New-ish neighbor put a harris-walz sign on his lawn

The Rinos and "Dems pretending to be Rinos" are very easy to spot because they defend the old reality in which "dems act like anti-American, terroristic AHs, and in response Repubs do nothing more than react with horror and then keep their mouths shut in an act of 'rising above it' and being better than that"... That losing strategy is why our republic is on the brink of destruction.

When the Rinos and Dems realize we're now using the same street fighting tactics Dems have used for decades- they falsely label us racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, and hateful, because ad-hominem attacks are all they have.
The reality is maga are not republicans. They’re not what the Republican Party has stood for for decades. If anyone are the rhinos, it’s maga.
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Just got here, I read this as yer a Democrat?
If not you just purely lack a grasp of the depth of the problem. The left has declared war on the right, the right just hasn't figured it out.
Stealing yards signs? Pfft.....
the comment was more burning out the neighbor, not stealing their signs. That would just be childish and immature.
Lifelong republican, but sure won’t be voting for what we have this time.

long time republican
^^^^^^ This says more than a picture.
The party of Mitch McConnell, Lyndsey Graham, John McLaim, mittens Romney, Jeb Bush, Liz Cheney and her daddy Dick, Paul Ryan the quitter and hundreds more.

Please list the accomplishments of the Republican party. Repeal and replace? Nope. Border security? Nope. Balanced budget? Nope.

Yer a clown 🤡
You’re taking everything the right is currently doing and assigning it to the left. The left is saying pets are being eaten and threatening people. Or posting judge and jurors names and addresses, calling for them to be eliminated. They don’t seem to be the ones talking about civil war, etc. it’s this kind of hate that has driven many of us true long time republicans away. Hate and violence won’t fix anything.
Did you miss the whole 2020 riots where multiple cities across the country where set on fire and damaged. Because a cop was try to restrain a dope junkie who had lethal ammout of Fent mixed with meth in his system and they guy ended up dying and the leftys came out in droves? Them attacking multiple government buildings around the country. Yes, they have their extremest too.

There were people in Ohio claiming their pets were being eaten, multiple claims, while these turned out false, Trump was airing out what he was hearing. If out of every thing said at the debate this is what stuck in your head... you really need to look at what matters, those people are not US citizens, our immgration system is broken. Much much more pressing topics discussed at that debate, notice Kamala flipping on multiple issues like banning oil production, taxes, here lying about not have US troops in war zones, the botched Afghan exit etc are being ignored over this stupid shit.

Names and address of Judges and Jurors... There have been two assasination attempts on Trump, from wack job democrats. Hell even the guy that broke in and attacked Paul Pelosi was a lefty wack job.

They want unlimited rights to kill babies in the womb. Literally... Want to KILL BABIES!!!!!

Want to perform SEXUAL MUTALATION to Children with out Parental consent.

Sorry there guy but you have some strange blinders on to pretend like what you call the left is non violent or not sick in the head. Unless your post is sataire and I missed it, I gotta say you are 100 percent full of shit.
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Also to Harris making the " I am black claim". Would you believe she is decendent from Irish slave owners... no wonder she wants to import cheap labor... its in her blood.

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).

With her mother being Indian her father being Jamiacan with a mix of Irish and African ancestors, she is about as Irish as she is African.

Any way ask your self why is the News media trying to sell her as black?
Did you miss the whole 2020 riots where multiple cities across the country where set on fire and damaged. Because a cop was try to restrain a dope junkie who had lethal ammout of Fent mixed with meth in his system and they guy ended up dying and the leftys came out in droves? Them attacking multiple government buildings around the country. Yes, they have their extremest too.

There were people in Ohio claiming their pets were being eaten, multiple claims, while these turned out false, Trump was airing out what he was hearing. If out of every thing said at the debate this is what stuck in your head... you really need to look at what matters, those people are not US citizens, our immgration system is broken. Much much more pressing topics discussed at that debate, notice Kamala flipping on multiple issues like banning oil production, taxes, here lying about not have US troops in war zones, the botched Afghan exit etc are being ignored over this stupid shit.

Names and address of Judges and Jurors... There have been two assasination attempts on Trump, from wack job democrats. Hell even the guy that broke in and attacked Paul Pelosi was a lefty wack job.

They want unlimited rights to kill babies in the womb. Literally... Want to KILL BABIES!!!!!

Want to perform SEXUAL MUTALATION to Children with out Parental consent.

Sorry there guy but you have some strange blinders on to pretend like what you call the left is non violent or not sick in the head. Unless your post is sataire and I missed it, I gotta say you are 100 percent full of shit.
Your justification for hate is that someone else did something, I guess it’s ok to murder, because someone else did? No one is performing mutliations without parental consent, fake. And no, no one in Springfield was reporting that, one fake story by a woman, and JD admits it’s a lie and he made it up, and they both insist it’s happening. And both insist on calling them illegal immigrants when they are not. The reality is what we have is the exact same con that a moustashed german man from the 1930s and 40s comitted. Except today we are susitutung immigrants for Jews. They dropped the farce of illegal immigrants, guess that wasn’t getting enough play, still dropping in the polls, and had to increase the size of the threat, so now it’s just all immigrants. And to prove how easily they’ve found it to sell that con, the top two con men are both married to the “enemy”, immigrants we’ve substituted immigrants as the source of everything that has brought issues and bad kharma to your life. You would think with the hindsight of history to teach us, and 90 years, that we would be better educated and able to see and deal with this kind of con. Unfortunately it seems many of us haven’t evolved at all. The idea of racism is as prevalent as it ever was, attempted to be hidden by fancy words, excuses, and diversion. It wasn’t that long ago, when republicans ran against a black man, who defeated each of them, that the defeated congratulated Obama, those men both respected him for his position, and him as a man. I wish we had won those races, but I long for the days when we has respect for each other. We could talk about and discuss, and compromise on our positions. We didn’t need to outright lie, make up outrageous stories, that even that short time ago, no one would have believed. It’s sad to see such blind “faith” given to a man who deserves none, and brings nothing to our country but hate and division. I will hope and pray for those that are so blinded, that they will eventually see the truth, because the result if they don’t leave the country in a very dark place. Funny, JD Vance even said exactly those words not too many years ago. It’s disturbing how easily some will give up their beliefs for a pocket of change and a bit of power. The only power these people have is what we give them. Without that, they are powerless.
Also to Harris making the " I am black claim". Would you believe she is decendent from Irish slave owners... no wonder she wants to import cheap labor... its in her blood.

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).

With her mother being Indian her father being Jamiacan with a mix of Irish and African ancestors, she is about as Irish as she is African.

Any way ask your self why is the News media trying to sell her as black?
Your desire to attempt to deny that she is black seems desperate, when the evidence shows that she is. There is no such attempt to paint her as black, she simply is, both black and south Asian.
  • Haha
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Did you miss the whole 2020 riots where multiple cities across the country where set on fire and damaged. Because a cop was try to restrain a dope junkie who had lethal ammout of Fent mixed with meth in his system and they guy ended up dying and the leftys came out in droves? Them attacking multiple government buildings around the country. Yes, they have their extremest too.

There were people in Ohio claiming their pets were being eaten, multiple claims, while these turned out false, Trump was airing out what he was hearing. If out of every thing said at the debate this is what stuck in your head... you really need to look at what matters, those people are not US citizens, our immgration system is broken. Much much more pressing topics discussed at that debate, notice Kamala flipping on multiple issues like banning oil production, taxes, here lying about not have US troops in war zones, the botched Afghan exit etc are being ignored over this stupid shit.

Names and address of Judges and Jurors... There have been two assasination attempts on Trump, from wack job democrats. Hell even the guy that broke in and attacked Paul Pelosi was a lefty wack job.

They want unlimited rights to kill babies in the womb. Literally... Want to KILL BABIES!!!!!

Want to perform SEXUAL MUTALATION to Children with out Parental consent.

Sorry there guy but you have some strange blinders on to pretend like what you call the left is non violent or not sick in the head. Unless your post is sataire and I missed it, I gotta say you are 100 percent full of shit.
What you missed is those riots were committed by a mixture of democrats and republicans. If you bothered to check the real facts, you would know this. And it in no way justified the “riots” on Jan 6th when republicans( I chose to say maga, real republicans like myself would never do this) tried to overthrow the govt. we will get to find out more details of trumps involvement today when Jack Smith releases his brief to the judge. One crime never justifies another.
I guess I must be lucky, then. Our HOA prohibits any signage of any kind, save for small "security alarm" signs or "Beware of Dog" signs (or the "For Sale" sign). I have no idea as to the political ideology of most of my neighbors. It could be a mixed bag.... half Dem half GOP. I only know of one of my fellow cul-de-sac'ers that is pro-2A. and has a FL CWFL (and they know about mine). As it so happens, they are the only neighbors that fly an American Flag. And, oddly enough, the patriarch of the family is German born. Other than that, I don't have a clue about them and they have none about me. Now, outside the development and in other non-HOA areas, I do see a bunch of Trump signs and nary a Harris sign.
The reality is maga are not republicans. They’re not what the Republican Party has stood for for decades. If anyone are the rhinos, it’s maga.
Reganite free traders got lapped when China came fully online and Clinton passed NAFTA. There are no Henry Ford CEOs who think in terms of their American employees being able to afford American products when half of our American plants are in foreign countries and all they care about is their stock price. Free trade makes sense when other countries believe in free trade, but not when many/most Chinese companies are owned by the CCP or the Chicom Army. Free trade is a complete failure when it only goes one way. A state owned business that doesn't care if they run at a loss, FOR YEARS, as long as they put your business out of business, is NOT a level playing field. In fact it's a Sisyphusian debacle, and that's where we are with multiple hollowed out industries and the inability to make our own products including critical ones.

Service industry and financial industry is great as a compliment to a strong manufacturing base, but if you don't make things you are nothing but a third world provider of raw materials, and that's exactly were we are going if you cling to ideology over reality.

Protectionism is not some leftist trope for votes. It is not intervention for the sake of government control. We need it to compete against state owned monopolies that mean us great harm. Yea, it's stupid leftist bullshit against allies and countries that trade with us fairly. That's just typical government intervention in our economy that causes us harm, but when targeted against countries with slave labor, or labor that will work for pennies on the dollar it's simple economic reality, and putting America first, over ideology. We are making our enemies rich with our own money, and they are spending it on their military. Do you think Regan would approve of that? Or, do you think he would be more of a pragmatist?

I'm with you and a Regan free trader to be sure, but not against actual adversaries with state owned corporations that are being used as geo-economic weapon against us. That's not being a RINO, it's being a realist. Trump has only said that we need targeted tariffs not to eliminate free trade, but to make it fair to our own people. Don't forget that Jefferson wrote that tariffs were the only legitimate way for the Federal government to collect income! When our products carry a heavy duty overseas and their products come in at "Most Favored Nation" someone in government is getting a massive payoff from the Chicoms, or they wouldn't do something so destructive.

This is nothing more than economic akido using your own ideology against you. Your beliefs and values shouldn't change; mine haven't. Adam Smith is and always will be the loadstar. But, when the facts on the ground change clinging to policies that no longer make sense isn't in the service of those same beliefs and values. Why should we trade fairly with a country that is actively producing the most addictive poison ever devised and shipping it to our shores by the ton? That is not a trading partner we should be doing business with, much less completely reliant upon. This isn't ideology. It's common sense.
What you missed is those riots were committed by a mixture of democrats and republicans. If you bothered to check the real facts, you would know this. And it in no way justified the “riots” on Jan 6th when republicans( I chose to say maga, real republicans like myself would never do this) tried to overthrow the govt. we will get to find out more details of trumps involvement today when Jack Smith releases his brief to the judge. One crime never justifies another.
Right, "Real Republicans" roll over when there's massive election fraud and will happily go into the wilderness because of honor system voting till our country is no more.

That was barely a riot, where only protestors get killed, and there has never been an unarmed insurrection. You claim you're a "Real Republican", but lap up their propaganda. I'm not at all convinced. I suspect you are a Harris voter blowing smoke.
Right, "Real Republicans" roll over when there's massive election fraud and will happily go into the wilderness because of honor system voting till our country is no more.

That was barely a riot, where only protestors get killed, and there has never been an unarmed insurrection. You claim you're a "Real Republican", but lap up their propaganda. I'm not at all convinced. I suspect you are a Harris voter blowing smoke.
The only election fraud was proven to be committed by trump for which he’s been indicted and has three more states ready ti file as well
I guess I must be lucky, then. Our HOA prohibits any signage of any kind, save for small "security alarm" signs or "Beware of Dog" signs (or the "For Sale" sign). I have no idea as to the political ideology of most of my neighbors. It could be a mixed bag.... half Dem half GOP. I only know of one of my fellow cul-de-sac'ers that is pro-2A. and has a FL CWFL (and they know about mine). As it so happens, they are the only neighbors that fly an American Flag. And, oddly enough, the patriarch of the family is German born. Other than that, I don't have a clue about them and they have none about me. Now, outside the development and in other non-HOA areas, I do see a bunch of Trump signs and nary a Harris sign.
That does solve the whole issue. I am not sure if my has something like that, but I don’t see any signs, so likely we do.
Reganite free traders got lapped when China came fully online and Clinton passed NAFTA. There are no Henry Ford CEOs who think in terms of their American employees being able to afford American products when half of our American plants are in foreign countries and all they care about is their stock price. Free trade makes sense when other countries believe in free trade, but not when many/most Chinese companies are owned by the CCP or the Chicom Army. Free trade is a complete failure when it only goes one way. A state owned business that doesn't care if they run at a loss, FOR YEARS, as long as they put your business out of business, is NOT a level playing field. In fact it's a Sisyphusian debacle, and that's where we are with multiple hollowed out industries and the inability to make our own products including critical ones.

Service industry and financial industry is great as a compliment to a strong manufacturing base, but if you don't make things you are nothing but a third world provider of raw materials, and that's exactly were we are going if you cling to ideology over reality.

Protectionism is not some leftist trope for votes. It is not intervention for the sake of government control. We need it to compete against state owned monopolies that mean us great harm. Yea, it's stupid leftist bullshit against allies and countries that trade with us fairly. That's just typical government intervention in our economy that causes us harm, but when targeted against countries with slave labor, or labor that will work for pennies on the dollar it's simple economic reality, and putting America first, over ideology. We are making our enemies rich with our own money, and they are spending it on their military. Do you think Regan would approve of that? Or, do you think he would be more of a pragmatist?

I'm with you and a Regan free trader to be sure, but not against actual adversaries with state owned corporations that are being used as geo-economic weapon against us. That's not being a RINO, it's being a realist. Trump has only said that we need targeted tariffs not to eliminate free trade, but to make it fair to our own people. Don't forget that Jefferson wrote that tariffs were the only legitimate way for the Federal government to collect income! When our products carry a heavy duty overseas and their products come in at "Most Favored Nation" someone in government is getting a massive payoff from the Chicoms, or they wouldn't do something so destructive.

This is nothing more than economic akido using your own ideology against you. Your beliefs and values shouldn't change; mine haven't. Adam Smith is and always will be the loadstar. But, when the facts on the ground change clinging to policies that no longer make sense isn't in the service of those same beliefs and values. Why should we trade fairly with a country that is actively producing the most addictive poison ever devised and shipping it to our shores by the ton? That is not a trading partner we should be doing business with, much less completely reliant upon. This isn't ideology. It's common sense.
lol, not you haven’t used “aikido” and my own ideas against me. You’ve injected your ideas as if they’re facts. Which they never are, there’s so many shades of grey. Trump lost huge numbers of US manufacturing jobs overseas, and not a single plant he boasted about got built, not one. I’d love all manufacturing to be done in the US, it the reality is that many comsumers just cannot afford that. They need lower cost products, which means made elsewhere. We should give incentives where it makes sense for them to move back. And many actually have during Biden term, due to issues trying to build in china, and the uncertainty there. Protectionism does not work, but neither does letting places like china take advantage of us. We gave them too many advantages to help them out in the beginning, and they only used that against us. A true trading partner should see that a real relationship benefits both sides, and leads to greater opportunities for them. Not foci g companies to shares their trades secrets, partner with companies from that country, not outright steal their trade secrets. China current financial issues are squarely their own fault, and I believe they will continue to lose manufacturing due to their policies
The only election fraud was proven to be committed by trump for which he’s been indicted and has three more states ready ti file as well
Why are you here

You’re not swaying anyone with your bullshit

Another paid .gov or sharia blue troll or a true believer.


You’re not a conservative or libertarian. You’re not a student of long range shooting.

Go away
Reading comprehension is fundamental. China has used aikido to fool free traders (I don't believe you are a Regan free-trader now) who are still saying Walmart is more critical to our economy than manufacturing. A consumer based economy is not sustainable. It is literally siphoning off our wealth and sending it overseas. Just because foreign workers are not receiving the benefits of that doesn't mean the CCP isn't.

Biden left the Chinese tariffs in place. So the one good thing he did was not reverse a Trump policy. You and your party are economic poison. You push diversity and socialism at the same time. That's like making salad dressing with motor oil and muriatic acid. You push for controling the minimum wage while letting in 20,000,000 uneducated people who can't even speak the language.

It is your meddling in the economy and wild spending with the credit card that has put us in an economic death spiral. All Trump can do it put off the collapse for longer, but your policies have already doomed us. Just look at the percentage of the budget that is already going to debt service. We're in a flat spin that can't be recovered because of idiots like you. Maybe more of the same is better because it will hasten what's coming. I await with baited breath to hear your explanation of how Republicans caused this collapse after 16 of the last 20 yeas were under the rule of the Democrats.

The New Deal didn't cause the collapse in 1929. It just prevented there from being any recovery and caused The Great Depression. This is what the communists, socialists, and the American Left does. They institute policies that do the opposite of what they claim, and then blame everyone else when it fails. "Inflation Reduction Act" anyone?
Why are you here

You’re not swaying anyone with your bullshit

Another paid .gov or sharia blue troll or a true believer.

View attachment 8510729

You’re not a conservative or libertarian. You’re not a student of long range shooting.

Go away.

your denial won’t change the facts. Just because you don’t want to hear them dosnt change anything. You’re wrong about every point you’ve posted. I have an mradelr, an mrad 300 Norma and 5,5 barrels, a Sako 6.5, a seekins 6GT, a cool custom 22 creedmoor, in addition to many others. I’ve been republican all my life, and I’m 63. Maga isn’t conservative. Romney is conservative. McCain was conservative.
What you missed is those riots were committed by a mixture of democrats and republicans. If you bothered to check the real facts, you would know this. And it in no way justified the “riots” on Jan 6th when republicans( I chose to say maga, real republicans like myself would never do this) tried to overthrow the govt. we will get to find out more details of trumps involvement today when Jack Smith releases his brief to the judge. One crime never justifies another.
You are Goal post moving and trying to make it sound like I made claims i did not, I am not arguing with your own delusions.

You made a bunch of claims like lefties are pacificist. And instead of accepting that they are violent too... just kept on bashing the republicans.

I still say full of shit.
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Your desire to attempt to deny that she is black seems desperate, when the evidence shows that she is. There is no such attempt to paint her as black, she simply is, both black and south Asian.
Again you are miss quoting what I said, which is bacislly lying.

I said she is about as Irish as she is Africa. ( Meaning the % of black in here DNA is compariticely low, likely equal with her Irish DNA and much less than the % of Asian(indian) blood.

Have you heard one CNN artilce or news cast talking about her European decendent slave owner family... NO. Why to they ignore that yet market her as black...

Attempt to use the few brain cells you have left.

Please... are you just lonely and need some one to talk to??
Becasue it is real. These are 2 of the people shot in Pennsylvania at Trumps assassination attempt, I believe the one on the right being carried is the one who died. The Democrats aren't violent my ass... Still shot from a private video I don't want to post.
Screen Shot 2024-09-26 at 10.51.38 AM.png
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I know who my neighbors are that are card carrying pedo nazi's, and while I don't actively participate in violence against them, I know that if I saw some crimeys taking their shit and preparing to burn their house down, I would make zero effort to stop them, let alone call anybody to report it, in fact i'm likely to have a case of sudden onset of "Ididn'tseeshititis", while lounging in my comfy zero gravity chair with a bag of marshmallows at the ready.

While that may seem petty, I have no doubt that they would do the same for me. The disdain is mutual i'm sure.
You are much nicer than I would be....I'd run over there with some more fuel for the fire......=]
  • Like
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Right, "Real Republicans" roll over when there's massive election fraud and will happily go into the wilderness because of honor system voting till our country is no more.

That was barely a riot, where only protestors get killed, and there has never been an unarmed insurrection. You claim you're a "Real Republican", but lap up their propaganda. I'm not at all convinced. I suspect you are a Harris voter blowing smoke.
He is spontaneously blowing smoke out of his ass and bunny ears.
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I'll agree with you on this. Making America Great is definitely not a goal of the Republican party.
Well said.

I was just about to snip and quote that bit from the troll under the heading “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then” or “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Or maybe it’s simply what I’d call inadvertent excellence.

He actually got that one right, just not for the reasons he espouses. I’m slowly beginning to think there’s no saving the Republican party…100+ years of bloated bureaucracy have destroyed our two-party system, and frankly made the entirety of our elected government irrelevant.

I unashamedly fear the path we may need to go down to excise the cancerous rot that’s taken root in Washington.

But maybe it starts with a new party…based on our founding principles. Combine MAGA with the nascent TEA party, and Freedom Caucus…and maybe start pulling people in from the wilderness to retake our government. It took the Left more than 100 years to get us to this precipice (some would say we’ve already gone over the cliff), and it’ll likely take a couple generations to bring us back.

I see some glimmers of hope in my kid’s generation, and the one after them… Hopefully they’re smart enough to see that Communism/Socialism/Collectivism is still a very, very bad idea.

We’ll see how this one pans out.
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You are Goal post moving and trying to make it sound like I made claims i did not, I am not arguing with your own delusions.

You made a bunch of claims like lefties are pacificist. And instead of accepting that they are violent too... just kept on bashing the republicans.

I still say full of shi
, your claims were made 8n print for all to see. And no dems are not prone to the hate

You are Goal post moving and trying to make it sound like I made claims i did not, I am not arguing with your own delusions.

You made a bunch of claims like lefties are pacificist. And instead of accepting that they are violent too... just kept on bashing the republicans.

I still say full of shit.
Incorrect, your claims are in print for all to see, and no, dems are not prone to the hate and violence that MAGA has shown.
Its pretty sad what you are doing. You should really seek help if this is how you choose to interact with people. I bid you farewell and may god have mercy on your soul. Hopefully one day you will see the error in your ways.
I don't think retards know that they are retarded.
I view today's Democrats and RINO Republicans the same way...they are the enemy of everything I stand for and everything that made this country great. I despise both equally for what they have done to our once great nation. And the most loathsome kind of Republican are the scum that plan to vote for that disgusting twat Kamala. You know the kind, the Romney's, McCaines, Cheney's and some posting in this thread. They don't realize, or care, that we are in a battle for the very existence of our country and way of life. It's literally a battle of good vs. evil, sanity vs lunacy, Western culture vs 3rd world trash. They are diluted and naive enough (or just fucking stupid) to think they are voting for the kind of Democrats we had 30+ years ago. The kind that still loved this country and its people. I wouldn't piss on one of these waste of oxygen, dirt bags if they were on fire.
I view today's Democrats and RINO Republicans the same way...they are the enemy of everything I stand for and everything that made this country great. I despise both equally for what they have done to our once great nation. And the most loathsome kind of Republican are the scum that plan to vote for that disgusting twat Kamala. You know the kind, the Romney's, McCaines, Cheney's and some posting in this thread. They don't realize, or care, that we are in a battle for the very existence of our country and way of life. It's literally a battle of good vs. evil, sanity vs lunacy, Western culture vs 3rd world trash. They are diluted and naive enough (or just fucking stupid) to think they are voting for the kind of Democrats we had 30+ years ago. The kind that still loved this country and its people. I wouldn't piss on one of these waste of oxygen, dirt bags if they were on fire.
You’re just in a battle to publicly show your hate and disdain for anyone that dosnt agree with you. The country isn’t in any danger, but you think your right to racism and hate is. You’re probably right in the regard. You cry when someone tries to shoot Trump ( because of hate, and those people have serious mental issues) and each time they’ve turned out to have voted for trump, been republican, registered republicans, etc. of course you discount them as republicans with some sort of false rhetoric, but in the end, it’s hate and the inability to openly discuss and compromise on issues that is the problem. You and others like you seem to think everything in life should be how you wish it to be. Grow up buddy, the real world just ain’t like that. None of us get everything we want. My lord I hate to think what your marriage must be like, or you’re subservient to your wife and take those frustrations out on everyone else.
Its pretty sad what you are doing. You should really seek help if this is how you choose to interact with people. I bid you farewell and may god have mercy on your soul. Hopefully one day you will see the error in your ways.
lol, I believe you will discover the error of yours before I do. Trump will be history for the most part after November 5th and his movement will slowly fade away.
Who shot up a Republican baseball game ? Who burned loot and murder to the tune of $2billion. Who supposedly shot yp a country music festival. Etc x1000
Who tried to overthrow the govt on Jan 6th, who tried to shoot trump two different times ( hint, both registered republicans) who posted names and addresses of judge and jurors, who keeps calling for civil war? By the way, the riots in Seattle you refer two were comitted by both democrats and republicans, they were riots, not a political statement by a single party.
Um. The fbi / cia. Who brought the pipe bomb identical to a fbi training aid

Tried to overthrow government but didn’t bring guns. And gov opened doors for then

You are deluding yourself with lies and made up stories. The reality is, most of you don’t believe those lies you tell. It’s easy to pretend that you’re hateful like you guys and get “in” with others like you. They know it’s lies, it think they need to prove to (they’re not usually sure here to who, to themselves, to others who aren’t them.) others how evil those who aren’t maga are. And of course lifetime republicans who aren’t maga aren’t really republicans, according to them, they’re really democrats. Yep, you guys are just like the Germans of the 1930s who followed the famous moustached man whom trump has quoted numerous times.