Do you regret getting the jab

Do you regret getting the covid vaccine?

  • Yes, it gave me health problems.

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • No, I feel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters
I didn't get it, and my dad gave me a rash of shit about it. Now he suddenly has Parkinsons, and a bunch of other problems, same with my stepmom. Then both my brothers, and one of my sisters are suddenly having a bunch of medical problems. I'm sure the shot has nothing to do with it <sarcasm>. I didn't get the shot, and the only problems I had was a bitchy gall bladder that I had evicted, but I had problems with it for years before the shot was a thing.

No regerts not getting it. I feel bad for those that were forced to choose between a career and getting it. I think the folks that were forced to get a shot to keep a job, should all go sue their employers.
No ragrets staying away from that shit and even more so keeping my kids away from it. I’m also thankful that my wife and I are in agreement about the last 4-ish years. A buddy of mine is going to be getting a divorce over this shit once his kids get a little older
No ragrets staying away from that shit and even more so keeping my kids away from it. I’m also thankful that my wife and I are in agreement about the last 4-ish years. A buddy of mine is going to be getting a divorce over this shit once his kids get a little older
The anthrax jab?
Yeah, I got a bunch of them. Same with all the other shit they pumped into my arms.
Between the jabs, the cancer causing agents, chemicals, excessive noise and a fucked up spine from severely confined spaces, I still have my health.

There was no fucking way they were gonna stick me when I had the ability to decide against it for myself.
I got Vax'd they basically shut down our entire country (Canada) and you couldn't do shit without being vax'd.

It hasn't affected my health at all but knowing what I know now I wouldn't have gotten it. I'm sure there are lots up here with the same opinion.
Talked a lot of people out of it. 3/4 of my family didnt listen, aunt and uncle both came down with cancer a year or so ago. Not sure about my cousins, except the one that got covid 5x and counting, cause his ex talked him into it "for the children". She is a school teacher in boston.
I got only one set of jabs in June 2020, when the hysteria was going on. I felt nothing after the 1st jab. On the 2nd jab, I think I might have been down for like 24-48 hrs post the 2nd jab, but was perfectly fine after that. It was like a "24 hr cold" or something.

After that, I had no issues that I know of. I mean, I'm getting old and starting to feel the initial effects of old age, but everyone goes through that.

I did not get any boosters, though, after those initial jabs in 2020..
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Talked a lot of people out of it. 3/4 of my family didnt listen, aunt and uncle both came down with cancer a year or so ago. Not sure about my cousins, except the one that got covid 5x and counting, cause his ex talked him into it "for the children". She is a school teacher in boston.
My sister got ovarian cancer within a few months. Beat it so far. It’s hard to say whether the widespread cognitive issues I see in family and former friends are the result of jabs or media programming. Maybe a bit of both.
Do women need to be careful not to sleep with vaccinated guys or just to not get pregnant by them ????? Honest question
The science is still unclear, and also being heavily suppressed. Fertility seems to be down big picture.
The real question is why have sex with someone whose world view is so diametrically opposite? I understand regret etc. but I don’t give a fuck how much my kids say they care about someone in that pool. Mental poison is worse that physical poison.
Company I worked for at the time finally offered up a religious exemption, probably after they realized they'd lose at least half of the already small staff of experienced technicians who weren't going to get jabbed even if it meant losing our jobs. Myself and quite a few others took that route, just had to get self administered temperature scans when we reported for shift. Definitely no regrets here. All 3 of my kids remain pureblood too, if the schools had started mandating that shit I already had prepared to pull them out. No way in hell I would let the younguns get stuck.
Just remember there were a lot of people who got the shot/shots as a sacrifice to keep food on the table and a roof over their families head.

That's the boat I was in. Kept me out of work for years then denied any unemployment benefits to the unvaxed.

It's hard to say you regret providing for your family. But absolutely didn't buy into it being anything other then a big ass experiment and money grab by big pharma
Just remember there were a lot of people who got the shot/shots as a sacrifice to keep food on the table and a roof over their families head.

That's the boat I was in. Kept me out of work for years then denied any unemployment benefits to the unvaxed.

It's hard to say you regret providing for your family. But absolutely didn't buy into it being anything other then a big ass experiment and money grab by big pharma
Yeah, I don’t hold any ill will towards anyone who did or did not get the vaccine.

I hold the ill will towards those people who made people choose between putting food on the table or not. That was fucked up, and everyone should be mad about that.
Yeah, I don’t hold any ill will towards anyone who did or did not get the vaccine.

I hold the ill will towards those people who made people choose between putting food on the table or not. That was fucked up, and everyone should be mad about that.

Absolutely... That's some of the most un-American shit we've ever witnessed and I hope there's a special place for those fuckers in high places that had a hand in it.
I never got the shot. Did get Covid, twice. First time was a doozy, I had about every symptom in the book and was pretty sick. Second time I assumed I had it was basically a cold.

My biggest reservation was when everyone was hanging their hat on the "safe and effective with NO LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS". I had a high school educations worth of understanding about the development of other vaccines and knew that real vaccines took years to develop and study. I was on high alert when that became the rallying point because I knew there was absolutely zero way to determine the long term side effects in the absence of time. Now, basically everything the CDC and other govt organizations preached as the absolute truth has been proven incorrect.
My wife and I both got vaccinated because my elderly parents (mother and stepfather) refused. We thought we would do what we could to protect them from themselves. My stepfather was 77 and had a lung condition. He would rant and rave about all this bullshit he was reading on Facebook and tell me "I'm not scared. I'm not scared."

My brother, who is really close to my stepfather called me asking me to call him, saying, "I can't talk to him." I tried and failed. I got the "I'm not scared" mantra speech, too.

My whole family is pretty hard core to the right on politics. (me, too, but I am way farther to the right, like tiny government, repeal 75% of laws and get the government out of my business, unrestricted carry of machine guns in the streets type far to the right).

My stepfather got covid and ended up hospitalized. He made it back home from the hospital, but he was in a hospital bed on the first floor at home. He was not fully recovered.

I flew out west to the funeral of my best friend from the first grade who died from covid (early 50s, came as a shock). He was not vaccinated, but none of us thought he was in a risky category, I mean, overweight, but kind of normal overweight for a guy in his fifties. His whole family went and got vaccinated after his death (all far right politics, too). The weekend after I come home my stepfather went back in the hospital, then he is dead within a week of me attending my best friend's funeral. His lungs were scarred top to bottom. He died basically suffocating and in pain.

And he was scared.

My mother got vaccinated.

I probably would not have gotten vaccinated only because I did not see covid virus as all that risky to me (I was 53 at the time and a fitness fanatic, so in way better health than just about everybody I know), but I was concerned about my parents, and it turned out I was right to be concerned.

On the one hand, I look at is as, hey, he made his choice and rolled the dice. He died of Delta in September of 2021, so it was a time when unvaccinated folks in my state were dying at a 1300% higher rate than vaccinated, but we all make our own choices.

It sucks for my kids, his grandkids, though. They did not get a say in the matter. Thankfully they have a Christian faith and say they look forward to seeing Grandpa one day in heaven, but they sure do miss him now.
I never got it.

My wife was forced to get it for employment and got vax injured. Thankfully nothing serious, but she did lose partial feeling to her left leg that's never come back.

The craziest part was how doctors handled her vax injury. They refused to recognize the possibility that it could've been the vaccine. One doctor wanted to prescribe her Xanax.

Just fucked.
I worked for a boss that got the vaccination, but luckily, he’ s good guy. He didn’t give a crap if I got one or not. He sent us home during “Two weeks to flatten the curve”’ then called my back after one day. 😄
My wife and son worked for state universities, and somehow they didn’t require them to get the jab. My daughter was enrolled in a state university, and she got out of it with a religious exemption.
So, thank God, my whole family is all pureblood. They would have all quit before getting the jab.
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I never got the shot. Did get Covid, twice. First time was a doozy, I had about every symptom in the book and was pretty sick. Second time I assumed I had it was basically a cold.

My biggest reservation was when everyone was hanging their hat on the "safe and effective with NO LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS". I had a high school educations worth of understanding about the development of other vaccines and knew that real vaccines took years to develop and study. I was on high alert when that became the rallying point because I knew there was absolutely zero way to determine the long term side effects in the absence of time. Now, basically everything the CDC and other govt organizations preached as the absolute truth has been proven incorrect.
How do you know you got Covid ???? Cause you took a Covid test?????ha ha ha ha ha