Accessories Worlds largest american made Vise. 8" WIlton machinist bullet vise NEW. Advice who to trade it to please


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Aug 13, 2011
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So what we have is the result of a trade gone awry. I agreed with a group to do some work for a vise. Did a few thousand in work but its a non profit so whatever they needed the help. Well sight unseen and what do I get? A wilton bullet machinst vice 8" jaw, 12" opening 5 13/16" depth, 220 lb stationary base vise. So in theory I broke even cool.

Thats the model, this is new old stock has a few smudges on the handle from being touched, never clamped anything. Still on the delivery plywood from the factory. Has the slightest touch of surface rust on one of the jaws (I oiled them but it was already there, about 3/16" diamet spots. New is $3720. I'm very open to trades or suggestions on who in the 2a community would trade for it. Someone tag suppressor companies or guys that make precision rigs. Its in Michigan shipping I think would be a mess. But if only a few hour drive I'll bring it to you. Open to high end guns/optics what do you have? To clarify I WILL ship it, I just have no idea HOW to ship it... I got enough plywood/2x4s lying around I could make a crate for it thats strong enough for it.


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That is a beautiful vise... I would look to people in the knifemaking / blacksmithing community as well. Still, the people that need a $3700 vise are a bit rare. I have a 4" Wilton that I picked up at a garage sale many years ago and it is amazing... they make a great product - especially the Made in the USA stuff
Pretty much everything on the ranch, plus I do a fair bit of metal work/fab, nothing moves or slips. Got it in a swap also, prolly would have never dropped the cash for one this big.
That is a beautiful vise... I would look to people in the knifemaking / blacksmithing community as well. Still, the people that need a $3700 vise are a bit rare. I have a 4" Wilton that I picked up at a garage sale many years ago and it is amazing... they make a great product - especially the Made in the USA stuff
I'm not really in any groups/pages like that got a suggestion? Yeah my 6" came from a machinist in the pontiac plant, still on his 210 lb cart. Its amazing, heavy enough I can roll it around and still be stable enough to use as a vise. Wish it was a bullet though..
So what we have is the result of a trade gone awry. I agreed with a group to do some work for a vise. Did a few thousand in work but its a non profit so whatever they needed the help. Well sight unseen and what do I get? A wilton bullet machinst vice 8" jaw, 12" opening 5 13/16" depth, 220 lb stationary base vise. So in theory I broke even cool.

Thats the model, this is new old stock has a few smudges on the handle from being touched, never clamped anything. Still on the delivery plywood from the factory. Has the slightest touch of surface rust on one of the jaws (I oiled them but it was already there, about 3/16" diamet spots. New is $3720. I'm very open to trades or suggestions on who in the 2a community would trade for it. Someone tag Larue I love their guns. (yes I know they are in texas) Or a suppressor company. Its in Michigan shipping I think would be a mess. But if only a few hour drive I'll bring it to you. Open to high end guns/optics what do you have?
Beautiful hunk of metal, for sure. I'd be willing to part with a couple boxes of primers for it. :)

But seriously, I'd love to have one like that. Unfortunately, I'd have to luck into it in a similar fashion to justify the expense (and the reality that it's way more vice than I really need . . . but is it? :) ).

Good luck with the trade/sale!
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The swivel base is a purchasable item from Wilton.
I acquired one of those in a trade (maybe it fell off a truck). Bigger than I wanted so I gave it to my brother
who can break almost anything. not this though, at least not yet.
Contact your local machine/welding shops, as well as your metal fab shops, as well as bigger shops within a few hours from you. They'll be the most likely to buy it from you.
If you have to ship check out

I had a guy drive a cast iron stove from Pittsburgh area to me in NJ on his way to FL.
It was quite reasonable.
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If you have to ship check out

I had a guy drive a cast iron stove from Pittsburgh area to me in NJ on his way to FL.
It was quite reasonable.
And another thing I have to join to get a quote sigh
Try Fastenal. They used to provide very cheap shipping. You'll have to go online to see if they have a depot within a reasonable distance to you. They used to be popular with muscle car enthusiasts to ship engines.

I would be interested in the vice, depending on what you'd want for it. Send me a PM, if you'd like.

And another thing I have to join to get a quote sigh