Shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia. So far 4 dead, shooter in custody.

bought him the gun for a holiday present.
who warned the school that there might be a shooting?

Abbott allowed for grant of 25K/teacher to train and arm.

I always like the idea of using guys who came back from deployment needing a job as research officers here.
I agree, there's so many good, non militaristic men coming back from deployment with skilz that would be so welcomed into the school environment. It would be a glove to hand fit.

Folks, our children, grandchildren are everything, it's what we are here for, they are our first priority, period.
We need to protect them in school and church.
A well tempered seasoned bubba is what I want.
Teachers that want to train should be trained for free, even to say, to buy them gear to make them more successful, confident.
How could hiring a couple of badasses for each school and training, for free, any teacher who wants to learn, a bad thing.
It's the real thing.
Well, for one, the Swiss are rules-followers.

They also have kept 'most' of the 'religion of peace' types out.

They have nuclear families for the most part.

They deal with societal issues in ways that don't involve the same kind of constitution we have.

They need to keep "order" so as to be seen as a safe economy.

They are about the size of Connecticut... with an economy as big as California and NY put together (That's sort of a guess on my part... but they ain't poor.)

And, well, they're Swiss. How many 'Swiss' have we seen involved in mass shootings in the USA? And, for that matter, how many 'Germans' in Germany. How many 'Brits' in England? Hint... it's not the 'sane' locals!

I've spent a lot of time in Switzerland in the last 15 years and this is spot on.

The Swiss have 9 different political parties and as I recall, whoever (from whatever party) is elected President only serves a one year term. There is virtually no time for any one party to take office and subvert the will of Swiss society in general.

The Swiss are wonderful. They are laid back, don't care what you think/what your preferences are, they look at everyone the same. And, they are very quiet about it. I have had so much fun traveling through Switzerland, Austria and Germany, having kept my mouth shut and having been mistaken for one of them. My lack of being able to speak fluent German gives me away very quickly though.

That is usually through the looking glass of tourist dollars, but that is fine. Dollars usually do a pretty good job of leveling the playing field. Switzerland is no different in that regard.
Abbott allowed for grant of 25K/teacher to train and arm.

I always like the idea of using guys who came back from deployment needing a job as research officers here.
I think you meant resource officers. And yes, preferrably trained by Col. Samuel Troutman.

"When in doubt, kill. Win by attrition. Well, Rambo was the best. With weapons, knives, his bare hands. He has been trained to ignore heat and cold, the elements. To eat things that would make a billy goat puke."
Personal take - "mental illness" is a convenient cop - out.

The issue likely goes beyond that.

They're a culture which actually understands and practices Spiderman's "with great power comes great responsibility" trope.

One of respect and self - restraint.

Here, you might accidentally trip over a firearm because you weren't looking.

Mentioned this elsewhere before - but our firearms are like that greasy fat that just saturates and overflows from our steaks and fries. It's a ubiquitous, omnipresent infestation.

Almost like termites.

No way this will work here.

And apparently this range over the highway isn't an isolated aberration in Switzerland.

There are holes all over the place at my local gun range.

View attachment 8495086

Look at who takes center stage in the photo. It's THEM. Not their rifles. They're all slung. Guns are incidental and not garishly displayed across their chests like some hicks with some gun fetish would.

In America, it's freeeeeedom above everything else.

It's a place where it's perfectly fine to ostentatiously chomp down on your Big Mac meal in front of some starving homeless guy, because you paid for it.

Freedom above everything else.

Including responsibility.

Or even common sense.

To the point of vulgarity.

Probably contributory to why things are tipping in the direction of freedom being slowly taken away from us.

We are not the Swiss, and never will be.

That’s an overplayed, regurgitated trope used by the American firearm community.

That particular range is just up the road from Spiez. There is another one just like it on the way via the train to Davos. It takes a while, but you get used to seeing targets on one side of the valley and firing positions on the opposite side.

To answer the 64 Million dollar question of how/why Switzerland "culture" is different/better, it is that they do not easily embrace "hollywood" and our mores.

The Swiss are 40 to 50 years "behind" Western/North American "culture". That is a very good thing.

When visiting Switzerland (Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.), the most important thing is to slow down and remember your manners. They are a very proud people and they have earned it. It is so easy to get along there, it just requires a little participation on your part.
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That particular range is just up the road from Spiez. There is another one just like it on the way via the train to Davos. It takes a while, but you get used to seeing targets on one side of the valley and firing positions on the opposite side.

To answer the 64 Million dollar question of how/why Switzerland "culture" is different/better, it is that they do not easily embrace "hollywood" and our mores.

The Swiss are 40 to 50 years "behind" Western/North American "culture". That is a very good thing.

When visiting Switzerland (Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.), the most important thing is to slow down and remember your manners. They are a very proud people and they have earned it. It is so easy to get along there, it just requires a little participation on your part.
well enjoy it now ....they will import the CHUDS and suffer accordingly
The Swiss are 40 to 50 years "behind" Western/North American "culture". That is a very good thing.

When visiting Switzerland (Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.), the most important thing is to slow down and remember your manners. They are a very proud people and they have earned it. It is so easy to get along there, it just requires a little participation on your part.

American Tourist, clothed in immense Freedom and Entitlement, scion of the Indispensible Country that Sees the Farthest, Exceptional in every respect:

“This is unacceptable! I demand to speak to your supervisor! I’m American!”
That particular range is just up the road from Spiez. There is another one just like it on the way via the train to Davos. It takes a while, but you get used to seeing targets on one side of the valley and firing positions on the opposite side.

To answer the 64 Million dollar question of how/why Switzerland "culture" is different/better, it is that they do not easily embrace "hollywood" and our mores.

The Swiss are 40 to 50 years "behind" Western/North American "culture". That is a very good thing.

When visiting Switzerland (Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.), the most important thing is to slow down and remember your manners. They are a very proud people and they have earned it. It is so easy to get along there, it just requires a little participation on your part.
In light of recent festivities it might be a good idea for the Germans to remind the refugees/occupiers from the third world shitholes to remember their manners.
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Can someone expand on this? Who are these folks tracking retired FBI with GPS? How? What is their organization?

I’d love this to be, well, a smoking gun.

But big claims require big explanations?


Tony Seruga:My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors. We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made. The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data. Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.

I recall the initial link to the ball to Rochster New York grocery store shooter was social media emails.
This is the guy, former intelligence, who can do the triangulation with the phones.
American Tourist, clothed in immense Freedom and Entitlement, scion of the Indispensible Country that Sees the Farthest, Exceptional in every respect:

“This is unacceptable! I demand to speak to your supervisor! I’m American!”
I've seen it many times. I do not behave/travel that way. It gains you nothing, is an embarassment and is rather ugly.

I have also seen that behavior from Brits and the French.
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I think you meant resource officers. And yes, preferrably trained by Col. Samuel Troutman.

"When in doubt, kill. Win by attrition. Well, Rambo was the best. With weapons, knives, his bare hands. He has been trained to ignore heat and cold, the elements. To eat things that would make a billy goat

I've seen it many times. I do not behave/travel that way. It gains you nothing, is an embarassment and is rather ugly.

I have also seen that behavior from Brits and the French.
seen it with every nationality on cruises ,the short [3 night] budget ones are the worse ,we learned early in our years to avoid them like the plague
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seen it with every nationality on cruises ,the short [3 night] budget ones are the worse ,we learned early in our years to avoid them like the plague
Yes, this. What I have noticed in particular is that the women/wives now have a "forum" and act out. Quite the cat fights can entail.

When that occurrs, it's time to exit stage right and find the bar on the top deck.....
when i lived in the uk (back in the 90s) it was generally accepted that the germans were the worst :p

The poll results for top five worst are:
  1. British
  2. Russian
  3. Chinese
  4. Saudi Arabian
  5. German.
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when i lived in the uk (back in the 90s) it was generally accepted that the germans were the worst :p

The poll results for top five worst are:
  1. British
  2. Russian
  3. Chinese
  4. Saudi Arabian
  5. German.

Odd, in Bavaria, it seems to be quite the opposite. :unsure: :eek::ROFLMAO:

The Chinese are bad, particularly in Switzerland. But, their behavior (and associated lack of manners) is an ingrained/cultural thing. Them pushing/shoving you while waiting to board a train is normal/accepted/every day behavior back home. In Switzerland, it will earn them a knuckle sandwich from me.
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Odd, in Bavaria, it seems to be quite the opposite. :unsure: :eek::ROFLMAO:

The Chinese are bad, particularly in Switzerland. But, their behavior (and associated lack of manners) is an ingrained/cultural thing. Them pushing/shoving you while waiting to board a train is normal/accepted/every day behavior back home. In Switzerland, it will earn them a knuckle sandwich from me.
back then, the germans had a reputation of getting up early and putting their towels on the poolside chairs to "reserve" them.
i guess it still happens :p goddamn chair nazis.
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I don't know about anyone else but these stories give me some wild Mandela Effect vibes. My memory may very well be playing tricks on me but I'd like to believe that I have an accurate recollection of the Columbine Shooting in... '98?

Either way- back to the Mandela Effect comment, I could swear that I remember after the Columbine shooting that all of the news platforms later agreed that their coverage of the event fueled 'copycats' and agreed to a universal "gentleman's" handshake to never again cover such an event in the detail that they did for fear that it'd only encourage future occurrences.

Like I said, maybe my memory is getting mixed up 20+ years later but I could have sworn that I remembered this accurately.


I think you meant resource officers. And yes, preferrably trained by Col. Samuel Troutman.

"When in doubt, kill. Win by attrition. Well, Rambo was the best. With weapons, knives, his bare hands. He has been trained to ignore heat and cold, the elements. To eat things that would make a billy goat puke."

Troutman is dead over 20 years, but maybe John J is available.
How did shooter get a long arm (AR15, shotgun, whatever) into a school???...

Not trying to be snarky…

…but where have you been for the last…


…know what, it almost feels like I was born into AR shootings, despite how old I am.
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