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.300wm - .300wsm

Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

.300 WSM
Mostly Federal Brass
CCI 250 Primers
180 grain Hornady SST
66.7 IMR4350

2.09 OAL for the brass
2.85 OAL for the round

.28 MOA is the best I've shot with this round.....your rounds will only shoot as good as the one pulling the trigger!
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

The rifle: FN SPR 24" chrome lined bore 300WSM 1-10 twist
conditions: 60 degrees, 6mph @ 3o'clock 920 asl.
norma brass, wlr primer, berger 190 VLD, oal +.003 into lands
H4350 powder.

I ran some 3 shot groups at 100 today with the crono, until it stopped working (I think it got to dark for the screens to pick up the bullet).
61gr charge yeilded a .67" group center to center at 2772adv and es of 33 sd of 17 (note that this included one shot which was cold fouled bore and may be the reason for the extreme spread range)
61.5gr @.49" ctc vel @ adv 2789, es of 14, sd of 7

The crono stopped giving readings at this point, but I ran 62gr @ .617 ctc, 62.5gr @ .33 ctc 63gr @ .36 ctc

***Note to work up to these as they are pushing limits per load manual. I had no pressure signs in bolt lift, extration or measured on the case.***
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

Man RL22 is the king of 300win and 300wsm. I was shooting 66.6grs in my tight chamber to 2935 with 190gr VLDS, can shoot ALOT hotter loads but like the accuracy.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Just tried this one and I really like the combo.

Primer: Federal 210
Brass: Hornady
Powder: 73 grains of Reloader 22
Bullet: 190 SMK

I'm getting about 6/10" groups at 100 yards, I probably can get them to group better if I do my part.

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Has anyone done tests using regular instead of magnum primers?

More specifically, is anyone using CCI BR2's instead of magnum primers with Re22?
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I run BR2 in my 300WSM, H4831sc, and 210 JLK w/LBT. I get better performance than using magnum primers. Then again, it is not with RL-22 so...
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Has anyone tried 4831SC with 190 SMK's on a TRG-42 (300WM)?

If so, how'd it work?

I'm looking for a temperature insensitive powder. I've been trying the Vitha Vouri powders, which I've used for years because they are so clean... but I've discovered that they don't do well with temperature flux.

(It appears that most are using RL-22...)

Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM


190Gr Moly SMK

72Gr H4831SC

Winchester LRM primers

Norma 300WM brass

COAL is 3.555"

(Which actually leaves plenty of room in the TRG-42 magazine, and is just before the bore.)

TRG-42 w/ 1/4 inch groups at 100 yards.
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Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

Another load:


190 Moly SMK

72.7Gr Reloader-22

Winchester LRM primers

Norma 300WM brass

COAL is 3.555"

TRG-42 also get's 1/4 groups with this load at 100 yards.

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Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

Next Load:


168Gr Nosler CT Silver Tip

78Gr VV-N560 (the high energy stuff)

Winchester LRM primers

Winchester virgin brass

COAL is 3.545"

TRG-42 getting 1 inch at 100 yards

I had several 3 shot groups in the same hole... but the stuff is SO hot that it was actually causing me to anticipate the shot.

(It's very crisp, but you feel the shock wave... and I've got the Near brake for the TRG.)

No case deformation, no signs of excessive pressure.

Chrono shows approx 3010FPS

To compare N160 to N560: N160 generates 3650J/G and N560 generates 4000J/G

Which is just enough more energy that 20 rounds in a TRG-42 can cause to you have an seriously hot barrel. (Compared to 40 rounds of RL22 which is just getting hot...)

My two cents.
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Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

Lapua 167Gr Secnar Silver Load:

73Gr VV-N560

Winchester once fired brass

Win. LRM primers

COAL is 3.545"

Shoot well too. About 1MOA at 100 yards.

(I'm not liking the VV-N560, as it's harsh.. where at 4831SC and RL22 are nice to shoot with 190 SMK.)
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

185gr Berger VLD
74.5gr Norma MRP
Winchester LRM
Norma neck sized brass (the light cases)
OAL: 3.551"
In my rifle with 26" barrel I get a V0 of 2957 fps
Best 5 round group on 85m (92 yards) is 0.209" center to center.
Best 5 round group on 300m (328 yards) is 2.00" center to center.

190gr Sierra Match King
76.5gr VV 560
CCI 250
Norma neck sized brass (the light cases)
OAL: 3.464"
In my rifle with 26" barrel I get a V0 of 3055 fps
<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold">!! THIS LOAD IS OVER RECOMMENDED MAX!!</span></span>
This load is only tested on short range but looks promising.
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

I am looking for A1 AWM load in 300 Win Mag? I understand some of the loads listed already may work, but I am thinking if someone had already done the leg work in developing loads for the AWM I can just use the data for starter.

Thanks for your help.
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

bob61.......how did the load you mentioned w/ the 180 Noslers perform.......i'm shooting the same bullets and scirocco's (BC almost identical) and would like to load with the 4350......

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I have struggled to get great results from my 300WM Sendero for about 12 months but within the first 10 ahots, I knew I had struck gold with the 208 A-Max. I tried some Re22 that I had in stock and accuracy was good but only just over 2700fps. I tried some H1000 yesterday after reading about it on here and very easily got sub half MOA accuracy and velocity of 2850fps so I am a very happy chappy.

Im shooting a 1000 yard match next saturday and cant wait :)

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

If you go to the Beyond 1000 yards, there are several threads with lots of data with the 208 in the 300WM. Here is one that I have posted:

With Nosler brass, 208 A-max and H1000 powder, 215M, seated to 3.640, here's what I have tried.
Shot at 300 yards at 80 degrees
Started at 76.0 grains- shot MOA, vel avg was 3097, 6 shots.
76.3- had minor pressure signs and velocity avg 3000 fps, 3 shots in 1 1/2" group. I don't know why the first load was much faster.

With R22 powder, tested at 100 yards:
71.2 grains- 2900 fps avg- shot .557" 6 shots, 13 fps ES.
71.6 grain- shot .292" 5 shot group- 2917 fps avg, shot the best, but 27 fps ES.
71.9- 1" group- avg 2945 fps, 32 fps ES.
72.2 grains- .507" group, 2947 fps avg with 3 fps ES. Awesome load.
72.5- over MOA, wierd results- 56 fps ES, 2980 fps avg.
72.7- HOT, over max- 3046 fps- 1 shot (.000" group!)

I haven't had time to try the other rounds I loaded for it with H1000. I started over from 75 grains, working up in .2 grains up to 75.8, which I haven't shot yet.
Just beginning, I would start at 73 or 74 grains of H1000, and work up. If you get a load working, post your results!
Hope this helps!
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

FNSPR-A4 in 300WSM

208gr. Hornady A-Max

Winchester Brass trimmed to 2.09" with uniformed primer pockets and deburred flash-holes.

Federal Gold Medal Large Rifle Magnum primers

69.0grs. of Reloader-19

COAL 3.000" (kind'a easy to remember, huh?)

2,890 fps at the muzzle, ES=28 fps, SD=10 fps

A word of caution here... In my experience, my FNSPR's chrome-lined bore normally requires 1.5-2 grains more powder to build the same pressures and velocity as a non-chrome bore. I have gone up to 70.0gr of Reloader-19 (2,935 fps)with this combination, but extraction was starting to get a little stiff. The 69.0gr. load is plenty fast and hovers around a half-inch at 100.

The COAL of 3.000" is a 0.008" jam into the lands on my rifle, and the 208 likes it that way. They still function fine through the magazine.

I first tried Reloader-22, but I couldn't get enough of it in the case without serious powder compression (up to 72grs.) to make velocity with the chrome bore. Picking up the burn rate with Reloader-19 did the trick.

Consider this load only for the FNSPR 300WSM.

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Started reloading for 300WM this last weekend decided to start testing H4350 with 180 Sierra Gamekings. CCI Mag primers. I found many different max loads in different books and sources. I got clear up to 69.5 Grains of h4350 (shown as max in hornady book) with no pressure signs whatsoever in my rem 5R. My best groups came at about 67.5 Gr. with a 4 shot group at 1.5 inches at 100 with 3 shots touching I must have flinched on the 1st shot because it was the flier. It opened up between 68.0 68.5 but then tightened back up to a decent group 1 inch at 100 with 69gr.

Anyone go hotter than 69.5 with this powder? since the group opened up after 69.0 will it tighten back up if I go higher or am I best to stay at the lower charge?

One other question. I have heard that compressed loads are more consistent than non-compressed loads because the powder is not moving around inside. Is there any merrit to this? I have some IMR 4831 which I can get to a compressed load with but only a couple pounds and dont know when more will be available. However I will be testing some loads with 4831.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

You're working up in .5 grain increments, which is a little too big of a jump. I would try working up in .2 or .3 incremnts around the 69 grain charge. More than likely you passed a sweet spot, just higher or lower than 69. I would try 68.8, 69.0 (again), and 69.2, and see what happens. You are right at max, so you most likely will not be able to get to the next accuracy node.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Thanks for the info. I was planning on going in .2 incraments after I found a load close to what it liked. I was thinking about around that 67.6 67.8. But if you think 69 is the place to start I will take your advice as I would like to keep the FPS as fast as possible and still hold accuracy. Any advice on the copressed load being more consitent?
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

No, not really. There are many schools of thought. A case fill of 85-95% is usually best. But, a lot of 308 loads are compressed loads, and shoot bug holes. I think as long as you are not overly crunching kernels of powder, you are fine. With the loads you are loading, you should have room to spare in the case.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Tried some loads today with my new TRG42 in 300WM. All had great results with the following being the best.

TRG42- 300WM
200 Sierra HPBT MK
68 grs of IMR4350
3.47" OAL
.467" at 100 yards

TRG42- 300WM
200 Sierra HPBT MK
73 grs of H1000
3.47" OAL
.350" at 100 yards

The H1000 will certainly be my powder choice for 300+ but was pleasantly surprised by the IMR4350 with the 200gr sierras. Next up is to head out to the 600 yard range in New Holland and see how she does.
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Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Anyone have a 300 WSM recipe for Berger 210 VLD? I have a Rem 700 SPS Varmint 26" 1/10 twist that I've trying to make into a long range heavy hitter. My reloading manual has recommendations for 200 gr and 220 gr rounds, but nothing in 210 gr.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Haven't posted my results with 210 Berger VLDs and h1000 as I've been busy with college graduation. Anyway, here goes:

300 WM
210gr Berger VLD
73.8grs H1000
3.57" OAL
2 flyers and 3 keyholes

74grs H1000
3.57" OAL
5 keyholes. All touching.

74.3grs H1000
3.57" OAL
5 keyholes. Even tighter grouping. Around .375" group

The 210s definitely liked it when I got to the 74gr region of powder. They seemed inconsistent before that. As always, work up and determine what OAL your rifle can take. The TRG42 can take an OAL of 3.6" it seems.
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Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

For all you guys going short barrel

300wsm 20" rechambered LTR barrel 1-12 twist

Winchester cases
CCI mag primers
Reloader 17 65.5 gr
Hornaday 150gr Interbond
set at mag (bdl) length 2.85"

3035fps 5 rounds over chrony 3032 3037 3036 3035 3035

I tried 4 more at 66.5 grains but only got 10-15 fps faster. looking forward to the day when the 24" barrel get put on!!
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Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Does anybody have any load data for 180gr nosler accubond for 300WM sendero 26" barrel. I have searched for this and looked at nosler's website and the only data they give you is there most accurate load witch is 75.5gr of RL-22 @ 3150 fps. That seems kinda high. Thanks
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: saleen63</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anybody have any load data for 180gr nosler accubond for 300WM sendero 26" barrel. I have searched for this and looked at nosler's website and the only data they give you is there most accurate load witch is 75.5gr of RL-22 @ 3150 fps. That seems kinda high. Thanks </div></div>

Err on the side of caution,my PSS goes overpressure before reaching max loads as suggested by some manuals,I run 72.5gr RL22 with these bullets,haven't chronographed them yet,but accuracy seems decent.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

There is definitely a difference between even the same model rifle,mine seems really finicky about pressure even with Black Hills factory ammo,I'm waiting on a new barrel and hopefully that will be the end of overpressure problems.All I shoot are 180 BT/Accubond and 190 SMK,but have thought of trying the 208 Amax in the new one,I'm also going to a 27-28" barrel.
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emilio</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone have a 155gr load for the 300 WM? </div></div>

Rifle: AI AW
Bullet: 155 Berger VLD bare
Case: Once Fired FGMM, full resized.
Primer: CCI 34
Powder: 76.0 grains of R-22
COL: 3.522, bullet pressure ring (bullet transition to boat tail) is almost right at the neck/shoulder junction
No Chrono
Load grouped nicely at 200 yards, sub half minute. Was in a hurry did not bother to pull target. Will go back to the range to try load again and take pictures of group. Will also provide chrono data.

Based on the QL, after I plugged in my 190 VLD velocity of 3008 FPS, and adjusted QL to match to the Chrono data and then plugged in the 155 and COL for the 155s, QL predicted velocity was 3262. Will validate this velocity at the next range time
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: REELDOC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone using 240 grains SMK's in their 300's? What type of velocities are you getting? </div></div>

27" 1-10 obermeyer..3.6 coal 2700 fps.. unbeleivable accuracy and laughs at the wind. The 1-10 was more than adequate for stability through 4 different barrel makes.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

300 WSM

Savage Model 12 BVSS
26 inch barrel

Winchester Brass
Winchester Large Rifle Magnum Primers
Hornady 155 Gr A-MAX
69 Gr Win 760 ( WORK UP TO THIS)
COL 2.840 inches
FPS 3200 at muzzle

Shoots pretty Decent.
This is almost max values out of the Hornay book.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<span style="font-weight: bold">300 Win Mag</span>


Bullet 168gr Berger VLD
Primer F215M
Brass Win 2.610
Powder 77.5gr RL22
OAL/OGIVE 3.525/2.838

3192fps avg
Shoots very very good out to 500yrds. Haven't tested beyond.
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

300 WSM
31" Rock 1-10
M70 pushfeed

210 Berger
New win brass
WLR primer
61.6gr R22
2.9185" tip to tail (.005 of lands)

Not Chronoed but no pressure signs but Berger say it's max.

Really accurate in my rifle!
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

300 Winchester Short Magnum
Bullet Powder Start Load Approx Start Vel Max Load Approx Max Vel Fill
210 Gr H4350 55.5 2542 58.5 2673 94.5%
210 Gr RE-19 57.0 2572 60.0 2700 99.0%
210 Gr NORMA MRP 60.0 2613 62.8 2737 99.2%
210 Gr VIHT N560 60.5 2636 63.8 2772 99.3%
210 Gr WIN WXR 59.5 2586 62.8 2730 99.8%
210 Gr IMR 7828 SSC 59.5 2595 62.5 2732 99.3%
210 Gr AA XMR 4350 54.0 2560 56.8 2678 92.7%
210 Gr H4831 SC 61.5 2614 65.0 2772 102.7%
210 Gr Ram Hunter 56.5 2586 59.6 2713 91.3%
210 Gr IMR 4350 52.5 2530 55.5 2658 91.6%
210 Gr RE-22 58.5 2555 61.6 2691 99.3%
210 Gr AA MAGPRO 63.0 2558 66.5 2717 102.4%

Per Walt from a 26" barrel at 2.860" COAL

Sorry looked alot better in full screen mode
Re: Loads for .300WM--.300WSM

what are you wanting the rifle to shoot paper or animal short long med range my pet load for hunting 98% of all animals in world ( the two percent are: dangerous 7, big bears, oxen of world.) is 66Gr, h4350, 168 gr barnes triple shock at 3110fps i even shot my moose at 628 yds in neck with this load ( must seat bullet off lands 50 -7 =0 thousands )
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

300WSM load for my CDNN FNH PBR.

68.5gr AA3100, CCI military primer and Winchester case.

I've found that this load works better than any loads I've tried with H4350 or H4831sc with 175SMK.

I can get about 0.5 inch at 100 yards. I can only get 3 shots before the barrel heats up and the group starts spreading. The barrel is thin, measuring only 0.75 in at the muzzle. Once hot, the groups will spread upwards of 3 inches or more.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I just stumbled upon this post. I'm hoping someone of you fellow hide members can help me out with figuring out my dope.

Shooting 180gr Hornaday A-Max, loaded with 77gr IMR 7828 powder and Fed 215 primers.

Haven't shot the rifle yet and my goal is to do some 1000yrd shooting with it. Any info or assistance anyone can provide is appreciated!!