@b2lee, thanks. as hinted, was thinking that maybe the 24" was too short for N570, so my "guess" at this time was correct. I'm interested to get to know not just the answers, but the math etc behind the answer, understand how to work out the pressure and the pressure curve and timing, for the various powders and then see how that fits into the rifle.
interesting comment on N565, got the impression from allot of people that it might be perfect for my 24", but now your nudge to rather stick to H1k. As you say, I will have to find out what my rifle like, so many as per triumphs semi sarcastic comment above, buy one point of each and see what it prefers, performs best with.
to what extend would the bullet weight impact the powder selection, thinking a heavier bullet might utilise more powder/pressure to get going.
aka a N565 in 24" and a R215 would be a fire blowing monster, but that same powder with a 250gr bullet (no i;m not planning to in 24") but that combination might have more kickback at the pressure, slow this down that nano second, thus reducong the flame blower.