundred years ago.

"Props to the Scharnhorst for their 16mile hit on a moving target, I assumed Sawman will be shooting, or has shot, at a stationary target, competing in the Paris Gun's class."...

That is my guess also.

The admiral commanding the Scharnhorst was relieved of his command for this record shot. Apparently he had disobeyed orders by "wasting ammunition", in sinking "an old aircraft carrier", rather than merchant shipping...
Leave it to the Teutonic mindset to miss the Forrest for the trees.
Minute of city, or so...

I enjoy seeing good coverage of long range shooting, unfortunately reality TV has lowered standards to require dramatic soap opera tactics to net mass appeal. I'm hoping the OP provides the former, "World Record" claims make me suspect too much of the later. But, hey, ya gotta hype, I just hope we're not looking at another Red Jacket/Gunsmoke abomination.
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I’m all for pushing the envelope and doing what folks say can’t be done. To be able to hit an intended target at the extended ranges and repeat it within a respectable moa. Also as far as walking out, not a big deal if here again you can shoot a decent group once at your farthest target.

Then again one shot – one hits are fun also

Good luck Sawman
