Hunting & Fishing Youngest Son's first buck of the season

Thanks everyone! We live in a real unique area, right out of town limits but have plenty of land. All the deer get push onto our property, really gets to be pest when they eat all the crops. I built him his own 300 Blk after using mine all last year. This stand is about 300 yards behind our house. He hunted all day opening day, spent 11 hours in the stand. Now mind you this kid cant sit still when he sleeps, so Im still amazed he sat still that long. He hunted hard between all the weather fronts coming in for this buck. I saw a break in the rain on Sat. night and look at him and said lets go.....this is our reward.
That's awesome for you and your son, many more memories to come and a great way to keep your kids close to you and out of trouble. Take a kid hunting, well done sir.
Congratulations, he sure looks happy! My son just turned six, and he has been asking me to take him hunting. Unfortunately, I've never really hunted. What's the minimum age in SC?

Chip in SC it is up to the discretion of the parent my oldest son harvested his first deer when he was 7. At age 16, they are required to complete a hunters ed course so they can obtain a standard hunting license.