Before we begin, do you condemn Big Macs?
Do you sympathize with all these beheaded burgers, thrown into the oven?
Some kitchenomics derived from obsolete data
$137,000,000,000 planned total to be gifted (perhaps loaned) Ukraine as of August 2023
$6 per Big Mac
22,833,333,333 Big Macs
410 cm3 or 0.014479 ft3 per Big Mac
330,603,833 ft3 of Big Macs
37,000,000 ft3 Volume of Empire State Building
That’s around 8.935 Empire State Buildings full of Big Macs
…if the $137,000,000,000 planned total for Ukraine is accurate, and the price of Big Macs costing $6 a piece, that would be 22,833,333,333 burgers.
With an estimated volume of 410 cubic centimeters or 0.014479 cubic feet per Big Mac, that would be around 330,603,833 cubic feet of buns, lettuce, tomatoes, and mystery meat total.
If the Empire State Building has a volume of 37,000,000 cubic feet, then one can pile all those Big Macs into a structure
8.935 Empire State Buildings high
Perhaps even 16 to 18 Empire State Buildings, but I haven’t seen any BOGO coupons for months, with our present economy.