We only reduced the asshole population in those countries, if their borders weren't so porous we could have reduced it to the levels needed to provide them with a good/better start and/or if the ROE was better. Some of those "random people" indiscriminately killed and/orchestrated the killings of a lot of innocent civilians. As an example 04 May 2006 on a patrol a suicide bomber decided to blow himself up in Rusafa, Baghdad just above Palestine Street near a local court house in a market that sells children's clothing and toys, the handler and bomb makers is someone we wanted to catch. 18 killed at the scene, over 30 seriously wounded (no telling how many died later), I was just down the street on a patrol when it happened and we assisted with as much as we could. The people that orchestrated that are the assholes I am talking about. Just like the assholes that we caught that were indiscriminately shooting Sunni civilians and the ones that were indiscriminately shooting Shiite civilians that we placed our vehicles in between them and the fire(Baghdad was a huge city, we couldn't pinpoint where we were taking fire from, but we could tell what side it was coming from) so we could safely evacuate them off the elevated highway to safety. Or the assholes that tortured civilians and/or delivered parts of a family member to the Iraqi Army Colonel that I worked with. Just providing a little bit of perspective.
What do you know about killing anyways besides reading about it in a book or from some movie? Each person reacts to killing in their own unique way.
Some people were meant/born for the fight. Some might say it is a test of wills and skill. Either way, it is fun till it isn't, it is chaotic, it is what separates the warriors from those that aren't. I've seen guys freeze in a fight, I've seen guys refuse to get up on the gun in a fight and I have seen guys put it all on the line, I have seen guys do some wild stuff.
I have always said that you see the best and the worst in people in a combat zone/war.
Anyways, just my .02
If you enjoy killing people/things, you need to get some help, just like the kid who enjoyed killing a cat.

New video shows Texas school shooter Salvador Ramos holding bag of dead cats
The deranged 18-year-old gunman is seen smiling in the undated footage while sitting in the passenger seat of a pal’s car.

I hunt, I like being outdoors, I like good meat that’s not processed and drugged to shit, I like rifles and bows, but I don’t get a thrill about killing the game, maybe that’s just me.
Same with your bomber, he should have been killed, I agree, but it’s not a fun thing, at least for mentally stable people, but it’s a thing that needs to be done.
There was a documentary not too long ago, followed some troops in afghan, there was some old afghan guy with a milk cow, well the troops one night see the cow and shoot it, they had that “fighter instinct”, later on they found out that old guy decided to take money from who ever to ether give intel or set a bomb to kill troops (I forget which), to which I shrugged, yeah if some foreign troops were in my town, shot my business and how I provide for me and mine, someone offered me money that I now really need to hurt them

What would be best is if we just stayed the fuck out of that part of the world. History has many lessons of great empires who went to go put their dick in the crazy that’s know as the Middle East.
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