The war in Ukraine and Donbas

could be a head fake, but i think putin knows trump will ask russia to give ukraine some of the profits from the oil and gas fields in the donbas.
after all, that is what this war is all about.

Ohh no. Just after the FBI shut down the Russian interference on the WWW it turns out that Putin is on their side. What a bitch!!
could be a head fake, but i think putin knows trump will ask russia to give ukraine some of the profits from the oil and gas fields in the donbas.
after all, that is what this war is all about.

I'm kinda taking this that Putin is being sarcastic as hell and in doing so, poking fun at the U.S. in general and the current administration in particular.

Probably wrong but I almost think Putin would rather DJT be in office by a long shot. That would mean better world stability and some actual dialog between countries before someone spaz's out and punches the canned sunshine delivery button.
If by "holding Russian territory it seized" he means that Ukrainian troops will never leave, he is very likely correct. Their bones and DNA will forever become one with the territory before this chapter is closed.
You guys think this will lead to a full scale war between Russia and NATO countrys?
Anyone giving you an answer would obviously be by pure conjecture but I am 100% convinced that the West and NATO are pushing for that. They are idiots and they will create idiotic outcomes.

I'm not "pro-Putin" on most issues but his restraint and level headedness is the only reason that the Ukraine region is not in a full scale war already.
I don't believe Russia wants the Ukraine territory destroyed and I don't think they want to occupy it. I also think they don't want Western/ NATO IRBMs on their borders, thus the military operation they initiated.

I believe that the outcome of the upcoming U.S. elections will affect that potential. There is a possibility that Putin is trying to hold off until then. If DJT gets in office, I think the temperature in the region will quickly cool off.

If Harris/Walz gains the reigns of government, I look for the regions around Taiwan/South China Sea, Israel/Mediterranean, and Ukraine to all go kinetic on a bigger scale soon after.
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Anyone giving your an answer would obviously be by pure conjecture but I am 100% convinced that the West and NATO are pushing for that. They are idiots and they will create idiotic outcomes.

I'm not "pro-Putin" on most issues but his restraint and level headedness is the only reason that the Ukraine region is not in a full scale war already.
I don't believe Russia wants the Ukraine territory destroyed and I don't think they want to occupy it. I also think they don't want Western/ NATO IRBMs on their borders, thus the military operation they initiated.

I believe that the outcome of the upcoming U.S. elections will affect that potential. There is a possibility that Putin is trying to hold off until then. If DJT gets in office, I think the temperature in the region will quickly cool off.

If Harris/Walz gains the reigns of government, I look for the regions around Taiwan/South China Sea, Israel/Mediterranean, and Ukraine to all go kinetic on a bigger scale soon after.
I think there will not be peace in east Europe for a long time.
Sinds Finland joint NATO Putin have to do something against it.
Ukraine is going to lose clearly but after that I gues he will start a proxy war in the Baltic states.
What did that retard get banned for?
His 34 posts just on page 117 probably has something to do with it. Along with this post.
Can you guys please support me?

My Facebook name is J**** D***** from Calgary.

Please add me as a friend.

I just come here for mental exercises like Crosswords or Wordseaches.

Word searches. My shrink said it would be good for my mental health.
Edited name cause I don't know if it's even him.
You are in Europe - what is the combat power of NATIO (minus the US). How many tanks, helicopters, ships, etc. are mission capable? Same response every time someone suggests NATO is anything but an illusion.
You are absolute right but the EU dictators believe there own propaganda.
They think the Russians are weak and the EU has an strong army.
And if everything goes wrong they aspect the USA will jump in.
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i bet the united nations can't wait to get in there and traffic the womenz.
/happen to be watching it (again) while doing other things...

Nato has never won anything, its best record to date is a tie in Korea, and it came close to losing that as well.
Nato this Nato that, all B/S.

Nato is strictly for the benefit of the US MIC, nothing more, nothing less.
They couldn’t even make the VJ 3rd Army say uncle. Had to resort to destroying fixed infrastructure related targets to get Milosovic to say uncle.
They couldn’t even make the VJ 3rd Army say uncle. Had to resort to destroying fixed infrastructure related targets to get Milosovic to say uncle.
A secret assessment in the 80's calculated if nato held air superiority the russians would be at the english channel in less than 60 days ,if nato held air supremacy slightly more than 60 days . It was expected that tactial nukes would be released upon the request of the nato ground commander . US policy then was we will defend europe using the last european and it did work at the time ....
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A little more relevant problem “might” be how those that enabled 1.3 million of us citizens losing jobs and 600k+ illegals getting jobs are still alive… But hey should be fun in November get out and vote every one should go out and vote /sarcasm off as in mailin/illegals will trump (pun intended) your royal flush
Im really flabbergasted how “in your face” it has become a mockery of sanity and reason.
Kamala better get some pallets of cash printed , Ukraine defence speending is near 100% of its whole revenue rest of the budget is our money

Ukraine's Defence Ministry has run out of money for combat pay for the AFU
Ukraine has run out of money to pay military salaries, the head of the Verkhovna Rada's budget committee, Roksolana Pidlasa, has said.According to the MP, the difficulties arose due to delays in funding from the United States at the beginning of the year. As a result, Kiev had to buy weapons with its own money.According to the Financial Times, Ukraine has allocated almost half of its annual budget of $87 billion to defence spending, but its domestic revenues amount to only $46 billion.

volunteer recruiting continues , looks like they just snatched volunteered half the crew for M1
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Kamala better get some pallets of cash printed , Ukraine defence speeding is near 100% of its whole revenue rest of the budget is our money

Ukraine's Defence Ministry has run out of money for combat pay for the AFU
Ukraine has run out of money to pay military salaries, the head of the Verkhovna Rada's budget committee, Roksolana Pidlasa, has said.According to the MP, the difficulties arose due to delays in funding from the United States at the beginning of the year. As a result, Kiev had to buy weapons with its own money.According to the Financial Times, Ukraine has allocated almost half of its annual budget of $87 billion to defence spending, but its domestic revenues amount to only $46 billion.

I don't know how any US taxpayer can read stories like this, and see how greedy and unappreciative Ukraine is for the vast sums of money and arms we sent them, and not be angry.

Shit like this pisses me off. Fuck off Ukraine, this isn't my problem. My taxes shouldn't be going towards your bullshit war. Its not my problem that you can't continue to fund this war with your own resources.
A little more relevant problem “might” be how those that enabled 1.3 million of us citizens losing jobs and 600k+ illegals getting jobs are still alive… But hey should be fun in November get out and vote every one should go out and vote /sarcasm off as in mailin/illegals will trump (pun intended) your royal flush
Im really flabbergasted how “in your face” it has become a mockery of sanity and reason.
This is what happens when gov tit milk for generations upon generations is allowed. Add to that all the look at me shit, and its only right I get to fuck over you & the writing is on the wall.

The music is about to stop, and there is not enough quick clot in the world to stop the rivers of blood about to flow,... Plastic Americans have brought this upon their selves. Not to worry, they will get a great big helping of the shit sandwich, they created, and allowed,...
I don't know how any US taxpayer can read stories like this, and see how greedy and unappreciative Ukraine is for the vast sums of money and arms we sent them, and not be angry.

Shit like this pisses me off. Fuck off Ukraine, this isn't my problem. My taxes shouldn't be going towards your bullshit war. Its not my problem that you can't continue to fund this war with your own resources.

Given that 43 from 46 billion is spent on defense , you can rest assured that with by financting their shortfall of 40+ something billion$ hard cash per year, we pay every salary,pension and other outflows customary to a state + of course bank roll shit load of sticky fingers since '22. in addtion to about 200 billion spent on miltary aid so far.

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Given that 43 from 46 billion is spent on defense , you can rest assured we pay every salary,pension and other outflows customary to a state + of course bank roll shit load of sticky fingers.

Remember when Trump was asking for $14 billion to build a wall on the southern border and congress said that was too much money?
Given that 43 from 46 billion is spent on defense , you can rest assured that with by financting their shortfall of 40+ something billion$ hard cash per year, we pay every salary,pension and other outflows customary to a state + of course bank roll shit load of sticky fingers since '22. in addtion to about 200 billion spent on miltary aid so far.

When I was in Eastern Europe last year, I saw A LOT of really nice luxury cars and SUVs with Ukrainian plates on them...
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When I was in Eastern Europe last year, I saw A LOT of really nice luxury cars and SUVs with Ukrainian plates on them...
We see them all the time , those that do not have the money are stuck in Ukraine dodging draftmen , sometimes i wonder if any of them actually have a valid registration and insurance as that would typically need to be done at DMV in Ukraine every year.

I also see many of them already somewhat integrated and running small businesses , most will never go back to live in Ukraine , but honestly would take most of them over ME imports any time of the day.
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I don't know how any US taxpayer can read stories like this, and see how greedy and unappreciative Ukraine is for the vast sums of money and arms we sent them, and not be angry.

Shit like this pisses me off. Fuck off Ukraine, this isn't my problem. My taxes shouldn't be going towards your bullshit war. Its not my problem that you can't continue to fund this war with your own resources.
Absolutely. Remember though the serious government influence on forums that refused to even allow discussion of such a thing? Our friend may have posted here a few days ago. I asked if he were the same guy and got no response. Maybe Ukraine has been replaced with some new grift.
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i have never watched a "timcast", but i have seen tweets. nothing that seems to support putin in particular.

of course, this has all the earmarks of russian misinformation, lol.

he pretty much says stop giving money to Ukraine, what a psy-op.

I don’t really think he’s involved much I listen to them, he’s a classic lib but hates the new kind and likes trump better. This also happened after he filed a lawsuit on Kamala’s people which is odd timing
Absolutely. Remember though the serious government influence on forums that refused to even allow discussion of such a thing? Our friend may have posted here a few days ago. I asked if he were the same guy and got no response. Maybe Ukraine has been replaced with some new grift.

There's definitely merit behind psyops being perpetrated in Western forums to manufacture consent for these wars.

I'm currently banned from a Canadian gun forum for making way too much sense and dissenting from the approved western government narrative on the Ukraine war.
Final convulsions of failed society. Next will be physical as some”trump supporters” in US already found out, next it will be more wide spread and then either rivers of blood or Auscwitz stye removal of all sane (by that time labeled “not normal” - who knows the word they might use) and darkages again.

My bet is on rivers of blood and Bastille type of civilization renewal we’ll see soon i guess. But generally people still have it good enough and that kind of keeps the frog boiling.
i have never watched a "timcast", but i have seen tweets. nothing that seems to support putin in particular.

of course, this has all the earmarks of russian misinformation, lol.

Will see once things clear , lets not forget host of Russia gate stories that were front page news then turned out a dud ,Afghan bounties, 2016 election interferrence ,hunters laptop etc......

Seems a bit funky to drop 10mio $ on some wonky podcasters and not even demand anything from them.

But we know the drill

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I don't know how any US taxpayer can read stories like this, and see how greedy and unappreciative Ukraine is for the vast sums of money and arms we sent them, and not be angry.

Shit like this pisses me off. Fuck off Ukraine, this isn't my problem. My taxes shouldn't be going towards your bullshit war. Its not my problem that you can't continue to fund this war with your own resources.
as von Clausewitz said, "War is the continuation of politics by other means."

war against Russia is not some separate issue in a vacuum. and when you look at the politicians who are pushing this war, and how their globalist political beliefs line up, I dont know how any constitutional conservatives can be dumb enough to be duped by them.