75gr ELD-M, Starline brass, Fed 205MAR primer, 24.5gr N150, 1.883 CBTO (.030 off).
2,818 FPS, 28 ES, 12 SD.
26" Krieger barreled bolt gun
Finally gave the 75gr ELD-M a try in my .223 wylde bolt gun trainer. This one has a 26" Krieger, and just seems to hang around half-minute with the 69 and 77gr SMK, and will generally shoot the 75gr BTHP from Hornady well but is extremely picky about seating depth.
Turns out this barrel is extremely picky on seating depth with the ELD-M as well. I started with Reloader 15 because it has a wide window with the SMKs. Everything but .030 off sucked with this bullet.
Tried N150 for grins last week because why not, and got much better ES and SD...along with decent velocity and this initial 5-round group:
View attachment 8607402
Sorry, this target is a bit cluttered. Velocity was 2,818 with an ES of 28 and SD of 12.
Shot it again today in a little more wind. I also wanted to test my cold bore POI, and today it was right in there.
View attachment 8607403
FWIW 24.5gr N150 is compressed in Starline brass as there is about 1gr less H2O capacity than Lapua or Lake City.
Still have to shoot it some more to verify, but it is looking promising at the moment. I am by no means settled on this load.
I also need to get a new seating die (with different stem). As soon as my load got compressed, I started leaving a heck of a nose ring.