I will agree with
@Rio Precision Gunworks that an LPVO is NOT the optic of choice if you are focused solely on CQB. I'm shocked the "I can run my LPVO just as fast as a red dot crowd" didn't show up in droves telling us how they get a proper cheek weld 100% of the time and about how scope shadow and eye relief are mythical creatures. You know, JuSt tRaIn mOrE dUdE. Perhaps I need a commercial account too.
Anyways, if you read between the many lines, and threads here, and there is plenty of them, it's clear this ZCO was built/made for either a specific entity or specific bid. I believe the feature set was decided by a specific end user and well, weight wasn't on the bid spec so ZCO gave them what they wanted.
Is the optic too heavy? For what most people wanted this optic for, yes. But it's not too heavy for many use cases such as on top of a SCAR or similar weapon system. I've said before, I am considering it for a PWS UXR which I think would be right at home in a 1.54 for clip-on use.
The one argument that annoys me is that ounces don't matter. B.S. They absolutely matter. Some (most) people don't want an additional 2 lbs of weight hanging off their weapons system if they can help it. Weight is an issue, balance is an issue and it has nothing to do with "jUsT liFt wEiGhTs." As I've said before, there are men out their bigger, stronger and tougher than you that still desire a lightweight optic.
I remember Elon Musk being asked by an interviewer "Why did you make the Cyber truck bulletproof?" After his long trademark pause in thought Elon says "Do you want your truck to be bulletproof?"
The fact is, we can get an the features we want in an MPVO without it having to be an anvil. This is not an either/or category of optics. If the feature sets and glass outweigh your issues with the weight you will buy it, if they don't, you won't. Pretty simple.
We should not continue to debate whether or not everyone else's use case should be the same as our own.