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Dear Lord. Unreal. She's literally less capable than a 5 year old that I know.
She sounds exactly like someone with a 78 IQ… Not a complete moron, but utterly incapable of forming an independent, coherent thought on the fly. She clearly has some capacity to memorize and repeat her lines…much like a parrot, but that does not equal actual critical thinking.

This is exactly what whoever is actually running the show wants of course. Just need a good marionette.

The ability to deliver their lines well (Obama) just means the puppet can accomplish more.


There have been plenty of books written about the potential use of walking bioweapons right into densely populated areas or events.
NY subways, political rallies, sports stadiums with a nicely modified and highly transmittable disease would be the easy button.

I am not sure how to feel about this. The current administration used our tax dollars to get the animals into the country and now our tax dollars would be used as reparations. We are getting fucked twice.

I'm okay with reparations for victims of these crimes; provided, that the reparations come DIRECTLY from the billionaires supporting this crap, the administration officials that allowed it to happen, and anybody else DIRECTLY allowing this crap to come into the USA. But agree, not sure about government money being used.
link dead

Pennsylvania McDonald’s Threatened After Trump Visit, Owner Retains Private Security​

Despite some threats, the vast majority of the community has reportedly been supportive, with Worthington telling the DCNF, “the community is really embracing it, and a lot of people have come in here since Sunday just to patronize the restaurant,” adding that, “a lot of people anticipated [a boycott] would happen, because that is typical for some Democratic supporters to do, but [the business] hasn’t been hurt.”
Yes, 30 years later on the doorstep of an election. She finally worked up the courage to come forward with a groping accusation! So believable! We must all believe her now! We should all vote for Kamala now on this woman"s word alone!🤣
No different than the civil case in NY. Groping with no witnesses. I will bet no one can place her and DJT together at the same place at the same time.