Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Holy Hell... finally used some of my home-made Ghost peppers in some cooking.

Fucking hell I am dying right now and need an ambulance. Fucking shit son of a bitch fucking Christ!

I thought I was inured from stupid-level hot shit... And then I put my home-grown Ghost peppers into food and I am about to fucking die.

Well, Ok. After my ring-burn tomorrow I may feel different. But I never thought I'd meet a pepper that would be too hot.

And I was wrong. Totally fucking wrong!

Holy Hell... finally used some of my home-made Ghost peppers in some cooking.

Fucking hell I am dying right now and need an ambulance. Fucking shit son of a bitch fucking Christ!

I thought I was inured from stupid-level hot shit... And then I put my home-grown Ghost peppers into food and I am about to fucking die.

Well, Ok. After my ring-burn tomorrow I may feel different. But I never thought I'd meet a pepper that would be too hot.

And I was wrong. Totally fucking wrong!

You, sir, are fake news. I'll have you know that Dr.Pepper is an elixir of mental and physical fortification. Used appropriately, it makes the imbiber- and everyone around him- stronger, smarter, funnier, more charismatic, and overall more alluring to the opposite sex.

Yes, the appropriate use of Dr. Pepper is as a mixer...
I occasionally spin away from Coke or Topo Chico and mix 7 YO Flor d Cana with Dr Pepper. They compliment each other well.
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You need to hit the lathe and turn out some spare wear rings for your asshole! Too much heat and the old ring will fall out like a valve seat insert on an overheated aluminum head!

Well there is an image I am never getting out of My head….

Didn’t need that one bit. Nope! Not one bit!

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Ed is a monster. I love how he barely reacts. I grow reapers for making sauce. I typically eat 1 or 2 straight just for giggles. I can't imagine being that calm and non-reactive.
I can’t fuck around on that level. A buddy of mine grew some reapers when they first came out and cut one into tiny slivers for anyone at work to try. I tried it but I did not enjoy the experience, obviously. It tasted pretty good for the microsecond before the heat melted my face off.